Let's talk about monitoring: live recording of the Devops Deflope podcast with New Relic at the meetup on October 23

Hello! It so happened that we are active users of one very well-known platform, and at the end of October its engineers will come to visit our team. Thinking that not only we might have questions for them, we decided to gather everyone, as well as a friendly podcast and acquaintances from the Scalability Camp workshop, on one site.

So in one evening and a couple of messages in the telegram, an event was held where you can get acquainted with New Relic Solution Engineer, ask her questions that will be included in the new issue of DevOps Deflop, and then continue informal communication in the bar.

Register at the meetup You can then.

Let's talk about monitoring: live recording of the Devops Deflope podcast with New Relic at the meetup on October 23
For everyone who can't come, we will broadcast on this channel (the link to the broadcast will appear 2 days before the meetup).

Especially for readers of Habr who will not be able to watch live, come or are embarrassed to voice a question (because it seems holistic, or something else, or you just don’t like microphones), we open a preliminary collection of questions: leave them in the comments or write in a personal, and for the day before the event, the podcast hosts will include the brightest ones on the agenda.

Thank you and hope to see you soon on Taganka or yutube!

Source: habr.com

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