Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

In this article, I will show you how to set up opendaylight to work with network equipment, and also show how to use Postman and simple RESTCONF requests, this equipment can be controlled. We will not work with hardware, but instead we will deploy small virtual laboratories with a single router using Vrnetlab over Ubuntu LTS 20.04.

I will show the detailed settings first using the example of a router Juniper vMX 20.1R1.11, and then we compare it with the setting Cisco xRV9000 7.0.2.


  • Required knowledge
  • Part 1: discuss briefly OpenDaylight (hereinafter ODL), Postman и Vrnetlab and why do we need them
  • Part 2: description of the virtual laboratory
  • Part 3: customize opendaylight
  • Part 4: customize Vrnetlab
  • Part 5: by using Postman connect virtual router (Juniper vMX) to ODL
  • Part 6: get and change the router configuration using Postman и ODL
  • Part 7: add Cisco xRV9000
  • Conclusion
  • PS
  • Bibliography

Required knowledge

In order for the article not to turn into a sheet, I omitted some technical details (with links to literature where you can read about them).

In this connection, I offer you topics that it would be good (but almost not necessary) to know before reading:

Part 1: some theory

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

  • An open SDN platform for managing and automating all kinds of networks, supported by Linux Foundation
  • Java inside
  • Based on Model-Driven Service Abstraction Level (MD-SAL)
  • Uses YANG models to automatically generate RESTCONF APIs for network devices

The main module for network management. It is through it that we will communicate with connected devices. Managed through its own API.

You can read more about OpenDaylight here.

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

  • API testing tool
  • Simple and easy to use interface

In our case, we are interested in it as a means for sending REST requests to the OpenDaylight API. You can, of course, send requests manually, but in Postman everything looks very clear and suits our purposes perfectly.

For those who want to dig: a lot of training materials have been written on it (for example).

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

  • Tool for deploying virtual routers in Docker
  • Supports: Cisco XRv, Juniper vMX, Arista vEOS, Nokia VSR, etc.
  • Open Source

A very interesting but little known instrument. In our case, we will use it to run Juniper vMX and Cisco xRV9000 on a regular Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

You can read more about it at project page.

Part 2: Lab

In this tutorial, we will set up the following system:

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

How it works

  • Juniper vMX rises in Docker container (by means Vrnetlab) and functions as the most common virtual router.
  • ODL connected to the router and allows you to control it.
  • Postman launched on a separate machine and through it we send commands ODL: to connect / remove the router, change the configuration, etc.

Commentary on the device of the system

Juniper vMX и ODL require quite a lot of resources for their stable operation. One only vMX asks for 6 Gb of RAM and 4 cores. Therefore, it was decided to move all the "heavyweights" to a separate machine (Heulett Packard Enterprise MicroServer ProLiant Gen8, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS). The router, of course, does not "fly" on it, but the performance is enough for small experiments.

Part 3: Set up OpenDaylight

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

The current version of ODL at the time of this writing is Magnesium SR1

1) Install Java Open JDK 11 (for more detailed installation here)

ubuntu:~$ sudo apt install default-jdk

2) Find and download the latest build ODL hence
3) Unzip the downloaded archive
4) Go to the resulting directory
5) Run ./bin/karaf

At this step ODL should start and we will find ourselves in the console (Port 8181 is used for access from the outside, which we will use later).

Next, install ODL Featuresdesigned to work with protocols NETCONF и RESTCONF. To do this in the console ODL we execute:

opendaylight-user@root> feature:install odl-netconf-topology odl-restconf-all

This is the simplest setup. ODL completed. (For more details, see here).

