How was the @Kubernetes conference on November 29: video and results

How was the @Kubernetes conference on November 29: video and results

November 29 conference @Kubernetesorganized by Cloud Solutions. The conference grew out of @Kubernetes meetups and became the fourth event in the series. We have gathered more than 350 participants in the Group to discuss the most pressing problems with those who, together with us, are building the Kubernetes ecosystem in Russia.

Under the cut of the video of the conference reports - how wrote their Infrastructure Provider BareMetal, how Kubernetes was raised in operation by Group, an interactive about the riddles of Helm with its RollingUpdate - and many other interesting things in the presentations of CarPrice,, Rosgosstrakh, Brain4Net, as well as a competition for future @Kubernetes speakers.

Thanks to the conference guests

Thanks to everyone who joined us - without you it would be a different @Kubernetes.

How was the @Kubernetes conference on November 29: video and results

And here is the video:

Opening of the conference. Ilya Letunov, Head of Cloud Solutions platform

In the program, we sought to collect the widest possible range of options for using K8s in the Russian landscape. You are waiting for the stories of those who implement K8s in Production, create their own tools to work with it, collect errors and look for ways to solve problems, help others move to Kubernetes, develop as a K8s provider, and work to spread knowledge about the nuances of the technology. We hope that this will form for you in a single picture of the collective experience of the Russian Kubernetes community.

How wrote their Infrastructure Provider BareMetal. Stanislav Khalup, Head of Attraction Infrastructure Group, Tinkoff

Stanislav Khalup has been the head of the attraction infrastructure group at for two years now and often talks about Managed K8s and life in public clouds, but this time he will share what technological challenges he faced when building a Hyperscale Private platform from scratch.

How we transfer Group services to Kubernetes. Mikhail Petrov, technical manager of the Platform project, Group

Mikhail Petrov leads the Kubernetes Competence Center at Group and is responsible for the transition process to Kubernetes for all the group's services. In the report, Mikhail talks not only about our cluster and our pipeline, but also the skills that a person who starts Kubernetes should have, as well as about the transformation of processes in teams and the search for compromises.

Interactive β€œHelm through the eyes of developers. Rolling Update Puzzle. Dmitry Sugrobov, developer, Leroy Merlin

Kubernetes is the de facto standard and Helm is another default choice. But here's a simple question: what needs to be done to update the version of an application launched with Helm? Call helm upgrade? In fact, it's worth going a little beyond the tutorial - and you will immediately encounter a lot of nuances. In interactive mode, let's gallop through what Helm is in general, look at its architecture and storage device - and finally answer the question of what needs to be done to make the desired RollingUpdate still work.

Our evolution as a Kubernetes provider. Dmitry Lazarenko, Product Director, Cloud Solutions

Everyone is used to Cloud Solutions talking about how some complex things work in Kubernetes. In reality, we have been using Kubernetes for more than two years and have been offering it for about a year and a half. as a service for their clients. For the conference, we made an exception - we decided to talk about our path to Kubernetes, about our evolution as a provider: what we went through, what we did and how this complex machine works from the inside.

Kubernetes in the spirit of piracy. Yuri Builov, Head of Development Department, CarPrice

Today, launching new projects on Golang and React, CarPrice confidently holds the helm of Kubernetes and remembers with a smile how they tried not to drown in the pursuit of β€œthe whale” on fishing boats with an elephant on board. This story is "not about driving a big beautiful ship on sails, but about a fleet of small, unsightly fishing boats - rusty in places, but fast, and so nimble and dangerous."

How we rolled K8s in Production Konstantin Rekunov, head of the IM operation group; Denis Gurov, Lead DevOps Engineer, AGIMA use Kubernetes on their own cloud/hardware in a relatively small cluster and with a small number of services, but have already managed to get a lot of useful bumps. Colleagues share their experience of implementing K8s in Production, including touching on the topic of moving a cluster between DCs without downtime, which is interesting for many, and how it turned out to build a process for promptly diagnosing problems. The speakers paid special attention to practical cases of solving problems with the network, since these problems turned out to be very painful and non-trivial for them, and also tell what advantages they got from the implementation and what development prospects they see.

Implementation of OpenShift in Rosgosstrakh: from DevOps to Production Operation. Alexander Krylov, Head of DevOps Service, Rosgosstrakh

Being in front of a strategic fork - Kubernetes or OpenShift, the operation of Rosgosstrakh chose the latter because of Time to Market. As a result, we managed to build CI / CD using OpenShift, Bamboo and Artifactory and ensure the operation of services based on OpenShift in Production, as well as integrate them into the existing ecosystem of Enterprise tools used. From the speech, you will learn about the thorny path of integrating different boxed solutions that colleagues have gone through in recent years, and about the possible difficulties on the way for companies that want to repeat it.

Secure Kubernetes networks with eBPF and Cilium. How to network deeply at the kernel level? Alexander Kostrikov, DevOps engineer, Brain4Net

As an SDN company, Brain4Net strives for programmability not only in network hardware, but in the entire network stack. Kubernetes can also be programmed with more flexibility than just iptables rules. This allows you to make a tool like Cilium. Let's take a look at how Cilium uses eBPF to work with kernel and userspace code, as well as for networking, security, monitoring, and load balancing.

How was the @Kubernetes conference on November 29: video and results

Contest "Ours at KubeCon"

As part of our @Kubernetes Ambassador support program, those who will apply to speak at @Kubernetes until February 29, 2020, there is a chance to win tickets to KubeCon 2020 in Amsterdam: read regulations competition "Ours at KubeCon".

Stay tuned

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