Daily reports on the status of virtual machines using R and PowerShell

Daily reports on the status of virtual machines using R and PowerShell


Good afternoon. For half a year now, we have been running a script (more precisely, a set of scripts) that generates reports on the state of virtual machines (and not only). I decided to share my experience of creation and the code itself. I count on criticism and the fact that this material may be useful to someone.

Formation of need

We have a lot of virtual machines (about 1500 VMs distributed over 3 vCenters). New ones are created and old ones are deleted quite often. To preserve order, several custom fields were added to vCenter to divide VMs into Subsystems, indicate whether they are test ones, and also by whom and when they were created. The human factor led to the fact that more than half of the machines were left with blank fields, which complicated the work. Once every half a year, someone freaked out, started work on updating these data, but the result ceased to be relevant after a week and a half.
I’ll clarify right away that everyone understands that there should be applications for the creation of machines, a process for their creation, etc. and so on. And at the same time, everyone strictly follows this process and everything is in order. Unfortunately, this is not the case with us, but this is not the subject of the article 🙂

In general, it was decided to automate the verification of the correctness of filling in the fields.
We decided that a daily letter with a list of incorrectly completed machines to all responsible engineers and their superiors would be a good start.

At this point, one of my colleagues had already implemented a PowerShell script that collected information on all machines of all vCenters every day and generated 3 csv documents (each for its own vCenter), which were laid out on a shared disk. It was decided to take this script as a basis and supplement it with checks using the R language, with which there was some experience.

In the process of finalization, the solution was overgrown with information by mail, a database with a main and historical table (more on that later), as well as an analysis of vSphere logs to find the actual creators of the vm and the time they were created.

IDE RStudio Desktop and PowerShell ISE were used for development.

The script is launched from a normal Windows virtual machine.

Description of the general logic.

The general logic of the scripts is as follows.

  • We collect data on virtual machines using a PowerShell script that we call through R, we combine the result into one csv. The reverse interaction between languages ​​is done similarly. (it was possible to drive data directly from R to PowerShell in the form of variables, but this is difficult, and having intermediate csv is easier to debug and share intermediate results with someone).
  • Using R, we form valid parameters for the fields whose values ​​we check. - We form a word document that will contain the values ​​​​of these fields for insertion into an information letter, which will be the answer to the questions of colleagues "Well, how should I fill this out?".
  • We load data for all VMs from csv using R, form a dataframe, remove unnecessary fields and form an xlsx information document that will contain summary information for all VMs, which we post on a shared resource.
  • We apply all checks for the correctness of filling in the fields to the dataframe for all VMs and form a table containing only VMs with incorrectly filled fields (and only these fields).
  • We send the resulting list of VMs to another PowerShell script that will look at vCenter logs for VM creation events, which will allow you to specify the estimated time of VM creation and the alleged creator. This is in case no one confesses whose car. This script does not work quickly, especially if there are a lot of logs, so we only look at the last 2 weeks, and also use workflow, which allows you to search for information on several VMs at the same time. The sample script has detailed comments on this mechanism. The result is added to csv, which is again loaded into R.
  • We form a beautifully formatted xlsx document, in which incorrectly filled fields will be highlighted in red, filters are applied to some columns, and additional columns containing the alleged creators and the time of creation of the VM are indicated.
  • We form an e-mail, where we attach a document describing the permissible values ​​​​of the fields, as well as a table with incorrectly filled in vm. In the text, we indicate the total number of incorrectly created VMs, a link to a shared resource and a motivational picture. If there are no incorrectly filled VMs, we send another letter with a more joyful motivational picture.
  • We write data for all VMs to the SQL Server database, taking into account the implemented mechanism of historical tables (a very interesting mechanism - which will be discussed in more detail later)

