Heading: Administration

Wolfram Engine is now open to developers (translation)

On May 21, 2019, Wolfram Researh announced that they have given access to the Wolfram Engine to all software developers. You can download it and use it in your non-commercial projects at the link The free Wolfram Engine for developers allows developers to use the Wolfram Language in any development stack. The Wolfram Language, which is available as a sandbox, is […]

JMAP is an open protocol that will replace IMAP when exchanging emails.

At the beginning of the month, the JMAP protocol, which is being developed under the leadership of the IETF, was actively discussed on Hacker News. We decided to talk about why it was needed and how it works. /stock/PD What IMAP Didn't Like The IMAP protocol was introduced in 1986. Many things described in the standard are no longer relevant today. For example, a protocol can return […]

Restoring virtual machines from an erroneously initialized Datastore. The story of one nonsense with a happy ending

Disclaimer: This post is for entertainment purposes only. The specific density of useful information in it is small. It was written for myself. Lyrical introduction The file dump in our organization runs on a VMware ESXi 6 virtual machine running Windows Server 2016. And this is not just a dump. This is a file exchange server between structural divisions: there is collaboration, and project documentation, and […]

The new Windows Terminal: answers to some of your questions

In the comments to a recent article, you asked a lot of questions about the new version of our Windows Terminal. Today we will try to answer some of them. Below the cut are some of the most frequently asked questions we've heard (and still hear), as well as the official answers, including replacements for PowerShell and how to […]

Analysis of virtual machine performance in VMware vSphere. Part 1: CPU

If you administer a virtual infrastructure based on VMware vSphere (or any other technology stack), you probably often hear complaints from users: β€œThe virtual machine is slow!” In this series of articles I will analyze performance metrics and tell you what and why it slows down and how to make sure it doesn’t slow down. I will consider the following aspects of virtual machine performance: CPU, RAM, DISK, […]

The evolution of the architecture of the trading and clearing system of the Moscow Exchange. Part 2

This is a continuation of a long story about our thorny path to creating a powerful, highly loaded system that ensures the operation of the Exchange. The first part is here: habr.com/ru/post/444300 Mysterious bug After numerous tests, the updated trading and clearing system was put into operation, and we encountered a bug, about which it is just right to write a detective-mystical story. Shortly after starting on the main server, one of the transactions was processed with an error. […]

HPE Servers at Selectel

Alexey Pavlov, technical consultant at Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), shares his experience in using Selectel services today in the Selectel blog. Let's give him a word. The best way to check the quality of a service is to use it yourself. Our customers are increasingly considering the option of placing part of their resources in the data center with a provider. Understandably, the emerging desire of the customer to have […]

How we built a reliable PostgreSQL cluster on Patroni

Today, high availability of services is required always and everywhere, not only in large expensive projects. Temporarily unavailable sites with the message β€œSorry, maintenance in progress” are still encountered, but usually cause a condescending smile. Add to this life in the clouds, when you need only one call to the API to launch an additional server, and […]

The main cause of accidents in data centers is the gasket between the computer and the chair

The topic of major accidents in modern data centers raises questions that were not answered in the first article - we decided to develop it. According to the statistics from the Uptime Institute, the majority of incidents in data centers are related to power failures - they account for 39% of incidents. They are followed by the human factor - this is another 24% of accidents. […]

The evolution of the architecture of the trading and clearing system of the Moscow Exchange. Part 1

Hi all! My name is Sergey Kostanbaev, at the Exchange I am developing the core of the trading system. When they show the New York Stock Exchange in Hollywood movies, it always looks like this: crowds of people, everyone yelling something, waving papers, there is complete chaos. We have never had anything like this on the Moscow Exchange, because from the very beginning trading has been conducted electronically and […]

3CX integration with Office 365 via Azure API

PBX 3CX v16 of the Pro and Enterprise editions offers full integration with Office 365 applications. In particular, it has been implemented: Synchronization of Office 365 users and 3CX extensions (users). Synchronization of personal contacts of Office users and personal address book 3CX. Synchronization of the statuses (busy) of the Office 365 user calendar and the status of the 3CX extension. To make outgoing calls from the web […]

VMware EMPOWER 2019 conference: how was the first day

On May 20, the VMware EMPOWER 2019 conference started in Lisbon. The IT-GRAD team is present at this event and is broadcasting from the scene in the Telegram channel. Next - a report from the starting segment of the conference and a competition for readers of our blog on HabrΓ©. Products for users, not IT specialists The main topic of the first day was the Digital Workspace segment β€” […]