How the Evening School on Kubernetes works

Slurm launched the Kubernetes Evening School: a series of free lectures and paid practical classes for those who are learning k8s from scratch.

Classes are taught by Marcel Ibraev, Southbridge Engineer, CKA, and Sergey Bondarev, Southbridge Engineer, CKA, one of the kubespray developers with pull request permissions.

I am posting the records of the first week for those who, before registering, want to understand how everything works with us.

In the first week, we dismantled Docker. We had a specific task: to give the basics of Docker, sufficient for subsequent work with k8s. Therefore, one week was allocated for it, and much remained behind the scenes.

First day entry:

Second day entry:

At the end of each lesson, the speaker gives homework.

We will analyze this task in detail in practice:

We provide stands for students to practice. There is a support team in the practice chat, which explains the incomprehensible and looks for errors if something does not work out for the student. After practice, we give the opportunity to create a stand at the touch of a button and repeat everything yourself.

If you like this format of training, join. On Monday, we begin to disassemble Kubernetes. There are 40 places left for paid practice.

Schedule of theoretical lectures:April 20: Introduction to Kubernetes, basic abstractions. Description, application, concepts. Pod, ReplicaSet, Deployment
April 21: Deployment, Probes, Limits/Requests, Rolling Update
April 28: Kubernetes: Service, Ingress, PV, PVC, ConfigMap, Secret
May 11: Cluster device, main components and their interaction
May 12: How to make a k8s cluster failover. How the network works in k8s
May 19: Kubespray, tuning and configuring a Kubernetes cluster
May 25: Advanced Kubernetes abstractions. DaemonSet, StatefulSet, Pod Scheduling, InitContainer
May 26: Kubernetes: Job, CronJob, RBAC
June 2: How DNS works in a Kubernetes cluster. How to publish an application in k8s, how to publish and manage traffic
June 9: What is Helm and why is it needed. Working with Helms. The composition of the chart. Writing your own charts
June 16: Ceph: do-it-yourself installation. Ceph, cluster installation. Connecting volumes to sc, pvc, pv pods
June 23: Installation of cert-manager. Π‘ert-manager: automatically obtain SSL/TLS certificates - 1 c.
June 29: Maintenance of the Kubernetes cluster, routine maintenance. version update
June 30: Troubleshooting Kubernetes
July 7: Setting up Kubernetes monitoring. Basic principles. Prometheus, Grafana
July 14: Logging into Kubernetes. Collection and analysis of logs
July 21: Kubernetes application development requirements
July 28: Application Dockerization and CI/CD in Kubernetes
August 4: Observability - principles and techniques for observing a system

Enroll in Slurm's Kubernetes Night School

To order an internship, please tick the box.
If you are already studying at the Evening School, it is easier to order an internship here.


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