Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platform

Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platformIt's time to demonstrate how a cryptographic workstation based on public key standards cryptoarmpkcs works on one of the mobile platforms, namely Android.

The concept that was laid down when developing the cryptoarmpkcs utility is that the user should experience a minimum of inconvenience when creating and verifying an electronic signature. That is why we propose to use cryptographic tokens as a key carrier for a personal certificate. PKCS # 11 and/or protected containers PKCS # 12. I must say that the use of PKCS # 12 in many cases turns out to be almost the only possible one, for example, when the same PKCS # 11 tokens do not have support for certain platforms. So we decided to start porting the cryptoarmpkcs utility to the Android platform with support for PKCS#12 secure containers.

We note right away that since the project was made on the C and Tcl / Tk platform, porting did not cause any fundamental difficulties. This has been made possible by technology. Androwish. with unfolding and environment setup there were no problems (my working environment is Linux - Mageia-7.0). I will give only one script for deploying Android Command Line Tools (

if [ $# -ne 1   ]
	echo "./ <>"
	echo "Не указан архив или число параметров больше 1"
	exit 1
if [ ! -f $1 ]
	echo "./ <>"
	echo "архив $1 отсутствует"
	exit 1
#Распаковываем SDK-TOOLS в папку tools
unzip $1
#Создаем папку android-sdk-linux
mkdir android-sdk-linux
#Перемещвем папку tools в android-sdk-linux
mv tools android-sdk-linux
cd android-sdk-linux/tools/bin
./sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-29"  

The most remarkable thing is that the Androwish environment includes two interpreters undrowish-xxx and vanillawish-xxx, which are completely identical in composition to the “balalaikas” (packages) included in Androwish itself. The difference between undrowish and vanillawish is that vanillawish has an SDL/AGG/freetype based backend:

Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platform

The presence of these two utilities allows you to develop an application without using Android itself and its emulator with the maximum approximation to a real device. First of all, it is, of course, undroidwish-xxx.

The actual custom package for Android is built in the AWSDK environment. Your project tree should be moved to ~/AWSDK/assets/app. In this case, the main module of your project should be renamed to main.tcl. If you use additional balalaikas with dynamic libraries, then the libraries must be placed in the ~/AWSDK/libs/x86 folders for the emulator and ~/AWSDK/libs/armeabi for the real device.

After that, just run the command:

$wish ~/AWSDK/tools/bones

and follow her instructions:

Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platform

The compiled apk package will be located in the ~/AWSDK/build/outputs/apk folder.

If you have a real device or emulator connected, then the package can be installed immediately.
In this case, the real device must be in debug mode.

But let's get back to the application itself. What did he have to change.

Naturally, first of all, the changes are related to the screen size. I had to redesign the main (start window). As a result, instead of one window on a regular computer:

Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platform

There are three windows on Android:

Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platform

The first window is informational. Conventionally, it is divided into several parts. The first part, located at the top, contains the name of the utility and its logo.

Next comes the manufacturer's logo, information note and three buttons complete the page.
The page is written using the canvas component. There are two types of buttons on the page: one in the form of a semi-transparent rectangle (middle), and the other two in the form of a rectangle with rounded corners. Balalaika was used to create buttons with rounded corners tkpath. Personally, this balalaika made a very good impression on me. Naturally, when working with a canvas (canvas), the lion's share of the code is occupied by geometry. The following is the create_titul_page.tcl script to create the first page of the application. Anyone can edit it according to their vision.

