Why one of the largest IT companies joined CNCF - a fund that develops cloud infrastructure

A month ago, Apple became a member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Let's figure out what that means.

Why one of the largest IT companies joined CNCF - a fund that develops cloud infrastructure
A photo - Moritz Kindler β€” unsplash


The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) supports the Linux Foundation. Its goal is the development and promotion of cloud technologies. The fund was founded in 2015 by major IaaS and SaaS providers, IT companies and network equipment manufacturers - Google, Red Hat, VMware, Cisco, Intel, Docker and others.

Today, even organizations such as Adidas, GitHub and The New York Times are among the fund's members. A month ago, Apple joined them - it received platinum status and will pay 370 thousand dollars annually for the development of open projects.

Apple and open source projects have a long history. Corporation one of the first began to actively use open source software in product development. An example would be OS X. This operating system is based on components from another OS, Darwin. She combined includes code written by Apple itself, sourced from NeXTSTEP and FreeBSD.

Representatives of CNCF and Linux Foundation they saythat by joining the open fund, the "apple company" wants to share its expertise. Engineers want to repay the open source community for their hard work and contribute to the development of cloud IT infrastructure. Representatives of Apple, in their usual manner, do not comment on the decisions of the corporation.

What will it affect

The development of the cloud will go faster. Projects from CNCF include the Kubernetes container orchestration system, the Prometheus infrastructure monitoring tool, the CoreDNS server, and the Envoy proxy service. Even before joining CNCF, Apple took an active part in their development (in particular, Kubernetes).

By becoming a member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, the corporation will be able to communicate more closely with colleagues. Thanks to the platinum status, the opinion of Apple representatives will be taken into account when determining the vector for the development of cloud tools. Currently, CNCF is working on fifteen more projects to protect the production environment and files in the cloud, as well as messaging. Apple's expertise can accelerate their development.

Why one of the largest IT companies joined CNCF - a fund that develops cloud infrastructure
A photo - Moritz Kindler β€” unsplash

There will be more open projects. Apple will help with the development of existing projects and introduce new ones. The company has already committed to open source XNU kernel - a component of the mentioned Darwin - as well as the Swift programming language, which today is in 13th place in the TIOBE ranking.

A year ago at Apple uncovered source code for FoundationDB, a distributed NoSQL database. Unlike other similar systems, operations in FoundationDB follow the principles ACID: atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability of data.

A couple of weeks to the project showed interest more than seven thousand developers, and on the forum have opened hundreds of new threads. The company plans to continue to develop new open source tools together with the community.

Who has recently joined CNCF

In March of this year, representatives of the CNCF announced thethat 59 new organizations have joined the community. At the end of May, the number of fund participants overcame the mark in 400 companies. Among them there are both small startups and large IT companies.

For example, Nvidia, which will develop artificial intelligence systems in the cloud, has become a new member of the fund. Worth noting are Elastic, the developers of the stack consisting of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash, as well as telecommunications equipment manufacturer Ericsson.

In addition to these organizations, the list includes several cloud providers, Internet service providers, consulting agencies, integrators, and information security companies.

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation believes that the new members and their technologies will drive the cloud market forward and bring valuable expertise to the open source ecosystem.

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Source: habr.com

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