GitHub has completely removed the repository of the utility for bypassing locks

April 10, 2019 GitHub removed the repository of the popular utility without declaring war GoodByeDPIdesigned to bypass government blocking (censorship) of sites on the Internet.

GitHub has completely removed the repository of the utility for bypassing locks

What is DPI, how is it related to blocking and why fight it (according to the author):

Providers of the Russian Federation, for the most part, use systems of deep traffic analysis (DPI, Deep Packet Inspection) to block sites included in the register of prohibited ones. There is no single standard for DPI, there are a large number of implementations from different DPI solution providers that differ in the type of connection and type of work.

And just a couple of days ago, according to Google cache, the repository looked more cheerful:

GitHub has completely removed the repository of the utility for bypassing locks

You can see that almost 2000 people have added the utility to their favorites, and 207 have forked it. But that's three days ago, and now it's a 404 error.

Here is how its author described the functionality of the utility:

GoodbyeDPI can block passive DPI redirect packets, replace Host with hoSt, remove space between colon and host value in Host header, fragment HTTP and HTTPS packets (set TCP Window Size), and add extra space between HTTP method and way. The advantage of this workaround is that it is completely offline: there are no external servers to block.

You can read more about GoodbyeDPI in an article written two years ago by its author. right on HabrΓ©.


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