Heading: Administration

He doesn't tell you

In connection with the growing popularity of Rook, I want to talk about its pitfalls and problems that await you along the way. About me: Experience in administering ceph since the hammer version, founder of the t.me/ceph_ru community in telegram. In order not to be unfounded, I will refer to the posts accepted by Habr (judging by the rating) about problems with ceph. With most of the problems in […]

Complex systems. Reaching a critical level

If you've spent any time thinking about complex systems, you probably understand the importance of networks. Networks rule our world. From the chemical reactions within the cell, to the network of ecosystem relationships, trade and political networks that shape the course of history. Or consider this article you are reading. You probably found it on a social network, downloaded it from a computer network […]

Looking for vulnerabilities in UC Browser

Introduction At the end of March, we reported that we discovered a hidden ability to download and run unverified code in UC Browser. Today we will analyze in detail how this download occurs and how hackers can use it for their own purposes. Some time ago, UC Browser was advertised and distributed very aggressively: it was installed on users' devices using malware, distributed with […]

Installing openmeetings 5.0.0-M1. WEB conferences without Flash

Good afternoon, Dear Khabravites and Guests of the portal! Not long ago I had the need to set up a small server for video conferencing. Not many options were considered - BBB and Openmeetings, because... only they answered in terms of functionality: Free Demonstration of desktop, documents, etc. Interactive work with users (shared board, chat, etc.) No additional software installation required […]

What is DevOps

The definition of DevOps is very complex, so we have to start the discussion about it all over again every time. Only on HabrΓ© there are a thousand publications on this topic. But if you are reading this, then you probably know what DevOps is. Because I'm not. Hello, my name is Alexander Titov (@osminog), and we will just talk about DevOps and I will share my experience. I’ve been thinking for a long time about how to make my story useful, so there will be a lot of questions hereβ€”those […]

Let's Encrypt SSL certificate management automation using DNS-01 challenge and AWS

The post describes the steps to automate the management of SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt CA using the DNS-01 challenge and AWS. acme-dns-route53 is a tool that will allow us to implement this feature. It can work with SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt, store them in Amazon Certificate Manager, use the Route53 API to implement the DNS-01 challenge, and finally push notifications to […]

Using AppDynamics with Red Hat OpenShift v3

In recent times, many organizations want their applications to move from monoliths to microservices using "platform as a service" (PaaS), such as RedHat OpenShift v3, AppDynamics has made significant investments in providing first-class integration with such providers. AppDynamics integrates its agents with RedHat OpenShift v3 using Source-to-Image (S2I) methodologies. S2I is a tool for assembling playable […]

How much does a "sovereign" Runet cost?

It is difficult to count how many copies were broken in disputes about one of the most ambitious network projects of the Russian authorities: the sovereign Internet. Popular athletes, politicians, and heads of Internet companies expressed their pros and cons. Be that as it may, the law was signed and the implementation of the project began. But what will be the price of Runet sovereignty? Legislation β€œDigital Economy” program, plan for implementing measures under section […]

Store SSH keys securely

I want to tell you how to safely store SSH keys on your local machine, without fear that some application may steal or decrypt them. The article will be useful to those who have not found an elegant solution after paranoia in 2018 and continue to store keys in $HOME/.ssh. To solve this problem, I suggest using KeePassXC, which is one of the best […]

2019: Year of DEX (Decentralized Exchanges)

Is it possible that the cryptocurrency winter became a golden age for blockchain technology? Welcome to 2019, the year of decentralized exchanges (DEX)! Everyone who has anything to do with cryptocurrencies or blockchain technology is experiencing a harsh winter, which is reflected in the price charts of popular and not so popular cryptocurrencies like icy mountains (note: while we were translating, the situation has already changed a little...). The hype has passed, the bubble […]

Industrial unmanaged switches Advantech EKI-2000 series

When building Ethernet networks, various classes of switching equipment are used. Separately, it is worth highlighting unmanaged switches - simple devices that allow you to quickly and efficiently organize the operation of a small Ethernet network. This article provides a detailed overview of the EKI-2000 series of entry-level unmanaged industrial switches. Introduction Ethernet has long been an integral part of any industrial network. This standard, which came from the IT industry, allowed […]