Actually scripts

Main file with R code

# Путь к рабочей директории (нужно для корректной работы через виндовый планировщик заданий)
#### Подгружаем необходимые пакеты ####
##### Определяем пути к исходным файлам и другие переменные #####
source(file = "const.R", local = T, encoding = "utf-8")
# Проверяем существование файла со всеми ВМ и удаляем, если есть.
if (file.exists(filenameVmCreationRules)) {file.remove(filenameVmCreationRules)}
#### Создаём вордовский документ с допустимыми полями
output_format = word_document(),
output_file = filenameVmCreationRules)
# Проверяем существование файла со всеми ВМ и удаляем, если есть
if (file.exists(allVmXlsxPath)) {file.remove(allVmXlsxPath)}
#### Забираем данные по всем машинам через PowerShell скрипт. На выходе получим csv.
system(paste0("powershell -File ", getVmPsPath))
# Полный df
fullXslx_df <- allVmXlsxPath %>% 
read.csv2(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Проверяем корректность заполненных полей
full_df <- fullXslx_df %>%
# Сначала убираем все лишние пробелы и табуляции, потом учитываем разделитель запятую, потом проверяем вхождение в допустимые значения,
isSubsystemCorrect = Subsystem %>% 
gsub("[[:space:]]", "", .) %>% 
str_split(., ",") %>% 
map(function(x) (all(x %in% AllowedValues$Subsystem))) %>%
isOwnerCorrect = Owner %in% AllowedValues$Owner,
isCategoryCorrect = Category %in% AllowedValues$Category,
isCreatorCorrect = (!is.na(Creator) & Creator != ''),
isCreation.DateCorrect = map(Creation.Date, IsDate)
# Проверяем существование файла со всеми ВМ и удаляем, если есть.
if (file.exists(filenameAll)) {file.remove(filenameAll)}
#### Формируем xslx файл с отчётом ####
# Общие данные на отдельный лист
full_df %>% write.xlsx(file=filenameAll,
#### Формируем xslx файл с неправильно заполненными полями ####
# Формируем df
incorrect_df <- full_df %>%
vCenter.Name) %>%
filter(isSubsystemCorrect == F | 
isOwnerCorrect == F |
isCategoryCorrect == F |
isCreatorCorrect == F)
# Проверяем существование файла со всеми ВМ и удаляем, если есть.
if (file.exists(filenameIncVM)) {file.remove(filenameIncVM)}
# Сохраняем список VM с незаполненными полями в csv
incorrect_df %>%
select(VM.Name) %>%
write_csv2(path = filenameIncVM, append = FALSE)
# Фильтруем для вставки в почту
incorrect_df_filtered <- incorrect_df %>% 
# Считаем количество строк
numberOfRows <- nrow(incorrect_df)
#### Начало условия ####
# Дальше либо у нас есть неправильно заполненные поля, либо нет.
# Если есть - запускаем ещё один скрипт
if (numberOfRows > 0) {
# Проверяем существование файла с создателями и удаляем, если есть.
if (file.exists(creatorsFilePath)) {file.remove(creatorsFilePath)}
