Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently

Half a year ago we presented explain.tensor.ru - public service for parsing and visualizing query plans to PostgreSQL.

Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently

Over the past months we have done about him report at PGConf.Russia 2020, prepared a summary article on speeding up SQL queries based on the recommendations that it gives out ... but most importantly, we collected your feedback and looked at real use cases.

And now we are ready to tell you about the new features that you can use.

Support for different plan formats

Plan from the log, along with the request

Directly from the console, we select the entire block, starting from the line with Query Text, with all leading spaces:

        Query Text: INSERT INTO  dicquery_20200604  VALUES ($1.*) ON CONFLICT (query)
                           DO NOTHING;
        Insert on dicquery_20200604  (cost=0.00..0.05 rows=1 width=52) (actual time=40.376..40.376 rows=0 loops=1)
          Conflict Resolution: NOTHING
          Conflict Arbiter Indexes: dicquery_20200604_pkey
          Tuples Inserted: 1
          Conflicting Tuples: 0
          Buffers: shared hit=9 read=1 dirtied=1
          ->  Result  (cost=0.00..0.05 rows=1 width=52) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=1)

... and throw everything copied directly into the field for the plan, without separating anything:

Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently

At the output, we also get a bonus to the disassembled plan context tab, where our request is presented in all its glory:

Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently


SELECT * FROM pg_class;

    "Plan": {
      "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
      "Parallel Aware": false,
      "Relation Name": "pg_class",
      "Alias": "pg_class",
      "Startup Cost": 0.00,
      "Total Cost": 1336.20,
      "Plan Rows": 13804,
      "Plan Width": 539,
      "Actual Startup Time": 0.006,
      "Actual Total Time": 1.838,
      "Actual Rows": 10266,
      "Actual Loops": 1,
      "Shared Hit Blocks": 646,
      "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
      "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
      "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
      "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
      "Local Read Blocks": 0,
      "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
      "Local Written Blocks": 0,
      "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
      "Temp Written Blocks": 0
    "Planning Time": 5.135,
    "Triggers": [
    "Execution Time": 2.389

Even with external quotes, as pgAdmin copies, even without - we throw in the same field, the output is beauty:

Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently

Advanced visualization

Planning Time/Execution Time

Now you can better see where the extra time went when executing the query:

Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently

I/O Timing

Sometimes you have to deal with a situation where, in terms of resources, it seems that not too much was read and written, but it seems that the execution time is incongruously large for some reason.

It has to be said here:Oh, at that moment, the disk on the server was probably too busy, that's why it took so long to read!"But somehow it's not very accurate ...

But it can be determined absolutely reliably. The fact is that among the configuration options of the PG server there are track_io_timing:

Enables timed I/O operations. This setting is disabled by default, as it requires the operating system to constantly query the current time, which can slow things down significantly on some platforms. You can use the pg_test_timing utility to estimate the overhead of timing on your platform. I/O statistics can be obtained through the pg_stat_database view, in the EXPLAIN output (when the BUFFERS parameter is used) and through the pg_stat_statements view.

This option can also be enabled within a local session:

SET track_io_timing = TRUE;

Well, now the best part is that we have learned to understand and display this data, taking into account all the transformations of the execution tree:

Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently

Here you can see that out of 0.790ms of the total execution time, 0.718ms took reading one page of data, 0.044ms - writing it, and only 0.028ms was spent on all other useful activity!

Future with PostgreSQL 13

For a complete overview of what's new, see in a detailed article, and we are specifically talking about changes in plans.

Planning buffers

Accounting for resources allocated to the scheduler is reflected in another patch that is not related to pg_stat_statements. EXPLAIN with the BUFFERS option will report the number of buffers used during the planning phase:

 Seq Scan on pg_class (actual rows=386 loops=1)
   Buffers: shared hit=9 read=4
 Planning Time: 0.782 ms
   Buffers: shared hit=103 read=11
 Execution Time: 0.219 ms

Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently

Incremental sort

In cases where sorting by many keys (k1, k2, k3…) is needed, the planner can now take advantage of knowing that the data is already sorted by several of the first keys (eg k1 and k2). In this case, you can not re-sort all the data anew, but divide them into successive groups with the same values ​​of k1 and k2, and β€œre-sort” them by the key k3.

Thus, the entire sorting breaks up into several successive sortings of a smaller size. This reduces the amount of memory required, and also allows you to return the first data before all sorting is complete.

 Incremental Sort (actual rows=2949857 loops=1)
   Sort Key: ticket_no, passenger_id
   Presorted Key: ticket_no
   Full-sort Groups: 92184 Sort Method: quicksort Memory: avg=31kB peak=31kB
   ->  Index Scan using tickets_pkey on tickets (actual rows=2949857 loops=1)
 Planning Time: 2.137 ms
 Execution Time: 2230.019 ms

Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently
Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently

UI/UX Improvements

Screenshots are everywhere!

Now on each tab there is an opportunity to quickly take screenshot of tab to clipboard for the entire width and depth of the tab - "sight" right-top:

Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently

Actually, most of the pictures for this publication were obtained in this way.

Recommendations on nodes

There are not only more of them, but about each one you can read the article in detailby following the link:

Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently

Removing from the archive

Some have asked for the ability to delete "absolutely" even plans that are not published in the archive - please, just click the corresponding icon:

Understanding PostgreSQL query plans even more conveniently

Well, let's not forget that we have Support Groupwhere you can write your comments and suggestions.

Source: habr.com

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