Script create_title_page.tcl

package require Tk
package require tkpath 0.3.0
global mydir
set mydir [file dirname [info script]]
#Грузим картинки
#Логотип продукта
image create photo logo_product -file [file join $mydir "imageme" "validcertkey_51x24.png"] 
#Логотип производителя
image create photo logo_orel -file [file join $mydir "imageme" "я_орел_425x200.png"] -format "png -alpha 1.0"
#Андроида с tcl/tk
image create photo logo_and -file [file join $mydir "imageme" "AndTk_inv_147x173.png"] -format "png -alpha 1.0"
#Свиток опечатанный
image create photo svitok -file [file join $mydir "imageme" "blue_svitok.png"] -format "png -alpha 1.0"
image create photo tileand -file [file join $mydir "imageme" "tile_green_and_32x32.png"] -format "png -alpha 1.0"
#Увеличить/уменьшить (отрицательное значение - уменьшение)
proc scaleImage {im xfactor {yfactor 0}} {
set mode -subsample
if {$xfactor>=0 && $yfactor>=0} {
set mode -zoom
} else {
set xfactor [expr $xfactor * -1]
if {$yfactor == 0} {set yfactor $xfactor}
set t [image create photo]
$t copy $im
$im blank
$im copy $t -shrink $mode $xfactor $yfactor
image delete $t
proc createtile {w  backg} {
image create photo tiled
tiled copy $backg -to 0 0 $::scrwidth $::scrheight -shrink
$backg copy tiled
image delete tiled
# Мостим холст
$w create image 0 0  
-image $backg  
-anchor nw
proc create_rectangle  {canv img x1 y1 x2 y2 color alfa {wbd 0} {colorline black} } {
image create photo $img -format "default -colorformat  rgb"
set rgb1 [winfo rgb $canv $color]
set cr  [lindex $rgb1 0]
set cg  [lindex $rgb1 1]
set cb  [lindex $rgb1 2]
set fill [format "#%04x%04x%04x" $cr $cg $cb ]
#Создаем цветной праямоугольник
$img put $fill -to 0 0 [expr {$x2 - $x1}] [expr {$y2 -$y1}]
#Сохраняем картинку
set dimg [$img data -format png]
#Создаем image с учетом alpha канала
image create photo $img -data $dimg -format "png -alpha $alfa"
#    $img put [list $rgb1] -to 0 0 [expr {$x2 - $x1}] [expr {$y2 -$y1}]
#Отображаем цветной прямоугольник
set imgr [$canv create image $x1 $y1 -image $img -anchor nw] 
set cc [subst {butImg $img}]
$canv bind $imgr <ButtonPress-1> $cc
#Оконтовка вокруг цветного прямоугольника
if {$wbd > 0 } {
set item [$canv create rect $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -outline $colorline -width $wbd ]
$canv bind $item <ButtonPress-1> $cc
return $imgr
proc butImg {img} {
tk_messageBox -title "Кнопка" -icon info -message "Нажали кнопку=$img" -detail "::screenwidth=$::scrwidthn::screenheight=$::scrheight" -parent .
if {$img == "exit"} {
set answer [tk_dialog .dialog2 "Конец работы" "Вы действительноnхотите выйти?" question 0 "Да" "Нет" ]
if {$answer == 0} {
proc page_titul {fr  logo_manufacturer} {
global mydir
#Создаем холст на весь экран
tkp::canvas $fr.can -borderwidth 0 -height [winfo screenheight .] -width [winfo screenwidth .] -relief flat
#Мостим холст плиткой 
createtile "$fr.can"  "tileand"
pack $fr.can  -anchor center -expand 1 -fill both -side top  -padx 0 -pady 0
#Вычисляем координаты для логотипа производителя