# Запускаем PowerShell скрипт, который найдёт создателей найденных VM. На выходе получим csv.
system(paste0("powershell -File ", getCreatorsPath))
# Читаем файл с создателями
creators_df <- creatorsFilePath %>%
read.csv2(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Фильтруем для вставки в почту, добавляем данные из таблицы с создателями
incorrect_df_filtered <- incorrect_df_filtered %>% 
) %>% 
left_join(creators_df, by = "VM.Name") %>% 
rename(`Предполагаемый создатель` = CreatedBy, 
`Предполагаемая дата создания` = CreatedOn)  
# Формируем тело письма
emailBody <- paste0(
<h3>Добрый день, уважаемые коллеги.</h3>
<p>Полную актуальную информацию по виртуальным машинам вы можете посмотреть на диске H: вот тут:<p>
<p>server.ruVM', sourceFileFormat, '</p>
<p>Также во вложении список ВМ с <strong>некорректно заполненными</strong> полями. Всего их <strong>', numberOfRows,'</strong>.</p>
<p>В таблице появилось 2 дополнительные колонки. <strong>Предполагаемый создатель</strong> и <strong>Предполагаемая дата создания</strong>, которые достаются из логов vCenter за последние 2 недели</p>
<p>Просьба создателей машин уточнить данные и заполнить поля корректно. Правила заполнения полей также во вложении</p>
<p><img src="data/meme.jpg"></p>
# Проверяем существование файла
if (file.exists(filenameIncorrect)) {file.remove(filenameIncorrect)}
# Формируем красивую таблицу с форматами и т.д.
source(file = "email.R", local = T, encoding = "utf-8")
#### Формируем письмо с плохо подписанными машинами ####
send.mail(from = emailParams$from,
to = emailParams$to,
subject = "ВМ с некорректно заполненными полями",
body = emailBody,
encoding = "utf-8",
html = TRUE,
inline = TRUE,
smtp = emailParams$smtpParams,
authenticate = TRUE,
send = TRUE,
attach.files = c(filenameIncorrect, filenameVmCreationRules),
debug = FALSE)
#### Дальше пойдёт блок, если нет проблем с ВМ ####
} else {
# Формируем тело письма
emailBody <- paste0(
<h3>Добрый день, уважаемые коллеги</h3>
<p>Полную актуальную информацию по виртуальным машинам вы можете посмотреть на диске H: вот тут:<p>
<p>server.ruVM', sourceFileFormat, '</p>
<p>Также, на текущий момент, все поля ВМ корректно заполнены</p>
<p><img src="data/meme_correct.jpg"></p>
#### Формируем письмо без плохо заполненных VM ####
send.mail(from = emailParams$from,
to = emailParams$to,
subject = "Сводная информация",
body = emailBody,
encoding = "utf-8",
html = TRUE,
inline = TRUE,
smtp = emailParams$smtpParams,
authenticate = TRUE,
send = TRUE,
debug = FALSE)
####### Записываем данные в БД #####
source(file = "DB.R", local = T, encoding = "utf-8")

