Updated announcement of updated intensives: Kubernetes from alpha to omega

TL; DR, dear Khabrovites. Autumn has come, once again the calendar sheet has turned over and the third of September has finally passed again. So it's time to get back to work - and not only to it, but also to learning.

“With us,” said Alice, with difficulty catching her breath, “when you run as fast as you can for a long time, you will certainly find yourself in another place.
What a slow country! said the Queen. - Well, here, you know, you have to run as fast as you can just to stay in the same place! If you want to get to another place, then you need to run at least twice as fast!

It seems that they were talking about the IT sphere. A real IT specialist is to some extent doomed to constantly learn. In order to simply remain at the required technological level, it is necessary not only to update, but also to add knowledge by 30 percent every year.

This fall we have updated our intensives Kubernetes Base и Kubernetes Mega. Due to COVID-19, Slurm's intensives have moved online - though with the preservation of all the "features" and "goodies". A lot has happened in a year. Even Kubernetes is already famously waving the number 1.19.

Updated announcement of updated intensives: Kubernetes from alpha to omega

Kubernetes Base

  • Is infrastructure outsourcing perceived with hostility not only by the company's business management, but also by service stations?
  • Solutions "from Google" in production, instead of "everything goes like clockwork", as Google engineers promise, often turn into hell, locusts, Egyptian executions and sleepless nights of the administrator?
  • Have you studied Kubernetes on your own for a long time, but have not made a decision whether to implement it in your company or not?

The Slurm team created such an online intensive format that turned out to be a full-fledged study for 8 hours a day based on online tools. There are also feedback forms when you can send a question that you do not understand for analysis by practitioners. And training based on Zoom, when there is an opportunity to communicate with the speakers. And the practice itself takes place in the cloud with access via ssh. They didn’t forget about the “smoking room” either - in the telegram chat you can discuss both the problems of k8s and the general impressions of the process. In the same chat are both technical support and the speakers themselves.

Speaking of Kubernetes speakers Base:

Updated announcement of updated intensives: Kubernetes from alpha to omega

Sergei Bondarev, Architect Southbridge. Engineer with 25 years of experience. Certified Kubernetes Administrator. Vast Kubernetes implementation experience: all Southbridge cube projects, including our own infrastructure. One of the kubespray developers with pull request permissions.

Marcel Ibraev, CTO Slurm. Engineer with 8 years of experience. Certified Kubernetes Administrator. Kubernetes implementations for Southbridge clients. Course developer and speaker Slurm.

Alexander Shvalov, Southbridge Engineer. Administrator with 6 years of experience. Certified Kubernetes Administrator. Setting up and maintaining Kubernetes projects in Southbridge.

Intensive will take place 28-30 September 2020 years.

A detailed program of the event and conditions can be found at Kubernetes Database page.

It definitely won’t be boring - there won’t be enough time not only to be bored, but even to take your eyes off the screen. Intensive - for those who aim to become a pro in their field.

Do you want to see how it will be? See how the practice went at the Slurm Kubernetes Evening School.

small bonus: After paying (you can pay in installments) for the intensive, you will get access to the Kubernetes Preparatory Course: introductory courses on Docker, Ansible and Ceph technologies - so that you can easily enter the intensive and be able to go at the same pace with other participants and speakers.

Kubernetes Mega

For experienced Kubernetes users - there is no limit to perfection - we have prepared an updated Kubernetes Mega.

In an intensive course, we will analyze in theory and practice the intricacies of installing and configuring a production-ready cluster (“the-not-so-easy-way”), mechanisms for ensuring application security and fault tolerance.

Kubernetes Mega Speakers:

Updated announcement of updated intensives: Kubernetes from alpha to omega

Pavel Selivanov, Senior DevOps Engineer at Mail.ru MCS. Lead DevOps Engineer at Mail.ru Cloud Solutions. On account of dozens of built infrastructures and hundreds of written CI / CD pipelines. Certified Kubernetes Administrator. Author of several courses on Kubernetes and DevOps. Regular speaker at Russian and international IT conferences.

Sergei Bondarev, Architect Southbridge. Engineer with 25 years of experience. Certified Kubernetes Administrator. Kubernetes implementations: all Southbridge cube projects, including their own infrastructure. One of the kubespray developers with pull request permissions.

Marcel Ibraev, CTO Slurm. Engineer with 8 years of experience. Certified Kubernetes Administrator. Kubernetes implementations for Southbridge clients. Course developer and speaker Slurm.

Kubernetes Mega held October 14 - 16, 2020.

You can read the detailed intensive program and conditions at Kubernetes Mega page.

Kubernetes Mega was created by us for administrators whose customer or employer places high demands on the stability and security of their systems. Also for technical leaders planning to implement Kubernetes. And, of course, for system administrators who are interested in professional growth and understand its urgent need.

Kubernetes Base + Kubernetes Mega provide all the materials needed to pass the CKA exam at CNCF.

May the k8s be with you!

Source: habr.com

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