#update чтобы обновилась информация в БД об окнах
#    set aa [winfo height $fr.labtitul]
set aa $::padly
#Центрируем логотип разработчика
set ha [image width $logo_manufacturer]
set xman [expr {($::scrwidth - $ha) / 2 }]
$fr.can create image $xman $aa -image $logo_manufacturer -anchor nw -tag tag_logo
set blogo [$fr.can bbox tag_logo]
set wexit [lindex $blogo 3]
if {$::typetlf } {
set dlx [expr {$::padlx / 1}]
$fr.can create text [expr $dlx + 6] [expr {$wexit + $::padly + 6}] -anchor nw -text "Электронная подпись" -fill black -font {{Roboto Condensed Medium} 15 }
$fr.can create text $dlx [expr {$wexit + $::padly}] -anchor nw -text "Электронная подпись" -fill white -font {{Roboto Condensed Medium} 15 } -tag id_text0
set blogo [$fr.can bbox id_text0]
set wexit [lindex $blogo 3]
$fr.can create text [expr $dlx + 4] [expr {$wexit + $::padly + 4 - 80}] -anchor nw -text "для платформы Android" -fill black -font {{Roboto Condensed Medium} 13}
$fr.can create text $dlx [expr {$wexit + $::padly - 80}] -anchor nw -text "для платформы Android" -fill white -font {{Roboto Condensed Medium} 13} -tag id_text1
set blogo [$fr.can bbox id_text1]
set wexit [lindex $blogo 3]
$fr.can create text [expr $dlx + 3] [expr {$wexit + $::padly + 3 - 50}] -anchor nw -text "№ 63 ФЗ "Об электроннойnподписи от 6 апреля 2011 года"" -fill black -font {{Roboto} 10}
$fr.can create text $dlx [expr {$wexit + $::padly - 50}] -anchor nw -text "№ 63 ФЗ "Об электроннойnподписи от 6 апреля 2011 года"" -fill white -font {{Roboto} 10} -tag id_text2
set blogo [$fr.can bbox id_text2]
set wexit [lindex $blogo 3]
$fr.can create text [expr $dlx + 2] [expr {$wexit + $::padly + 2 - 40}] -text "Авторы: В.Н. Орловn, [email protected]" 
-anchor nw -fill black  -font {{Roboto} 9}
$fr.can create text $dlx [expr {$wexit + $::padly - 40}] -text "Авторы: В.Н. Орловn, [email protected]" 
-anchor nw -fill white -tag id_text3  -font {{Roboto} 9}
} else {
$fr.can create text [expr $::padlx + 2] [expr {$wexit + $::padly + 2}] -anchor nw -text "Электронная подпись" -fill black -font {{Nimbus Sans Narrow} 20}
$fr.can create text $::padlx [expr {$wexit + $::padly}] -anchor nw -text "Электронная подпись" -fill white -font {{Nimbus Sans Narrow} 20} -tag id_text0
set blogo [$fr.can bbox id_text0]
set wexit [lindex $blogo 3]
$fr.can create text [expr $::padlx + 2] [expr {$wexit + $::padly + 2 - 20}] -anchor nw -text "для платформы Android" -fill black -font {{Nimbus Sans Narrow} 18}
$fr.can create text $::padlx [expr {$wexit + $::padly - 20}] -anchor nw -text "для платформы Android" -fill white -font {{Nimbus Sans Narrow} 18} -tag id_text1
set blogo [$fr.can bbox id_text1]
set wexit [lindex $blogo 3]
$fr.can create text [expr $::padlx + 2] [expr {$wexit + $::padly + 2}] -anchor nw -text "№ 63 ФЗ "Об электроннойnподписи от 6 апреля 2011 года"" -fill black -font {{Nimbus Sans Narrow} 14}
$fr.can create text $::padlx [expr {$wexit + $::padly}] -anchor nw -text "№ 63 ФЗ "Об электроннойnподписи от 6 апреля 2011 года"" -fill white -font {{Nimbus Sans Narrow} 14} -tag id_text2
set blogo [$fr.can bbox id_text2]
