Decipher Key and Page WaitResource in deadlocks and locks

If you use the blocked process report or collect the deadlock graphs provided by SQL Server periodically, you will encounter things like this:

waitresource="PAGE: 6:3:70133"

waitresource=β€œKEY: 6:72057594041991168 (ce52f92a058c)β€œ

Sometimes, there will be more information in that giant XML that you study (deadlock graphs contain a list of resources that helps you find out the names of the object and index), but not always.

This text will help you decipher them.

All the information that is here is on the Internet in various places, it is simply very distributed! I want to put it all together, from DBCC PAGE to hobt_id to the undocumented %%physloc%% and %%lockres%% functions.

First, let's talk about waits on PAGE locks, and then move on to KEY locks.

1) waitresource="PAGE: 6:3:70133" = Database_Id: FileId: PageNumber

If your request is waiting on a PAGE lock, SQL Server will give you the address of that page.

Breaking down "PAGE: 6:3:70133" we get:

  • database_id = 6
  • data_file_id = 3
  • page_number = 70133

1.1) Decrypt database_id

Find the name of the database using the query:

FROM sys.databases 
WHERE database_id=6;

It's public DB WideWorldImporters on my SQL Server.

1.2) Looking for the name of the data file - if you're interested

We are going to use data_file_id in the next step to find the table name. You can just skip to the next step, but if you are interested in the file name, you can find it by running a query in the context of the found database, substituting data_file_id into this query:

USE WideWorldImporters;
FROM sys.database_files
WHERE file_id = 3;

In the WideWorldImporters database this is a file called WWI_UserData and I have it restored to C:MSSQLDATAWideWorldImporters_UserData.ndf. (Oops, you caught me putting files on the system drive! No! It's embarrassing).

1.3) Get object name from DBCC PAGE

We now know that page #70133 in datafile 3 belongs to the WorldWideImporters database. We can look at the contents of this page using the undocumented DBCC PAGE and trace flag 3604.
Note: I prefer to use DBCC PAGE on a restored copy somewhere on another server, because it's undocumented stuff. In some cases, she may result in a dump (approx. translator - the link, unfortunately, leads nowhere, but judging by the url, we are talking about filtered indexes).

/* This trace flag makes DBCC PAGE output go to our Messages tab
instead of the SQL Server Error Log file */
/* DBCC PAGE (DatabaseName, FileNumber, PageNumber, DumpStyle)*/
DBCC PAGE ('WideWorldImporters',3,70133,2);

By scrolling to the results, you can find the object_id and index_id.
Decipher Key and Page WaitResource in deadlocks and locks
Almost done! Now you can find the table and index names with a query:

USE WideWorldImporters;
SELECT as schema_name, as object_name, as index_name
FROM sys.objects as so 
JOIN sys.indexes as si on 
JOIN sys.schemas AS sc on 
    so.object_id = 94623380
    and si.index_id = 1;

And here we see that the wait on the lock was on the PK_Sales_OrderLines index of the Sales.OrderLines table.

Note: In SQL Server 2014 and above, the object name can also be found using the undocumented DMO sys.dm_db_database_page_allocations. But you have to query every page in the database, which doesn't look very cool for large databases, so I used DBCC PAGE.

1.4) Is it possible to see the data on the page that was blocked?

Nuuu, yes. But... are you sure you really need it?
It's slow even on small tables. But it's kind of cool, so since you've read this far...let's talk about %%physloc%%!

%%physloc%% is an undocumented piece of magic that returns a physical ID for each entry. you can use %%physloc%% along with sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter in SQL Server 2008 and above.

Now that we know that we wanted to block the page in Sales.OrderLines, we can look at all the data in this table, which is stored in data file #3 on page #70133, with the following query:

Use WideWorldImporters;
    sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter (%%physloc%%),
FROM Sales.OrderLines (NOLOCK)
WHERE sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter (%%physloc%%) like '(3:70133%'

As I said, it's slow even on tiny tables. I added NOLOCK to the request because we still have no guarantee that the data we want to look at is exactly the same as it was at the time the lock was discovered - so we can safely do dirty reads.
But, hooray, the query returns me the very 25 rows for which our query fought.
Decipher Key and Page WaitResource in deadlocks and locks
Enough about PAGE locks. What if we are waiting for a KEY lock?

2) waitresource="KEY: 6:72057594041991168 (ce52f92a058c)" = Database_Id, HOBT_Id (magic hash that can be decrypted with %%lockres%% if you really want to)

If your query tries to lock on an index entry and gets locked on its own, you get a completely different type of address.
Breaking β€œ6:72057594041991168 (ce52f92a058c)” into parts, we get:

  • database_id = 6
  • hobt_id = 72057594041991168
  • magic hash = (ce52f92a058c)

2.1) Decrypt database_id

It works exactly the same as with the example above! We find the name of the database using the query:

FROM sys.databases 
WHERE database_id=6;

In my case, it's the same DB WideWorldImporters.

2.2) Decrypt hobt_id

In the context of the found database, you need to query sys.partitions with a couple of joins that will help determine the names of the table and index ...

USE WideWorldImporters;
SELECT as schema_name, as object_name, as index_name
FROM sys.partitions AS p
JOIN sys.objects as so on 
JOIN sys.indexes as si on 
    p.index_id=si.index_id and 
JOIN sys.schemas AS sc on 
WHERE hobt_id = 72057594041991168;

It tells me that the request was waiting on the Application.Countries lock using the PK_Application_Countries index.

2.3) Now for some %%lockres%% magic - if you want to find out which entry was locked

If I really want to know on which row the lock was needed, I can find out by querying the table itself. We can use the undocumented %%lockres%% function to find an entry that matches the magic hash.
Note that this query will scan the entire table, and on large tables this might not be fun at all:

FROM Application.Countries (NOLOCK)
WHERE %%lockres%% = '(ce52f92a058c)';

I added NOLOCK (on the advice of Klaus Aschenbrenner on twitter) because locks can be a problem. We just want to look at what is there now, and not what was there when the transaction began - I don’t think that data consistency is important to us.
Voila, the record we fought for!
Decipher Key and Page WaitResource in deadlocks and locks

Acknowledgments and further reading

I don't remember who first described many of these things, but here are two posts about the least documented things you might like:


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