Part 4: Setting up Vrnetlab

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

System preparation

Before installation Vrnetlab you need to install the packages required for its operation. Such as Docker, git, sshpass:

ubuntu:~$ sudo apt update
ubuntu:~$ sudo apt -y install python3-bs4 sshpass make
ubuntu:~$ sudo apt -y install git
ubuntu:~$ sudo apt install -y 
    apt-transport-https ca-certificates 
    curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
ubuntu:~$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
ubuntu:~$ sudo add-apt-repository 
   "deb [arch=amd64] 
   $(lsb_release -cs) 
ubuntu:~$ sudo apt update
ubuntu:~$ sudo apt install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Installing Vrnetlab

For installation Vrnetlab clone the corresponding repository from github:

ubuntu:~$ cd ~
ubuntu:~$ git clone

Go to the directory vrnetlab:

ubuntu:~$ cd ~/vrnetlab

Here you can see all the scripts needed to run. Please note that a corresponding directory has been made for each type of router:

ubuntu:~/vrnetlab$ ls  config-engine-lite        openwrt           vr-bgp     csr                       routeros          vr-xcon
LICENSE              sros    
Makefile            makefile-install.include  topology-machine  vrp           makefile-sanity.include   veos              vsr1000
ci-builder-image    makefile.include          vmx               xrv
common              nxos                      vqfx              xrv9k

Create an image of the router

Each router that is supported Vrnetlab, has its own unique setup procedure. When Juniper vMX we just need to upload the .tgz archive with the router (you can download it from the official site) to the vmx directory and run the command make:

ubuntu:~$ cd ~/vrnetlab/vmx
ubuntu:~$ # Копируем в эту директорию .tgz архив с роутером
ubuntu:~$ sudo make

Building an image vMX will take about 10-20 minutes. It's time to go get some coffee!

Why so long, you ask?

Translate answer author to this question:

"This is because the first time the VCP (Control Plane) is started, it reads a config file that determines whether it will run as a VRR VCP in vMX. Previously, this launch was done during Docker startup, but this meant that the VCP was always restarted once before the virtual router became available, resulting in a long boot time (about 5 minutes) Now the first run of the VCP is done during the build of the Docker image, and since the Docker build cannot be run with the --privileged option, this means that qemu works without KVM hardware acceleration and thus the build takes a very long time.During this process, a lot of logs are output, so at least you can see what is going on.I think a long build is not so scary because that we create an image once, but we launch many."

After you can see the image of our router in Docker:

ubuntu:~$ sudo docker image list
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
vrnetlab/vr-vmx     20.1R1.11           b1b2369b453c        3 weeks ago         4.43GB
debian              stretch             614bb74b620e        7 weeks ago         101MB

Launch vr-vmx container

We start with the command:

ubuntu:~$ sudo docker run -d --privileged --name jun01 b1b2369b453c

Next, we can see information about active containers:

ubuntu:~$ sudo docker container list
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                     PORTS                                                 NAMES
120f882c8712        b1b2369b453c        "/"        2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes (unhealthy)   22/tcp, 830/tcp, 5000/tcp, 10000-10099/tcp, 161/udp   jun01

Connecting to the router

The IP address of the network interface of the router can be obtained with the following command:

ubuntu:~$ sudo docker inspect --format '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' jun01

Default, Vrnetlab creates a user on the router vrnetlab/VR-netlab9.
Connecting with ssh:

ubuntu:~$ ssh [email protected]
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:g9Sfg/k5qGBTOX96WiCWyoJJO9FxjzXYspRoDPv+C0Y.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
--- JUNOS 20.1R1.11 Kernel 64-bit  JNPR-11.0-20200219.fb120e7_buil
vrnetlab> show version
Model: vmx
Junos: 20.1R1.11

This completes the router setup.

Installation recommendations for routers of various vendors can be found at github project in the respective directories.

Part 5: Postman - connect the router to OpenDaylight

Postman installation

To install, just download the application hence.