set wexit [lindex $blogo 3]
$fr.can create text [expr $::padlx + 1] [expr {$wexit + $::padly + 1}] -text "Авторы: В.Н. Орловn, [email protected]" 
-anchor nw -fill black  -font {{Nimbus Sans Narrow} 12}
$fr.can create text $::padlx [expr {$wexit + $::padly}] -text "Авторы: В.Н. Орловn, [email protected]" 
-anchor nw -fill white -tag id_text3  -font {{Nimbus Sans Narrow} 12} -tag id_text3
set blogo [$fr.can bbox id_text2]
set blogo [$fr.can bbox id_text3]
set wland [lindex $blogo 3]
$fr.can create image $::padlx $wland -image logo_and -anchor nw -tag tag_land
set ha [image height logo_and]
set wa [image width logo_and]
set ha1 [expr {$ha - ($ha / 2 ) }]
$fr.can create image [expr {$wa - 80 }] [expr {$wland + $ha1}] -image svitok -anchor nw -tag tag_land
if {$::typetlf} {
set x1 [expr {$::padlx / 2}]
set y1 [expr {$wland + 120}]
set x2 [expr {$::::scrwidth - $x1}]
set y2 [expr {$y1 + 120}]
set wd 8
set rr 18
} else {
set x1 [expr {$::padlx / 2}]
set y1 [expr {$wland + 40}]
set x2 [expr {$::::scrwidth - $x1}]
set y2 [expr {$y1 + 40}]
set wd 4
set rr 6
set g5 [$fr.can gradient create linear -stops {{0 lightgreen} {1 green}}] 
set S3 [$fr.can style create -stroke "skyblue" -fill  $g5 -strokewidth $wd  -fillopacity 0.6]
set im1 [$fr.can create prect $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -rx $rr -style $S3]
$fr.can bind $im1 <ButtonPress-1> {butImg "img1"}
#Печатаем техт
set blogo [$fr.can bbox $im1]
set by2 [lindex $blogo 3]
set by1 [lindex $blogo 1]
set bb [expr {($by2 - $by1) / 2}]
set bx2 [lindex $blogo 2]
set bx1 [lindex $blogo 0]
set bbx [expr {($bx2 - $bx1) / 2}]
set txt1 [$fr.can create text [expr {$x1 + $::padlx * 2}] [expr {$y1 + 1 }] -anchor nw -text "Сайт разработчика" -fill black -font {{Arial} 10 normal}] 
#Центрируем техт
set btxt1 [$fr.can bbox $txt1]
#Смещение по оси Y
set ty2 [lindex $btxt1 3]
set ty1 [lindex $btxt1 1]
set tt [expr {$ty2 - $ty1}]
set tt [expr {$tt / 2}]
set offsy [expr {($by1 + $bb) - ($ty1 + $tt)}]
#Смещение по оси X
set tx2 [lindex $btxt1 2]
set tx1 [lindex $btxt1 0]
set ttx [expr {$tx2 - $tx1}]
set ttx [expr {$ttx / 2}]
set offsx [expr {($bx1 + $bbx) - ($tx1 + $ttx)}]
$fr.can move $txt1 $offsx $offsy
$fr.can bind $txt1 <ButtonPress-1> {butImg "img1"}
if {$::typetlf} {
set y1 [expr $y2 + 40]
set x2 [expr {$::::scrwidth - $x1}]
set y2 [expr {$y1 + 120}]
} else {
set y1 [expr {$y1 + 60}]
set x2 [expr {$::::scrwidth - $x1}]
set y2 [expr {$y1 + 40}]
set im1 [create_rectangle $fr.can "but2" $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 "#2b972d" 0.6 $wd "skyblue"]
#Печатаем техт
set blogo [$fr.can bbox $im1]
set by2 [lindex $blogo 3]
set by1 [lindex $blogo 1]
set bb [expr {($by2 - $by1) / 2}]
set bx2 [lindex $blogo 2]
set bx1 [lindex $blogo 0]
set bbx [expr {($bx2 - $bx1) / 2}]
set txt1 [$fr.can create text [expr {$x1 + $::padlx * 2}] [expr {$y1 + 1 }] -anchor nw -text "Переход в основное меню" -fill black -font {{Roboto Condensed Medium} 12}] 
#Центрируем текст
set btxt1 [$fr.can bbox $txt1]
#Смещение по оси Y
set ty2 [lindex $btxt1 3]
