And again about the second monitor from the tablet ...

Having turned out to be the owner of such an average tablet with a non-working sensor (the eldest son tried), he thought for a long time where to adapt it. Googled, Googled and Googledtime, two, Hacker No. 227), as well as many other recipes featuring spacedesk, iDispla and some others. That's just bad luck - I have Linux. Googling some more, I found a few recipes and through simple shamanism I got an acceptable result.

And again about the second monitor from the tablet ...
My method is under the cut.

You will need:

Linux with installed:

  • x11vnc (I frankly dislike all sorts of tigervnc and others)
  • adb from android-tools

Tablet/smart with debug mode enabled and set to:

  • AndroidNVC (I have it, because there is no advertising)
  • Some kind of screen blanking blocker (I didn’t find it without ads)
  • Any autoloader (run VNC and a blocker) is optional (more on that below).

yes, let's start.

1. Get the Modeline for xorg.conf

$ cvt 1024 768 25 # Можно и gtf, но он не всегда дает корректный modeline.

2. Editing


Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier     "Xorg Configured" 
        Screen         0  "Monitor" 0 0
        Screen         2  "Screen2" rightof "Screen0" # "Пустышка для VNC"
        Option         "Xinerama" "1"
        # здесь все настройки оборудования, коли таковые есть
	#Dummy видеокарта
	Section "Device"
		Identifier "Device2"
		Driver "dummy"
 		VideoRam 8000

	#Dummy монитор
	Section "Monitor"
 		Identifier "Monitor2"
  		Modeline "1024x768@25" 23.77 1024 1056 1144 1176 768 785 789 807 # см. п. 1

	#Dummy экран
	Section "Screen"
 		Identifier "Screen2"
 		Device "Device2"
 		Monitor "Monitor2"
 		DefaultDepth 24
 		SubSection "Display"
	#разрешение плашета
    		Modes      "1024x768"
    		Virtual 1024 748

We restart X-sy and check through arandr. Set up the location and orientation. It should look something like this:

And again about the second monitor from the tablet ...

We save it to a file - it will come in handy for us.

3. Create a file for autoloading in WM / DE (I have

x11vnc -rfbport 5900 -display :0 -dontdisconnect -noxfixes -xdamage -shared -forever -clip 1024x768+1600+0 -scale 1024x768 -bg -cursor X -o /home/$USER/x11vnc.log -repeat
	xrandr --addmode VIRTUAL1 1024x768 # необязательно
	xrandr --output VIRTUAL1 --mode 1024x768 # необязательно
	xrandr --output VIRTUAL2 --off --output HDMI1 --off --output VIRTUAL1 --mode 1024x768 --pos 1602x0 --rotate normal --output DP1 --off --output VGA1 --mode 1600x900 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal #вот эта строка заимствована из сохраненного файла arandr


$ xrandr |grep VIRTUAL1
        VIRTUAL1 connected 1024x768+1600+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm

Since there is no autostart directory in IceWM, but there is a ~/.icewm/startup file (which should be executable), add the following to it:

sh -c /path/to/

4. Disable blanking monitors:

	xset s off
	xset s noblank
	xset -dpms

And now the most interesting! How to get the coordinates of "taps" for the device without "trial and error" by torturing the keyboard in the console?!

For the sake of such a thing, I made software. If you run it from the console, then we get what we are looking for - the output of tap coordinates.

And again about the second monitor from the tablet ...

6. Let's add all this to

Full version

       x11vnc -rfbport 5900 -display :0 -dontdisconnect -noxfixes -xdamage -shared -forever -clip 1024x768+1600+0 -scale 1024x768 -bg -cursor X -o /home/$USER/x11vnc.log -repeat
	xrandr --addmode VIRTUAL1 1024x768 # необязательно
	xrandr --output VIRTUAL1 --mode 1024x768 # необязательно
	xrandr --output VIRTUAL2 --off --output HDMI1 --off --output VIRTUAL1 --mode 1024x768 --pos 1602x0 --rotate normal --output DP1 --off --output VGA1 --mode 1600x900 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal  #вот эта строка заимствована из сохраненного файла arandr
	xset s off
	xset s noblank
	xset -dpms
	adb tcpip 5555
	adb connect
	sudo adb devices
	adb shell input tap 1000 20 # тапаем по "квадратикам" в правом верхнем углу (не знаю, как нызавется) - скрин 3
	adb shell input tap 392 138 # тапаем по AndroidVNC
	adb shell input tap 20 65 # запускаем VNC предварительно прописав адрес и порт

And we'll do

chmod +x /path/to/

That, in fact, is all. Reboot the X-server and get a multiscreen.

I have conky running on the "small" one.

A screenshot of the dual screen is attached.

And again about the second monitor from the tablet ...

And I also throw datasheets on it when I model something.


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