9 Tips for Windows Terminal by Scott Hanselman

Hey Habr! You may have heard that a new Windows Terminal is coming out very soon. We already wrote about it here. Our colleague Scott Hanselman has prepared some tips on how to work with the new terminal. Join now!

9 Tips for Windows Terminal by Scott Hanselman

So, you've downloaded Windows Terminal and... now what?

At first, you may not be thrilled. It's still a Terminal, and it won't lead you by the hand.

1) Familiarize yourself with Windows Terminal user documentation

2) The settings are expressed in json format. You will do better if your JSON file editor is something like Visual Studio Code and will support JSON Schema as well as intellisense.

  • Check your default settings! For clarity, I present my profile.json (which is by no means ideal). I have set requestedTheme, alwaysShowTabs and defaultProfile.

3) Decide on keyboard shortcuts. Windows Terminal has wide range of customization options.

  • Any key you press can be remapped.

4) Does the design match your desires?

5) Want to take it to the next level? Explore background images.

  • You can set background images or even GIFs. More here.

6) Specify your startingDirectory.

  • If you are using WSL, you may sooner or later want your home directory to be in Linux file system.

7) You can still use Far, GitBash, Cygwin, or cmder if you like. Details in documentation.

8) Examine the Windows Terminal command line arguments.

  • You may know that you can start Windows Terminal using "wt.exe", but now you can use command line arguments too! Here are some examples:
    wt ; split-pane -p "Windows PowerShell" ; split-pane -H wsl.exe
    wt -d .
    wt -d c:github

    At this stage, you can go as far as you want. Make other icons, pin them to the taskbar, have fun. Also, check out subcommands like new-tab, split-pane, and focus-tab.

9) I wrote down video, which demonstrates to a person who is used to Mac and Linux how to set up Windows Terminal in conjunction with WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), you might be interested.

Please share your tips, profiles and favorite terminal themes below!

Source: habr.com

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