set ty1 [lindex $btxt1 1]
set tt [expr {$ty2 - $ty1}]
set tt [expr {$tt / 2}]
set offsy [expr {($by1 + $bb) - ($ty1 + $tt)}]
#Смещение по оси X
set tx2 [lindex $btxt1 2]
set tx1 [lindex $btxt1 0]
set ttx [expr {$tx2 - $tx1}]
set ttx [expr {$ttx / 2}]
set offsx [expr {($bx1 + $bbx) - ($tx1 + $ttx)}]
$fr.can move $txt1 $offsx $offsy
$fr.can bind $txt1 <ButtonPress-1> {butImg "but2"}
if {$::typetlf} {
set x1 [expr {$::padlx / 2}]
set y1 [expr $y2 + 40]
set x2 [expr {$::::scrwidth - $x1}]
set y2 [expr {$y1 + 120}]
} else {
set x1 [expr {$::padlx / 2}]
set y1 [expr {$y1 + 60}]
set x2 [expr {$::::scrwidth - $x1}]
set y2 [expr {$y1 + 40}]
set S3 [$fr.can style create -stroke skyblue -fill  $g5 -strokewidth $wd  -fillopacity 0.6]
set im1 [$fr.can create prect $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -rx $rr -style $S3]
set blogo [$fr.can bbox $im1]
$fr.can bind $im1 <ButtonPress-1> {butImg "exit"}
set by2 [lindex $blogo 3]
set by1 [lindex $blogo 1]
set bb [expr {($by2 - $by1) / 2}]
set bx2 [lindex $blogo 2]
set bx1 [lindex $blogo 0]
set bbx [expr {($bx2 - $bx1) / 2}]
set txt1 [$fr.can create text [expr {$x1 + $::padlx * 2}] [expr {$y1 + 1 }] -anchor nw -text "Конец работы" -fill black  -font {Arial 10 normal}]
$fr.can bind $txt1 <ButtonPress-1> {butImg "exit"}
set btxt1 [$fr.can bbox $txt1]
#Смещение по оси Y
set ty2 [lindex $btxt1 3]
set ty1 [lindex $btxt1 1]
set tt [expr {$ty2 - $ty1}]
set tt [expr {$tt / 2}]
set offsy [expr {($by1 + $bb) - ($ty1 + $tt)}]
#Смещение по оси X
set tx2 [lindex $btxt1 2]
set tx1 [lindex $btxt1 0]
set ttx [expr {$tx2 - $tx1}]
set ttx [expr {$ttx / 2}]
set offsx [expr {($bx1 + $bbx) - ($tx1 + $ttx)}]
$fr.can move $txt1 $offsx $offsy
#Собственно скрипт
#Считываем размеры экрана
set ::scrwidth [winfo screenwidth .]
set ::scrheight [winfo screenheight .]
set ::typetlf 0
#Проверяем, что это телефон
if {$::scrwidth < $::scrheight} {
set ::typetlf 1
set ::padls 20
set ::padlx 15
set ::padly 15
if {$::typetlf} {
wm attributes . -fullscreen 1
scaleImage icon_openfile_18x16 3
scaleImage ::img::view_18x16 3
#Логотип производителя
scaleImage logo_orel 2
#Логотип продуктв
scaleImage logo_product 2
#Андроида tcl/tk
scaleImage logo_and 3
#Свиток опечатанный
scaleImage svitok 4
set ::padls 50
set ::padlx 75
set ::padly 50
} else {
#Конфигурирование виджета под смартфон
scaleImage logo_orel -2
set ::scrwidth 370
set ::scrheight 700
wm minsize . $::scrwidth $::scrheight
set geometr $::scrwidth
append geometr "x"
append geometr $::scrheight
append geometr "+0+0"
wm geometry . $geometr
#Создаем название продукта
set name_product "CryptoArmPKCS-A" 
label .labtitul -image logo_product -compound left -fg snow -text $name_product -font {Arial 10 bold} -anchor w  -width [winfo screenwidth .] -pady $::padls -padx 10 -bg #222222 
pack .labtitul -anchor nw -expand 0 -fill x -side top  -padx 1 -pady 0
#Создаем стартовую страницу
set i 0
ttk::frame .fr$i -pad 0 -padding 0
page_titul ".fr$i"  "logo_orel"
pack .fr$i -side top -anchor center -expand 1 -fill both -side top  -padx 0 -pady 0 