Script to get vm list on PowerShell

# Данные для подключения и другие переменные
$vCenterNames = @(
$vCenterUsername = "myusername"
$vCenterPassword = "mypassword"
$filename = "C:ScriptsgetVmdataallvmall-vm-$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).csv"
$destinationSMB = "server.rumyfolder$vm"
# Подключение ко всем vCenter, что содержатся в переменной. Будет работать, если логин и пароль одинаковые (например, доменные)
Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenterNames -User $vCenterUsername -Password $vCenterPassword
write-host ""
# Создаём функцию с циклом по всем vCenter-ам
function Get-VMinventory {
# В этой переменной будет списко всех ВМ, как объектов
$AllVM = Get-VM | Sort Name
$cnt = $AllVM.Count
$count = 1
# Начинаем цикл по всем ВМ и собираем необходимые параметры каждого объекта
foreach ($vm in $AllVM) {
$StartTime = $(get-date)
$IP0 = $vm.Guest.IPAddress[0]
$IP1 = $vm.Guest.IPAddress[1]
$IP2 = $vm.Guest.IPAddress[2]
$IP3 = $vm.Guest.IPAddress[3]
$IP4 = $vm.Guest.IPAddress[4]
$IP5 = $vm.Guest.IPAddress[5]
If ($IP0 -ne $null) {If ($IP0.Contains(":") -ne 0) {$IP0=""}}
If ($IP1 -ne $null) {If ($IP1.Contains(":") -ne 0) {$IP1=""}}
If ($IP2 -ne $null) {If ($IP2.Contains(":") -ne 0) {$IP2=""}}
If ($IP3 -ne $null) {If ($IP3.Contains(":") -ne 0) {$IP3=""}}
If ($IP4 -ne $null) {If ($IP4.Contains(":") -ne 0) {$IP4=""}}
If ($IP5 -ne $null) {If ($IP5.Contains(":") -ne 0) {$IP5=""}}
$cluster = $vm | Get-Cluster | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name  
$Bootime = $vm.ExtensionData.Runtime.BootTime
$TotalHDDs = $vm.ProvisionedSpaceGB -as [int]
$CreationDate = $vm.CustomFields.Item("CreationDate") -as [string]
$Creator = $vm.CustomFields.Item("Creator") -as [string]
$Category = $vm.CustomFields.Item("Category") -as [string]
$Owner = $vm.CustomFields.Item("Owner") -as [string]
$Subsystem = $vm.CustomFields.Item("Subsystem") -as [string]
$IPS = $vm.CustomFields.Item("IP") -as [string]
$vCPU = $vm.NumCpu
$CorePerSocket = $vm.ExtensionData.config.hardware.NumCoresPerSocket
$Sockets = $vCPU/$CorePerSocket
$Id = $vm.Id.Split('-')[2] -as [int]
# Собираем все параметры в один объект
$Vmresult = New-Object PSObject
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Id" -Value $Id   
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VM Name" -Value $vm.Name  
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster" -Value $cluster  
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Esxi Host" -Value $VM.VMHost  
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IP Address 1" -Value $IP0
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IP Address 2" -Value $IP1
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IP Address 3" -Value $IP2
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IP Address 4" -Value $IP3
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IP Address 5" -Value $IP4
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IP Address 6" -Value $IP5
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "vCPU" -Value $vCPU
$Vmresult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CPU Sockets" -Value $Sockets
$Vmresult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Core per Socket" -Value $CorePerSocket
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "RAM (GB)" -Value $vm.MemoryGB
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Total-HDD (GB)" -Value $TotalHDDs
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Power State" -Value $vm.PowerState
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OS" -Value $VM.ExtensionData.summary.config.guestfullname  
$Vmresult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Boot Time" -Value $Bootime
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMTools Status" -Value $vm.ExtensionData.Guest.ToolsStatus  
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMTools Version" -Value $vm.ExtensionData.Guest.ToolsVersion  
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMTools Version Status" -Value $vm.ExtensionData.Guest.ToolsVersionStatus  
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMTools Running Status" -Value $vm.ExtensionData.Guest.ToolsRunningStatus  
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Creation Date" -Value $CreationDate
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Creator" -Value $Creator
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Category" -Value $Category
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Owner" -Value $Owner
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Subsystem" -Value $Subsystem
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IP's" -Value $IPS
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "vCenter Name" -Value $vm.Uid.Split('@')[1].Split(':')[0]  
# Считаем общее и оставшееся время выполнения и выводим на экран результаты. Использовалось для тестирования, но по факту оказалось очень удобно.
$elapsedTime = $(get-date) - $StartTime
$totalTime = "{0:HH:mm:ss}" -f ([datetime]($elapsedTime.Ticks*($cnt - $count)))
Write-Host "Processing" $count "from" $cnt 
Write-host "Progress:" ([math]::Round($count/$cnt*100, 2)) "%" 
Write-host "You have about " $totalTime "for cofee"
Write-host ""
# Выводим результат, чтобы цикл "знал" что является результатом выполнения одного прохода
# Вызываем получившуюся функцию и сразу выгружаем результат в csv
$allVm = Get-VMinventory | Export-CSV -Path $filename -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture -Force
# Пытаемся выложить полученный файл в нужное нам место и, в случае ошибки, пишем лог.
Copy-Item $filename -Destination $destinationSMB -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$error | Export-CSV -Path $filename".error" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture -Force

PowerShell script that pulls out the creators of virtual machines and the dates of their creation from the logs

