Workshops from IBM: Quarkus (ultra-fast Java for microservices), Jakarta EE and OpenShift

Workshops from IBM: Quarkus (ultra-fast Java for microservices), Jakarta EE and OpenShift
Hi all! We are also tired of webinars, their number over the past couple of months has exceeded all possible limits. Therefore, for habr we try to select the most interesting and useful for you).

At the beginning of June (hopefully, summer will still come) we have planned several practical sessions, which, we are sure, will be of interest to developers. First, let's talk about serverless and the latest ultra-fast quarks (like you, for example, 14ms cold start?), and secondly, Albert Khaliulov will talk about the features of cloud development on Jakarta EEMore, Microprofile and Docker (we will give each participant a ready-made virtual machine for the workshop). And finally, on June 9, Valery Kornienko will tell you how you can deploy your OpenShift to IBM Cloud in a couple of minutes. Interesting? If yes, the details are under the cut.

  • Mon 1 June 12:00-14:00 Serverless Computing with Java and Quarkus Workshop (Instructor: Edward Seagar) [ENG]

    A brief overview of Serverless Computing and how it helps developers. We will talk about Quarkus (an open source Java framework for working with kubernetes) and demonstrate why it is so popular in cloud development and is ideal for Serverless computing. You'll be able to code a Java application yourself, deploy it to the cloud, see the impact of using Quarkus, and get a hands-on understanding of what Serverless means! * Online - the seminar will be held in English!

  • Tue 2 June 12:00-14:00 Master class "Cloud application development on Java Enterprise" (Instructor: Albert Khaliulov)

    We will show how to develop microservice applications and ensure their interaction through a service mesh using Jakarta EE, Microprofile, Docker, Kubernetes and other cloud technologies. You'll see how you can use the Java Enterprise Application Server to create containerized microservice applications. At the end of the webinar, you will have the opportunity to go through the demonstrated scenarios with your own hands.


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