To execute this script, we use one of the undroidwish or vanillawish utilities:

$ /usr/local/bin64/undroidwish-e5dc71ed9d-linux64   create_titul_page.tcl 


$/usr/local/bin64/vanillawish-e5dc71ed9d-linux64  create_titul_page.tcl 

The result is shown in the first screenshot.

The second page lists the functionality supported by the cryptoarmpkcs-A utility. Each line is a button that, when clicked, will display a functional page. The geometry of the placement of the buttons on this page is determined by the font that is used. Following is the create_page_functions.tcl script to create the second/functional page of the application. Anyone can also edit it to suit their functions.

Script create_page_functions.tcl

package require Tk
package require tkpath 0.3.0
global mydir
set mydir [file dirname [info script]]
#Увеличить/уменьшить (отрицательное значение - уменьшение)
proc scaleImage {im xfactor {yfactor 0}} {
set mode -subsample
if {$xfactor>=0 && $yfactor>=0} {
set mode -zoom
} else {
set xfactor [expr $xfactor * -1]
if {$yfactor == 0} {set yfactor $xfactor}
set t [image create photo]
$t copy $im
$im blank
$im copy $t -shrink $mode $xfactor $yfactor
image delete $t
proc createtile {w  backg} {
image create photo tiled
tiled copy $backg -to 0 0 $::scrwidth $::scrheight -shrink
$backg copy tiled
image delete tiled
# Мостим холст
$w create image 0 0  
-image $backg  
-anchor nw
proc butCliked {num fr} {
pack forget  .fr1
set ::tekFrfunc $fr
pack $fr -side top -anchor center -expand 1 -fill both -side top  -padx 0 -pady 0 
tk_dialog .dialog1 "Dear user:" "Button $num was clickednFr=$fr" info 0 OK 
proc butImg {img} {
tk_messageBox -title "Кнопка" -icon info -message "Нажали кнопку=$img" -detail "::screenwidth=$::scrwidthn::screenheight=$::scrheight" -parent .
if {$img == "exit"} {
set answer [tk_dialog .dialog2 "Конец работы" "Вы действительноnхотите выйти?" question 0 "Да" "Нет" ]
if {$answer == 0} {
proc butReturn {} {
pack forget  $::tekFrfunc
pack .fr1 -side top -anchor center -expand 1 -fill both -side top  -padx 0 -pady 0 
#    tk_dialog .dialog1 "Dear user:" "Button $num was clickednFr=$fr" info 0 OK 
proc page_func {fr tile titul functions} {
#Кнопки  меню
upvar $functions but
#Создаем шрифт для кнопок
if {$::typetlf} {
set feFONT_button "-family {Roboto} -size 9 -weight bold -slant roman"
set widl 10
} else {
set feFONT_button "-family {Arial} -size 12 -weight bold -slant roman"
set widl 5
catch {font delete fontTEMP_drawer}
eval font create fontTEMP_drawer  $feFONT_button
#Вычисляем максимальныю длину текста
set drawerCNT 0
set strMaxWidthPx 15
set Ndrawers [expr {[array size but] - 1}]
while { $drawerCNT <= $Ndrawers } {
set strWidthPx [font measure fontTEMP_drawer "$but($drawerCNT)"]
if { $strWidthPx > $strMaxWidthPx } {
set strMaxWidthPx $strWidthPx
incr drawerCNT
set drawerWidthPx [expr $strMaxWidthPx + 10]
set xxx [expr {($::::scrwidth - $drawerWidthPx) / 2}]
if {$fr != ".fr1"} {
set hret [expr $::scrheight / 4]
} else {
set hret $::scrheight
set hret [expr $::scrheight / 4]
tkp::canvas $fr.can -borderwidth 0 -height $hret -width $::scrwidth -relief flat
#Мостим холст плиткой 
createtile "$fr.can"  $tile
pack $fr.can  -anchor center -expand 1 -fill both -side top  -padx 0 -pady 0
if {$titul != "" } {
set allfunc $titul
catch {font delete fontTEMP_titul}
set font_titul "-family {Roboto Condensed Medium} -size 15"
eval font create fontTEMP_titul  $font_titul
set funcWidthPx [font measure fontTEMP_titul "$allfunc"]
set dlx [expr {($::::scrwidth - $funcWidthPx) / 2}]
$fr.can create text [expr $dlx + 6] [expr {6 + 6}] -anchor nw -text "$allfunc" -fill black -font fontTEMP_titul
$fr.can create text $dlx 6 -anchor nw -text "$allfunc" -fill white -font fontTEMP_titul -tag id_text0
set blogo [$fr.can bbox id_text0]
