Seminars on cloud services, AI, blockchain, Data Science, microservices: now in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Seminars on cloud services, AI, blockchain, Data Science, microservices: now in Moscow and St. Petersburg

If you haven't been to our hands-on workshops on popular developer topics (AI, blockchain, data science, image recognition, containers, chatbots, etc.), maybe this November is the time to make up for it. Moreover, this autumn we have expanded the geography of our seminars, and now we offer them not only in Moscow, but also in the northern capital.

As usual, participation in seminars is absolutely free, and coffee-tea-cakes at our expense. At the end of the seminar, each participant will receive certificate from IBM. Limited number of seats.

List of practical seminars:

  • Chatbots + methodology for developing intelligent assistants
  • Microservices, DevOps, and Application Modernization - The IBM Approach
  • Watson Studio - everything you need for Data Science in the cloud
  • Image and video recognition in the cloud
  • Blockchain with practical examples, Hyperledger Fabric platform
  • Artificial Intelligence for Your Applications - Hands-On Workshop on AI Services

Interesting? Please under cat for a detailed description and registration.
Not interested? Suggest your topic in the comments - we will consider the possibility of holding a seminar on it.


November 12-13 β€” Create your own chatbot + methodology for developing intelligent assistants
In this workshop, you will learn how to create, train and deploy a chatbot (intelligent assistant) on the IBM Watson Assistant platform (Chatbot platform #1 in MIPT's Top 50 Chatbot Platforms and Virtual Assistants of 2019). Add the power of the IBM Watson platform to your applications developed on the IBM Cloud platform or to third-party applications!

Nov. 14-15 - Microservices, DevOps, and Application Modernization - The IBM Approach
We will analyze approaches to building applications in the new cloud realities and practices for transforming existing solutions. We will cover the basics of microservice architectures and the use of products and technologies - IBM Cloud Pak for Applications, Microprofile, Kubernetes, Openshift, Kabanero, Appsody, Operators - to create applications within these approaches with DevOps practices.

November 20 - Watson Studio - everything you need for Data Science in the cloud
IBM Watson Studio is a unique ecosystem that combines cutting-edge IBM developments in the field of artificial intelligence, the best Open Source solutions and the enormous computing power of IBM. Here you can implement a product of any complexity, from traditional tasks of binary classification and regression analysis to the most complex projects in the field of recognition and generation of natural language or computer vision. Watson Studio accelerates and simplifies the machine learning and deep learning process needed to bring AI to your business. IBM offers a set of tools for big data professionals to enable collaborative data cleaning and preprocessing, collaborative model building, training, and deployment.

November 21 - Image and video recognition in the IBM cloud
Recognition and β€œunderstanding” of images is the number 1 topic in the field of artificial intelligence. The list of tasks that computer vision can solve is truly impressive, from plant type recognition, bird counting, automatic processing of car damage claims in insurance, to the development of robots and self-driving cars. The workshop includes lectures and discussions to help you understand the possibilities of using computer vision in your projects, as well as practical exercises, during which participants will be able to get acquainted with IBM products and learn the basics of working with them.
During this workshop, we will look at some practical examples and talk about the algorithms that are under the hood of ANN (artificial neural network) for image recognition.
Interested in learning from a range of IBM Cloud tools and building your own solution? Come to our seminar!

November 26 - How blockchain can help your business - case studies from IBM
The workshop will help you learn how, with the help of IBM, you can use Blockchain for your business. We will talk about successful examples of Blockchain implementation in various industries, reveal the technological features of the IBM Blockchain platform, and show how Blockchain works using practical examples.

St. Petersburg

November 11 - Artificial intelligence for your applications: from idea to implementation in three hours with IBM Watson!
Workshop participants will learn how to create applications with the AI ​​capabilities of IBM Watson, and then develop and launch their own examples of such applications.

Nov. 12-13 - Microservices, DevOps, and Application Modernization - The IBM Approach
We will analyze approaches to building applications in the new cloud realities and practices for transforming existing solutions. We will cover the basics of microservice architectures and the use of products and technologies - IBM Cloud Pak for Applications, Microprofile, Kubernetes, Openshift, Kabanero, Appsody, Operators - to create applications within these approaches with DevOps practices.

November 27 - How blockchain can help your business - case studies from IBMRegistration link will be available later.
The workshop will help you learn how, with the help of IBM, you can use Blockchain for your business. We will talk about successful examples of Blockchain implementation in various industries, reveal the technological features of the IBM Blockchain platform, and show how Blockchain works using practical examples.

November 28-29 β€” Create your own chatbot + methodology for developing intelligent assistantsRegistration link will be available later.
In this workshop, you will learn how to create, train and deploy a chatbot (intelligent assistant) on the IBM Watson Assistant platform (Chatbot platform #1 in MIPT's Top 50 Chatbot Platforms and Virtual Assistants of 2019). Add the power of the IBM Watson platform to your applications developed on the IBM Cloud platform or to third-party applications!

Seminars are conducted in English by experienced instructors of the IBM European Competence Center. The necessary support in Russian will be provided by the Moscow office of IBM.

What do you need to participate in the seminar?

The number of places is limited, registration for each seminar is required!


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