IaaS providers are fighting for the European market - discussing the situation and industry events

We are talking about who and how is trying to change the state of affairs in the region by developing state cloud projects and launching new “mega-cloud” providers.

IaaS providers are fighting for the European market - discussing the situation and industry events
A photo - Hudson Hintze — unsplash

Struggle for the market

Analysts from Global Market Insights predict that by 2026 the cloud computing market in Europe will reach $75 billion with CAGR at 14%. But interestingly, the main catalysts for growth will be not European, but large American and Chinese providers.

So, two years ago, one of the largest players in China запустил two data centers in the UK at once, and its American competitor recently announced plans build a data center in Spain.

But the European IT business has no plans to retreat. Last week, the German trading company Schwarz Group (owns the Lidl supermarket chain) said Olga, about plans to develop their own mega-cloud provider. It will be built by specialists from Camao IDC, which develops software and network systems, which Schwarz Group has acquired in the beginning of May.

State Cloud

Foreign providers are trying to compete not only with large European corporations, but also with the governments of individual countries. Regulators in Germany and France are concerned that foreign IT giants are pushing local cloud providers out of the market. As a solution to the problem, they offer implement a government cloud project Gaia-X.

Its task is to form an IT data storage infrastructure for IoT devices, supercomputers and quantum computers. According to politicians, the new cloud system will help local IaaS providers improve their services and thereby strengthen their position in the market.

Although not everyone believes that the new initiative will succeed. There is an opinion that it will repeat the history of past projects. Eight years ago, the French government founded two IaaS providers, Numergy and Cloudwatt. Their task was to reduce the country's dependence on the services of foreign companies. However, the government projects failed to attract enough customers, and they were sold to telecoms: SFR and Orange, respectively.

In any case, Gaia-X is still under discussion and may change significantly. But readiness to switch to European infrastructure has already been announced several large banks and telecommunications companies.

What is in Russia

A number of analytical companies are confident that the volume of the cloud services market in the next year will exceed 150 billion rubles, which is twice as much as in 2018. At the same time, growth will come with a CAGR of at least 23%. For individual segments (infrastructure as a service), it will be more than 30% per year.

IaaS providers are fighting for the European market - discussing the situation and industry events
A photo - Taylor vick — unsplash

Domestic IaaS market (as well as Western) divide major players among themselves. These players are both Russian and foreign companies. Recently, Chinese providers have been increasing their presence in Russia. Therefore, the total market share held by foreign suppliers is 8% (according to 2018 data) - can change.

On the other hand, a kind of response to European state initiatives appeared in Russia as well. Last fall, the Ministry of Communications approved project for the development of a state unified cloud platform (GEOP). This is an ecosystem of accredited services and providers of information and telecommunications infrastructure. Providers are selected in the order established federal laws, and tests will last until December 2020.

In any case, the crisis will make its own adjustments to the state of affairs in the computer hardware and software market, which means it will affect the work of cloud providers to one degree or another. In the following articles, we will continue to talk about our experience, discuss the technology agenda, and share collections for developers.

IaaS providers are fighting for the European market - discussing the situation and industry eventsWe at 1cloud.ru offer a service for lease of virtual infrastructure. We will provide hardware for the test to new customers.
IaaS providers are fighting for the European market - discussing the situation and industry eventsOur experts will talk about the opportunities for cooperation and answer your questions - you can write us an email or call.

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Source: habr.com

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