Connecting a router to ODL

Let's create PUT inquiry:

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

  1. Query string:
  2. Request body (Body tab):
    <node xmlns="urn:TBD:params:xml:ns:yang:network-topology">
    <host xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology"></host>
    <port xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">22</port>
    <username xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">vrnetlab</username>
    <password xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">VR-netlab9</password>
    <tcp-only xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">false</tcp-only>
    <schema-cache-directory xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">jun01_cache</schema-cache-directory>
  3. On the Authorization tab, you must set the parameter Basic Auth and login/password: admin/admin. This is required to access the ODL:
    Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab
  4. On the Headers tab, you need to add two headers:
    • Accept application/xml
    • Content-Type application/xml

Our request has been made. We send. If everything was configured correctly, then we should return the status "201 Created":

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

What does this request do?

We create node inside ODL with the parameters of the real router we want to access.


These are internal namespaces XML (XML namespace) for ODL according to which it creates node.

Further, respectively, the name of the router is node-id, router address - host and so on.

The most interesting line is the last one. Schema-cache-directory creates a directory where all files are downloaded YANG Schema connected router. You can find them in $ODL_ROOT/cache/jun01_cache.

Checking the connection of the router

Let's create GET inquiry:

  1. Query string:
  2. On the Authorization tab, you must set the parameter Basic Auth and login/password: admin/admin.

We send. Should receive a status of "200 OK" and a list of all supported by the device YANG Schema:

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

Comment: To see the latter, in my case it was necessary to wait about 10 minutes after the execution PUTuntil all YANG schema unload on ODL. Up to this point, when performing this GET query will display the following:

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

Delete the router

Let's create DELETE inquiry:

  1. Query string:
  2. On the Authorization tab, you must set the parameter Basic Auth and login/password: admin/admin.

Part 6: Change the router configuration

Getting the configuration

Let's create GET inquiry:

  1. Query string:
  2. On the Authorization tab, you must set the parameter Basic Auth and login/password: admin/admin.

We send. Should receive the status "200 OK" and the router configuration:

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

Create a configuration

As an example, let's create the following configuration and modify it:

protocols {
    bgp {

Let's create POST inquiry:

  1. Query string:
  2. Request body (Body tab):
    <bgp xmlns="">
  3. On the Authorization tab, you must set the parameter Basic Auth and login/password: admin/admin.
  4. On the Headers tab, you need to add two headers:
    • Accept application/xml
    • Content-Type application/xml

After sending, they should receive the status "204 No Content"

To check that the configuration has changed, you can use the previous query. But for example, we will create another one that will display information only about the protocols configured on the router.

Let's create GET inquiry:

  1. Query string:
  2. On the Authorization tab, you must set the parameter Basic Auth and login/password: admin/admin.

After executing the request, we will see the following:

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

Change the configuration

Let's change the information about the BGP protocol. After our actions, it will look like this:

protocols {
    bgp {

Let's create PUT inquiry:

  1. Query string:
  2. Request body (Body tab):
    <protocols xmlns="">
  3. On the Authorization tab, you must set the parameter Basic Auth and login/password: admin/admin.
  4. On the Headers tab, you need to add two headers:
    • Accept application/xml
    • Content-Type application/xml

Using the previous GET request, we see the changes:

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

Delete the configuration

Let's create DELETE inquiry:

  1. Query string:
  2. On the Authorization tab, you must set the parameter Basic Auth and login/password: admin/admin.

On call GET request with information about the protocols, we will see the following:

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab


In order to change the configuration, it is not necessary to send the request body in the format XML. This can also be done in the format JSON.

To do this, for example, in the query PUT to change the configuration, replace the request body with:

    "junos-conf-protocols:protocols": {
        "bgp": {
            "description" : "Changed in postman" 

Don't forget to change the headers on the Headers tab to:

  • Accept application/json
  • Content-Type application/json

After sending, we will get the following result (We look at the answer using GET request):

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

Part 7: Adding the Cisco xRV9000

What are we all about Juniper, yes Juniper? Let's talk about Cisco!
I found xRV9000 version 7.0.2 (a beast that needs 8Gb RAM and 4 cores. It is not freely available, so contact Cisco) - let's run it.