# Путь к файлу, из которого будем доставать список VM
$VMfilePath = "C:ScriptsgetVmcreators_VMcreators_VM_$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).csv"
# Путь к файлу, в который будем записывать результат
$filePath = "C:ScriptsgetVmdatacreatorscreators-$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).csv"
# Создаём вокрфлоу
Workflow GetCreators-Wf
# Параметры, которые можно будет передать при вызове скрипта
# Параметры, которые доступны только внутри workflow
$vCenterUsername = "myusername"
$vCenterPassword = "mypassword"
$daysToLook = 14
$start = (get-date).AddDays(-$daysToLook)
$finish = get-date
# Значения, которые будут вписаны в csv для машин, по которым не будет ничего найдено
$UnknownUser = "UNKNOWN"
$UnknownCreatedTime = "0000-00-00"
# Определяем параметры подключения и выводной файл, которые будут доступны во всём скрипте.
$vCenterNames = @(
# Получаем список VM из csv и загружаем соответствующие объекты
$list = Import-Csv $VMfilePath -UseCulture | select -ExpandProperty VM.Name
# Цикл, который будет выполняться параллельно (по 5 машин за раз)
foreach -parallel ($row in $list)
# Это скрипт, который видит только свои переменные и те, которые ему переданы через $Using
InlineScript {
# Время начала выполнения отдельного блока
$StartTime = $(get-date)
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Processing $Using:row started at $StartTime"
Write-Host ""
# Подключение оборачиваем в переменную, чтобы информация о нём не мешалась в консоли
$con = Connect-VIServer -Server $Using:vCenterNames -User $Using:vCenterUsername -Password $Using:vCenterPassword
# Получаем объект vm
$vm = Get-VM -Name $Using:row
# Ниже 2 одинаковые команды. Одна с фильтром по времени, вторая - без. Можно пользоваться тем,
$Event = $vm | Get-VIEvent -Start $Using:start -Finish $Using:finish -Types Info | Where { $_.Gettype().Name -eq "VmBeingDeployedEvent" -or $_.Gettype().Name -eq "VmCreatedEvent" -or $_.Gettype().Name -eq "VmRegisteredEvent" -or $_.Gettype().Name -eq "VmClonedEvent"}
# $Event = $vm | Get-VIEvent -Types Info | Where { $_.Gettype().Name -eq "VmBeingDeployedEvent" -or $_.Gettype().Name -eq "VmCreatedEvent" -or $_.Gettype().Name -eq "VmRegisteredEvent" -or $_.Gettype().Name -eq "VmClonedEvent"}
# Заполняем параметры в зависимости от того, удалось ли в логах найти что-то
If (($Event | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0){
$User = $Using:UnknownUser
$Created = $Using:UnknownCreatedTime
$CreatedFormat = $Using:UnknownCreatedTime
} Else {
If ($Event.Username -eq "" -or $Event.Username -eq $null) {
$User = $Using:UnknownUser
} Else {
$User = $Event.Username
} # Else
$CreatedFormat = $Event.CreatedTime
# Один из коллег отдельно просил, чтобы время было в таком формате, поэтому дублируем его. А в БД пойдёт нормальный формат.
$Created = $Event.CreatedTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')
} # Else
Write-Host "Creator for $vm is $User. Creating object."
# Создаём объект. Добавляем параметры.
$Vmresult = New-Object PSObject
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VM Name" -Value $vm.Name  
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CreatedBy" -Value $User
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CreatedOn" -Value $CreatedFormat
$Vmresult | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CreatedOnFormat" -Value $Created           
# Выводим результаты
} # Inline
} # ForEach
$Creators = GetCreators-Wf $VMfilePath
# Записываем результат в файл
$Creators | select 'VM Name', CreatedBy, CreatedOn | Export-Csv -Path $filePath -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture -Force
Write-Host "CSV generetion finisghed at $(get-date). PROFIT"

The library deserves special attention. xLSX, which made it possible to make the attachment to the letter visually formatted (as the manual likes), and not just a csv table.

Formation of a beautiful xlsx document with a list of incorrectly filled machines