set boxbut [expr ([lindex $blogo 3] + 6 + 6)]
} else {
set boxbut [expr 6 + 6]
#Вычисляем самый широкий текст у кнопок
#См. выше
#Размещаем кнопки
set BDwidth_canvas 0
set maxTextHeightPx [font metrics fontTEMP_drawer -linespace] 
set maxTextHeightPx [expr {$maxTextHeightPx + ( $maxTextHeightPx / 2)}]
set drawerHeightPx $maxTextHeightPx
set xLocTextPx [expr {($::::scrwidth - $drawerWidthPx) / 2}]
set yLocTextPx [expr $BDwidth_canvas + ($drawerHeightPx / 2) + $boxbut]
set canvasHeightPx [expr $Ndrawers * $drawerHeightPx]
set drawerCNT 0
set Ndrawers [expr {[array size but] - 1}]
while { $drawerCNT <= $Ndrawers } {
set yLineLocPx [ expr (( $drawerCNT ) * $drawerHeightPx + $boxbut)]
#Линия перед текстом
$fr.can create line 
$xLocTextPx $yLineLocPx 
[expr $drawerWidthPx + $xLocTextPx] $yLineLocPx 
-fill "#a0a0a0" -width $widl
$fr.can create text [expr $xLocTextPx + 5] $yLocTextPx 
-anchor w 
-font fontTEMP_drawer 
-text "$but($drawerCNT)" 
-tag textlineTag($drawerCNT)
if {$drawerCNT == 0} {
if {$fr == ".fr1"} {
$fr.can bind textlineTag($drawerCNT)  <ButtonRelease-1>   {butImg "but1"}
} else {
$fr.can bind textlineTag($drawerCNT)  <ButtonRelease-1>   {butReturn}
} else {
frame .fn$drawerCNT -background white -relief flat -pady 0 -padx 0
set titul $but($drawerCNT)
set cmd "$fr.can bind textlineTag($drawerCNT)  <ButtonRelease-1>   {butCliked $drawerCNT .fn$drawerCNT}"
set cmd [subst "$cmd"]
eval $cmd 
set but1(0) "Возврат в основное меню"
page_func ".fn$drawerCNT" voda "$titul" "but1"
incr drawerCNT
set yLocTextPx [ expr $yLocTextPx + $drawerHeightPx]
#Завершаюшая линия
if { $drawerCNT > $Ndrawers } {
set yLineLocPx [ expr (( $drawerCNT ) * $drawerHeightPx + $boxbut)]
$fr.can create line $xLocTextPx $yLineLocPx 
[expr $drawerWidthPx + $xLocTextPx] $yLineLocPx 
-fill "#a0a0a0" -width $widl
#Собственно скрипт
#Считываем размеры экрана
set ::scrwidth [winfo screenwidth .]
set ::scrheight [winfo screenheight .]
set ::typetlf 0
#Проверяем, что это телефон
if {$::scrwidth < $::scrheight} {
set ::typetlf 1
set ::padls 20
set ::padlx 15
set ::padly 15
if {$::typetlf} {
wm attributes . -fullscreen 1
#Логотип продуктв
scaleImage logo_product 2
set ::padls 50
set ::padlx 75
set ::padly 50
} else {
#Конфигурирование виджета под смартфон
set ::scrwidth 370
set ::scrheight 700
wm minsize . $::scrwidth $::scrheight
set geometr $::scrwidth
append geometr "x"
append geometr $::scrheight
append geometr "+0+0"
wm geometry . $geometr
#Грузим картинки
image create photo voda -file [file join $mydir "imageme" "voda_400x800.png"]
#Логотип продукта
image create photo logo_product -file [file join $mydir "imageme" "validcertkey_51x24.png"] 
#Создаем название продукта
set name_product "CryptoArmPKCS-A" 
label .labtitul -image logo_product -compound left -fg snow -text $name_product -font {Arial 10 bold} -anchor w  -width [winfo screenwidth .] -pady $::padls -padx 10 -bg #222222 
pack .labtitul -anchor nw -expand 0 -fill x -side top  -padx 1 -pady 0
#Создаем страницы с функционалом
set i 1
ttk::frame .fr$i -pad 0 -padding 0
#Кнопки основного меню
set but(0) "Стартовая страница" 
set but(1) "Подписать документ"
set but(2) "Работаем с ЭП (PKCS7)" 
set but(3) "Запрос на сертификат" 
set but(4) "Просмотр запроса/сертификата" 
set but(5) "Список криптомеханизмов"
set but(6) "Просмотр ASN1-структуры" 
set but(7) "Объекты токена" 
set but(8) "Работаем с PKCS12/PFX" 
set but(9) "Самоподписанный сертификат"
set but(10) "Об Утилите/Дистрибутивы" 
set but(11) "Создать Токены"
set but(12) "Конфигурировние токена"
if {$::typetlf} {
scaleImage voda 3 2
#Создаем страницу с функционалом
page_func ".fr$i" voda "Функционал" "but"
#Отображаем страницу с функционалом
pack .fr$i -side top -anchor center -expand 1 -fill both -side top  -padx 0 -pady 0 

