Hi SaaS | Russian SaaS 2018 - results

Hi SaaS | Russian SaaS 2018 - results

A traditional post about what happened in Russian SaaS over the past year - numbers, events, newcomers.


  • J'son & Partners Consulting presents the main results of the study of the Russian market of SaaS applications for 2014-17 with a perspective up to 2022. We were surprised by the penetration rate of only 3% with an annual average market growth of 30% in users. 36% of SaaS users are from trade, non-financial services are in second place - 28% and telecom closes the top three with 11%.
  • iKS-Consulting - in the coming years, the SaaS market will grow by an average of 23% per year and by the end of 2022 may reach 155 billion rubles.
  • TMT Consulting - the volume of the Russian market of public cloud services in 2017 grew by 25% and reached 42,6 billion rubles, but here we are talking about all cloud segments, in which SaaS occupies 65%.


My choice improvado and I'm interested in the shift in values ​​and emphasis from tools to company data. The service team offers the user to work with the Dashboard of all marketing data and 150 integrations with cloud services. In my opinion, this is a very correct trend with a change of priorities β€œfrom applications to data” - the Excel plate rules. Improvado raised M$8, which is why the startup with Russian roots can be congratulated.

The Merlion group of companies has created its own marketplace to distribute cloud software. To this end, Merlion acquired billing system developer Velvica. Led the project Anton Salov.


Banks continue to try to sell SaaS. At Sberbank for business there are already 27 services placed under the White label. I still don’t understand why, having a conditionally unlimited resource, you can’t make a lot of features around transactions and sell someone else’s complex.

Dmitry Komissarov estimated My Office's share in public procurement at 3% amid the fact that the company did not show much success in implementation, but took out a loan for 100 pilot projects.

MySklad changed its logo (event of the year) and entered the US market. I sincerely wish success to the team and personally Askar Rakhimberdiev.

Bitrix24 disclosed data on its affiliate network. The figures are impressive - the CIS has 20 partners, in Europe - 000, in South America - about 1600 each, in North - 978, in Africa - 966, in Australia and New Zealand - 478.

The Mail.Ru platform for business has grown 8 services and they even have, attention, computer vision.


The respected portal Tadviser ignored in its brand new map of IT companies all SaaS vendors. Very strange position Alexandra Levashova ignore the companies that occupy 65% ​​of the cloud services market.


We waited. The government of the Russian Federation in its Decree of June 8, 2018 No. 658 finally allowed public procurement of "software through the use of communication channels and external information technology and software and hardware infrastructure that provides the collection, processing and storage of data (cloud computing services)".

National cloud platform 07 from the marketplace switched to an amorphous state with redirects at the entrance

cloud trends

I think that SaaS developers over the next few years will actively integrate elements and mathematical methods of machine learning into their products in the segments of analytics, forecasting and data enrichment.

SaaS Brokers 2019

You can try to negotiate SaaS sales with Selectel, Softline, MerliONCloud, Oncloud, Sberbank for Business.


Only registered users can participate in the survey. Sign in, you are welcome.

Do you use SaaS services?

  • Yes, for business

  • Yes, for personal use

  • No, it's still scary in the clouds

5 users voted. 2 users abstained.

Source: habr.com

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