Running a container

The process of creating a Docker container is practically no different from Juniper. Similarly, we drop the .qcow2 file with the router into the directory corresponding to its name (in this case, xrv9k) and execute the command make docker-image.

After a few minutes, we see that the image has been created:

ubuntu:~$ sudo docker image ls
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
vrnetlab/vr-xrv9k   7.0.2               54debc7973fc        4 hours ago         1.7GB
vrnetlab/vr-vmx     20.1R1.11           b1b2369b453c        4 weeks ago         4.43GB
debian              stretch             614bb74b620e        7 weeks ago         101MB

We start the container:

ubuntu:~$ sudo docker run -d --privileged --name xrv01 54debc7973fc

After a while, we look that the container has started:

ubuntu:~$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                 PORTS                                                      NAMES
058c5ecddae3        54debc7973fc        "/"        4 hours ago         Up 4 hours (healthy)   22/tcp, 830/tcp, 5000-5003/tcp, 10000-10099/tcp, 161/udp   xrv01

Connect via ssh:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ssh [email protected]

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show version
Mon Jul  6 12:19:28.036 UTC
Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 7.0.2
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Build Information:
 Built By     : ahoang
 Built On     : Fri Mar 13 22:27:54 PDT 2020
 Built Host   : iox-ucs-029
 Workspace    : /auto/srcarchive15/prod/7.0.2/xrv9k/ws
 Version      : 7.0.2
 Location     : /opt/cisco/XR/packages/
 Label        : 7.0.2

cisco IOS-XRv 9000 () processor
System uptime is 3 hours 22 minutes

Connecting the router to OpenDaylight

Adding occurs in a completely similar way with vMX. We just need to change the names.
PUT inquiry:
Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

Call after a while GET query to check that everything is connected:
Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

Change the configuration

Let's set up the following configuration:

router ospf LAB
 mpls ldp auto-config

Let's create POST inquiry:

  1. Query string:
  2. Request body (Body tab):
        "processes": {
            "process": [
                    "process-name": "LAB",
                    "default-vrf": {
                        "process-scope": {
                            "ldp-auto-config": [
  3. On the Authorization tab, you must set the parameter Basic Auth and login/password: admin/admin.
  4. On the Headers tab, you need to add two headers:
    • Accept application/json
    • Content-Type application/json

After its execution, they should receive the status "204 No Content".

Let's check what we got.
To do this, we will create GET inquiry:

  1. Query string:
  2. On the Authorization tab, you must set the parameter Basic Auth and login/password: admin/admin.

After execution, you should see the following:

Automation of network services or how to build a virtual laboratory using OpenDaylight, Postman and Vrnetlab

To remove the configuration use DELETE:

  1. Query string:
  2. On the Authorization tab, you must set the parameter Basic Auth and login/password: admin/admin.


In total, as you may have noticed, the procedures for connecting Cisco and Juniper to OpenDaylight do not differ - this opens up quite a wide scope for creativity. Starting from configuration management of all network components and ending with the creation of your own network policies.
In this tutorial, I have given the simplest examples of how you can interact with network equipment using OpenDaylight. Without a doubt, the queries from the above examples can be made much more complex and set up entire services with one click of the mouse - everything is limited only by your imagination *

To be continued ...


If you suddenly already know all this or, on the contrary, have gone through and sunk into the soul of ODL, then I recommend looking towards developing applications on the ODL controller. You can start hence.

Successful experiments!


  1. Vrnetlab: Emulate networks using KVM and Docker /Brian Linkletter
  2. OpenDaylight Cookbook / Mathieu Lemay, Alexis de Talhouet, Et al
  3. Network Programmability with YANG / Benoît Claise, Loe Clarke, Jan Lindblad
  4. Learning XML, Second Edition / Erik T. Ray
  5. Effective DevOps / Jennifer Davis, Ryn Daniels


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