This script also prepares blanks for each function button:

Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platform

The blanks are filled with classic and thematic widgets (labelframe, button, etc.). One of these filled blanks can be seen in the first screenshot on the right. Since at the first stage we focused on working with the PKCS # 12 container, the code was used for cryptoarmpkcs-A with practically no changes. At this stage, the following functions are implemented:

  • sign the document (Cades-BES, CAdes-T, CAdes-XLT1);
  • work with ES (PKCS7), including adding a signer;
  • view certificates/certificate requests:

    Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platform

  • we work with PKCS12/PFX;
  • about the utility/Distributions:

    Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platform

The rest of the features are more related to PKCS#11 tokens. Their porting is postponed for the New Year. It is planned to connect the software token and connect to cloud of tokens.

In terms of functionality, almost everything is similar to the cryptoarmpkcs utility. But there are some differences. For example, after signing a document, the utility asks if the signature will be verified on the State Services website:

Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platform
When you click the "Yes" button, a browser will be loaded with a page for verifying the signature of documents and certificates. Immediately make a reservation that this page is not very designed for a smartphone screen. This will be noticeable when selecting a signature and, if the signature is detached, a document file. But if everything is fine, then we will get a positive result:

Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platform

It should be borne in mind that verification of both the signature and the certificate on the State Services website has washed away only if the certificate was obtained from an accredited certification center (CA). Otherwise, the signature will always be invalid.

To call the browser, I had to add a couple of lines to the openUrl procedure:

proc openURL {url} {
global typesys
global macos
#  global windowsOS
#проверка, что утилита выполняется на смартфоне Android
if {$::typetlf} {
#Запуск браузера
borg activity android.intent.action.VIEW $url text/html
. . .

The browser on Android is invoked like this:

borg activity android.intent.action.VIEW <URL> text/html

There is a small feature when adding a new signer to a previously signed document. The new signer's certificate (or rather, even a PKCS#12 container with a certificate and a private key) must be selected in advance on the "Sign document" or "Working with PKCS12/PFX" page, which the utility will remind you of:

Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platform
For long-term operations, the clock will run as before:

Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platform
It remains to say where to download distributions and Happy New Year and wish everyone all the best in 2020!

Cryptographic workstation based on public key standards for the Android platformSo, distributions for Linux, OS X, Windows and Android:


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