Hiding outgoing links with the WP-NoRef plugin

We all know that outgoing links from our site to other sites are very poorly perceived by search engines. That is, the more links the worse for us. But sometimes you still have to put links (counters, directory buttons, etc.). We will hide them from search engines with a plugin for wordpress β€” WP-NoRef.

Great and simple plugin will do all the work for us. Of course, you can close the links manually, but it's long and dreary and you shouldn't waste time on such nonsense.

Download and install the plugin on your site. Activate. A menu will appear in the blog admin panel WP-NoRef. We go into it and see: Two windows. And that's it!!!!

After our site gets at least 10k ticks and we can add it to the link exchanges, these windows will come in handy. That is, when advertising links are placed on our site, these same links cannot be hidden from search engines. The advertiser pays money to be found by the search engine. The link has been posted, but automatically it will be hidden by the plugin. We add the advertiser's domain to the top window of the plugin. Above the box it says β€œList here a list of exclusion domains that should not be hidden from search engines, separated by commas. For example, site1.ru, site2.ru, site3.ru (without www)", that is, we insert the advertiser's domain in the form of domainadvertiser.ru

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