# Создаём новую книгу
# Возможные значения : "xls" и "xlsx"
# Стили для имён рядов и колонок в таблицах
TABLE_ROWNAMES_STYLE <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE)
TABLE_COLNAMES_STYLE <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold=TRUE) +
Alignment(wrapText=TRUE, horizontal="ALIGN_CENTER") +
Border(color="black", position=c("TOP", "BOTTOM"), 
# Создаём новый лист
sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = names[2])
# Добавляем таблицу
sheet, startRow=1, startColumn=1,  row.names=FALSE, byrow=FALSE,
# Меняем ширину, чтобы форматирование было автоматическим
autoSizeColumn(sheet = sheet, colIndex=c(1:ncol(incorrect_df)))
# Добавляем фильтры
addAutoFilter(sheet, cellRange = "C1:G1")
# Определяем стиль
fo2 <- Fill(foregroundColor="red")
cs2 <- CellStyle(wb, 
fill = fo2, 
dataFormat = DataFormat("@"))
# Находим ряды с неверно заполненным полем Владельца и применяем к ним определённый стиль
rowsOwner <- getRows(sheet, rowIndex = (which(!incorrect_df$isOwnerCorrect) + 1))
cellsOwner <- getCells(rowsOwner, colIndex = which( colnames(incorrect_df_filtered) == "Owner" )) 
lapply(names(cellsOwner), function(x) setCellStyle(cellsOwner[[x]], cs2))
# Находим ряды с неверно заполненным полем Подсистемы и применяем к ним определённый стиль
rowsSubsystem <- getRows(sheet, rowIndex = (which(!incorrect_df$isSubsystemCorrect) + 1))
cellsSubsystem <- getCells(rowsSubsystem, colIndex = which( colnames(incorrect_df_filtered) == "Subsystem" )) 
lapply(names(cellsSubsystem), function(x) setCellStyle(cellsSubsystem[[x]], cs2))
# Аналогично по Категории
rowsCategory <- getRows(sheet, rowIndex = (which(!incorrect_df$isCategoryCorrect) + 1))
cellsCategory <- getCells(rowsCategory, colIndex = which( colnames(incorrect_df_filtered) == "Category" )) 
lapply(names(cellsCategory), function(x) setCellStyle(cellsCategory[[x]], cs2))
# Создатель
rowsCreator <- getRows(sheet, rowIndex = (which(!incorrect_df$isCreatorCorrect) + 1))
cellsCreator <- getCells(rowsCreator, colIndex = which( colnames(incorrect_df_filtered) == "Creator" )) 
lapply(names(cellsCreator), function(x) setCellStyle(cellsCreator[[x]], cs2))
# Сохраняем файл
saveWorkbook(wb, filenameIncorrect)

The output is something like this:

Daily reports on the status of virtual machines using R and PowerShell

There was also an interesting nuance in setting up the Windows scheduller. It was impossible to find the right parameters of rights and settings so that everything would start as it should. As a result, the R library was found, which itself creates a task to run the R script and does not even forget about the log file. Then you can manually correct the task.

A piece of R code with two examples that creates a task in the Windows Scheduler

myscript <- file.path(getwd(), "all_vm.R")
## запускаем скрипт через 62 секунды
taskscheduler_create(taskname = "getAllVm", rscript = myscript, 
schedule = "ONCE", starttime = format(Sys.time() + 62, "%H:%M"))
## запускаем скрипт каждый день в 09:10
taskscheduler_create(taskname = "getAllVmDaily", rscript = myscript, 
schedule = "WEEKLY", 
days = c("MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI"),
starttime = "02:00")
## удаляем задачи
taskscheduler_delete(taskname = "getAllVm")
taskscheduler_delete(taskname = "getAllVmDaily")
# Смотрим логи (последние 4 строчки)
tail(readLines("all_vm.log"), sep ="n", n = 4)

Separately about the database

After setting up the script, other issues began to appear. For example, I wanted to find the date when the VM was deleted, and the logs in vCenter were already rubbed. Since the script puts the files in a folder every day and does not clean it (we clean it with our hands when we remember), we can look through the old files and find the first file that does not contain this VM. But that's not cool.

I wanted to create a historical database.

The functionality of MS SQL SERVER came to the rescue - system-versioned temporal table. It is usually translated as temporary (not temporary) tables.

You can read in detail in Microsoft official documentation.

In short, we create a table, we say that we will have it with versioning, and SQL Server creates 2 additional datetime columns in this table (the record creation date and the record life end date) and an additional table into which changes will be written. As a result, we get up-to-date information and, by means of simple queries, examples of which are given in the documentation, we can see either the life cycle of a particular virtual machine, or the state of all VMs at a certain point in time.

In terms of performance, the write transaction to the main table will not be completed until the write transaction to the temporary table completes. Those. on tables with a large number of write operations, this functionality should be implemented with caution, but in our case it is a very cool thing.

In order for the mechanism to work correctly, it was necessary to add a small piece of code to R that would compare the new table with data for all VMs with the one stored in the database and write only changed rows to it. The code is not particularly tricky, it uses the compareDF library, but I will also give it below.

