Updating a laptop with Windows 10 1903 - from a brick to losing all data. Why an update can do more than a user?

Microsoft Corporation on the latest version of the Win10 operating system shows us the wonders of the update capabilities. Anyone who does not want to lose data from the update 1903, we invite under cat.

Several points that are rarely paid attention to in Microsoft support are the assumptions of the author of the article, are published as the result of experiments, they do not claim to be reliable.

  1. There is a list of applications that will clearly survive any update. Some legacy applications may break the update due to undocumented features.
  2. Windows 10 actively promotes the concept that the best software tester is the user.
  3. If you accidentally work with a large collection of multimedia and mobile devices from Microsoft, the system may collapse due to undocumented indexing algorithms

Rarely mentioned information from Wikipedia regarding UWP

Read only for hardcore developers

The Universal Windows Platform (Universal Windows Platform, abbr. UWP) is a platform created by Microsoft and first introduced with Windows 10. The purpose of this platform is to help create universal applications that run on both Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile without modification in code. There is support for creating such applications in C++, C#, VB.NET, and XAML. The API is implemented in C++ and supported in C++, VB.NET, C#, F#, and JavaScript. Developed as an extension for Windows Runtime (a platform introduced in Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8), it allows you to run applications on different hardware platforms.

So, the theoretical information is built. Let's move on to practice.

I bought a fresh laptop under 10-ku.

I was surprised that after connecting the second hard drive, indexing of media files took a very long time. To work with multimedia on external devices, a Zune player was installed a long time ago. The system began to update out of place. As a result, with update 1903, I was kindly allowed to choose the time for the update.


Usually Windows 10 updates itself when it sees updates. But! The 1903 update was massive and after three hours of running the computer began to show outlandish things.

Began to put the update - lost the user. %Username%.0001…
There was a username, and after the reboot it changed. It turned out that this is a reaction to the media player.

There were two disks. One system, the other for data.

The second disk turned out to be a brick.

Updating a laptop with Windows 10 1903 - from a brick to losing all data. Why an update can do more than a user?

This means that for unknown reasons, a megabyte was cut off from the beginning and end of the disk from the Windows snap-in for an unknown file system.

I look at what happened.

It became necessary to run a snap-in to remove these changes.
But the worst thing is that due to the media player, the update could not record in
user system settings. Probably no one thought about it.

Updating a laptop with Windows 10 1903 - from a brick to losing all data. Why an update can do more than a user?

As a result, the update copied the user's files to a new user, and now the computer will not be able to log on to the network due to the fact that the user is not in the domain, the registry has flown, because. many programs, resources and icons are tailored to the username.

You will have to rename the user in the registry manually, reinstall
part of the programs and put things in order among the thousands of files that are referenced
Here's a player for you - he was able to ruin the update!
Here's an update for you - it ruined the system.

But the registry is still broken!

And Microsoft does not have a good editor (or better, an application rollback mechanism) to correct this situation.

And the start button β€” a UWP app β€” disappeared forever after trying to put the username back into the registry.

A few words at the end of the article.

  1. If it were not for the structure of the C drive, then, most likely, there would be a brick. If there was only one disk, the probability of data loss would increase many times over.
  2. The update destroyed the domain record, the programs will have to be reconfigured, even Microsoft's Visual Studio did not suffer such an attack.
  3. It has been experimentally established that UWP applications store user information somewhere else, but there is no effective means of working with UWP user information, moreover, there is a suspicion that due to the fact that Android and iOS developers are somehow in no hurry to port their applications for Windows Mobile, the standard will not be further supported and developed.

People, what to do with such an update?

Only registered users can participate in the survey. Sign in, you are welcome.

How do you feel about actually fixing operating system vendor bugs

  • I have read the license agreement and agree to be a tester

  • I know my rights under the Consumer Protection Law and I ask you to issue the finished product to my computer

  • Most likely, I will stay on the previous version of the software and switch to Linux systems

  • Agree with any data loss - my computer is just for fun

  • Already lost information and learned to make copies

  • I didn’t lose information, but I trust the OS manufacturer

690 users voted. 269 users abstained.

Source: habr.com

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