Heading: Administration

Introduction to ITSM: 10 habratopics and expert materials for a "quick dive" into the topic

These are materials that will help you understand ITSM trends and tools. / Unsplash / Headway Five key ITSM trends for this year. Our habrapost, which we wrote not so long ago (after a short break from publications on our blog on Habr). We talk about solutions that support systems like chatbots; about development automation, information security and cloud ITSM tools. This […]

ITSM - what is it and how to start implementation

Yesterday we published on Habré a selection of materials for those who would like to understand ITSM - study trends and tools. Today we continue to talk about how to integrate ITSM into a company’s business processes, and what cloud tools can help with this. / PxHere / PD What's in it for you? The traditional approach to managing IT departments is called “resource-based.” If […]

Psion SIBO - PDAs that don't even need to be emulated

Among the Psion PDAs there are five models that do not even need to be emulated, since they run on NEC V30 processors compatible with 8086, hence the name SIBO PDA - sixteen bit organizer. These processors also have an 8080 compatibility mode, which is not used in these PDAs for obvious reasons. At one time, the Psion company released proprietary […]

How I wrote my monitoring

Decided to share my story. Maybe even someone will need such a budget solution to a well-known problem. When I was young and hot and didn’t know what to do with my energy, I decided to freelance a little. I managed to quickly gain a rating and found a couple of regular customers who asked me to support their servers on an ongoing basis. The first thing I thought was [...]

What you need to do to prevent your Google account from being stolen

Google has published a study, How Effective is Basic Account Hygiene in Preventing Account Theft, on what an account owner can do to prevent an account from being stolen. We present to your attention the translation of this study. True, the most effective method used by Google itself was not included in the report. I had to write about this method myself at the end. […]

Why don't engineers care about application monitoring?

Happy Friday everyone! Friends, today we continue the series of publications dedicated to the DevOps Practices and Tools course, because classes in the new course group will start at the end of next week. So, let's begin! Monitoring is easy. This is a known fact. Get Nagios up, run NRPE on the remote system, configure Nagios on NRPE TCP port 5666 and you have […]

Notorious User Data Leaks in January-April 2019

In 2018, there were 2263 public leaks of confidential information worldwide. Personal data and payment information were compromised in 86% of incidents - this is about 7,3 billion records of user data. Japanese crypto exchange Coincheck lost $534 million as a result of compromise of online wallets of its clients. This was the largest reported damage. What will be the statistics for 2019, […]

Key Benefits of Zextras PowerStore

Zextras PowerStore is one of the most requested add-ons for the Zimbra Collaboration Suite included with Zextras Suite. The use of this extension, which allows you to add hierarchical media management to Zimbra, as well as significantly reduce the hard drive space occupied by user mailboxes through the use of compression and deduplication algorithms, ultimately leads to a […]

Setting up a Nomad cluster with Consul and integrating with Gitlab

Introduction Recently, the popularity of Kubernetes has been growing rapidly - more and more projects are implementing it at home. I wanted to touch on an orchestrator such as Nomad: it is perfect for projects where other solutions from HashiCorp, such as Vault and Consul, are already used, and the projects themselves are not complex in terms of infrastructure. This article will […]

Kubernetes will take over the world. When and how?

On the eve of DevOpsConf, Vitaly Khabarov interviewed Dmitry Stolyarov (distol), CTO and co-founder of Flant. Vitaly asked Dmitry about what Flant does, about Kubernetes, ecosystem development, and support. We discussed why Kubernetes is needed and whether it is needed at all. And also about microservices, Amazon AWS, the “I'm lucky” approach to DevOps, the future of Kubernetes itself, why, when and how it will take over the world, DevOps prospects and what engineers should prepare for in the bright […]

About the strange method of saving hard disk space

The next user wants to write a new piece of data to the hard disk, but he does not have enough free space for this. I also don’t want to delete anything, because “everything is very important and necessary.” And what should we do with it? He is not the only one with this problem. There are terabytes of information resting on our hard drives, and this number does not […]

How to automate IT infrastructure management - discussing three trends

Today we decided to talk about the tools that IT companies and IaaS providers use to automate work with networks and engineering systems. / Flickr / Not4rthur / CC BY-SA Realize Software-Defined Networking With the launch of 5G networks, IoT devices are expected to become truly mainstream, with some estimates exceeding 50 billion by 2022. Experts point out that […]