R code for writing data to the database

# Подцепляем пакеты
# Формируем коннект
con <- dbConnect(odbc(),
Driver = "ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server",
Server = DBParams$server,
Database = DBParams$database,
UID = DBParams$UID,
PWD = DBParams$PWD,
Port = 1433)
#### Проверяем есть ли таблица. Если нет - создаём. ####
if (!dbExistsTable(con, DBParams$TblName)) {
#### Создаём таблицу ####
create <- dbSendStatement(
[VM.Name] [varchar](255) NULL,
[Cluster] [varchar](255) NULL,
[Esxi.Host] [varchar](255) NULL,
[IP.Address.1] [varchar](255) NULL,
[IP.Address.2] [varchar](255) NULL,
[IP.Address.3] [varchar](255) NULL,
[IP.Address.4] [varchar](255) NULL,
[IP.Address.5] [varchar](255) NULL,
[IP.Address.6] [varchar](255) NULL,
[vCPU] [int] NULL,
[CPU.Sockets] [int] NULL,
[Core.per.Socket] [int] NULL,
[RAM..GB.] [int] NULL,
[Total.HDD..GB.] [int] NULL,
[Power.State] [varchar](255) NULL,
[OS] [varchar](255) NULL,
[Boot.Time] [varchar](255) NULL,
[VMTools.Status] [varchar](255) NULL,
[VMTools.Version] [int] NULL,
[VMTools.Version.Status] [varchar](255) NULL,
[VMTools.Running.Status] [varchar](255) NULL,
[Creation.Date] [varchar](255) NULL,
[Creator] [varchar](255) NULL,
[Category] [varchar](255) NULL,
[Owner] [varchar](255) NULL,
[Subsystem] [varchar](255) NULL,
[IP.s] [varchar](255) NULL,
[vCenter.Name] [varchar](255) NULL,
# Отправляем подготовленный запрос
} # if
#### Начало работы с таблицей ####
# Обозначаем таблицу, с которой будем работать
allVM_db_con <- tbl(con, DBParams$TblName) 
#### Сравниваем таблицы ####
# Собираем данные с таблицы (убираем служебные временные поля)
allVM_db <- allVM_db_con %>% 
select(c(-"DateTo", -"DateFrom")) %>% 
# Создаём таблицу со сравнением объектов. Сравниваем по Id
# Удалённые объекты там будут помечены через -, созданные через +, изменённые через - и +
ctable_VM <- fullXslx_df %>% 
#### Удаление строк ####
# Выдираем Id виртуалок, записи о которых надо удалить 
remove_Id <- ctable_VM$comparison_df %>% 
filter(chng_type == "-") %>%
# Проверяем, что есть записи (если записей нет - и удалять ничего не нужно)
if (remove_Id %>% nrow() > 0) {
# Конструируем шаблон для запроса на удаление данных
delete <- dbSendStatement(con, 
' WHERE "Id"=?
') # paste
) # send
# Создаём запрос на удаление данных
dbBind(delete, remove_Id)
# Отправляем подготовленный запрос
} # if
#### Добавление строк ####
# Выделяем таблицу, содержащую строки, которые нужно добавить.
allVM_add <- ctable_VM$comparison_df %>% 
filter(chng_type == "+") %>% 
# Проверяем, есть ли строки, которые нужно добавить и добавляем (если нет - не добавляем)
if (allVM_add %>% nrow() > 0) {
# Пишем таблицу со всеми необходимыми данными
overwrite = FALSE,
append = TRUE)
} # if
#### Не забываем сделать дисконнект ####


As a result of the implementation of the script, order was established and maintained in a few months. Sometimes incorrectly filled VMs appear, but the script serves as a good reminder and a rare VM gets into the list 2 days in a row.

A groundwork was also made for the analysis of historical data.

It is clear that much of this can be implemented not "on the knee", but with specialized software, but the task was interesting and, one might say, optional.

R once again proved to be an excellent universal language, which is perfect not only for solving statistical problems, but also acts as an excellent "gasket" between other data sources.

Daily reports on the status of virtual machines using R and PowerShell

Source: habr.com

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