The story of how hCaptcha broke

hCaptcha comes to us and the connection is invigorating, we have a real dance with tambourines

Hey Habr!

Sit down comfortably, make yourself a cup of tea, for I write a little long and through my right ear. So, are you ready? Great, then let's get started.

ATTENTION! The article written below may contain redundant information, links, pictures, etc. and so on.

I'll start, perhaps, from afar. A couple of days ago I installed OpenWRT on my router and immediately rolled dnscrypt and tor with blackjack onto it bypassing blocking. This got rid of most of the ads and gave me access to the blue butterfly without installing unnecessary software on my pristine PC. In short, I was pleased.

My faceThe story of how hCaptcha broke

However, found a regrettable moment. The most famous flea market began to be displayed ... crookedly. All sites are plowed, but she is not.

Spoiler headerThe story of how hCaptcha broke
As a reasonable person, I climbed into the DNS settings of the router, because everything worked better before. So, I violated the first commandment of the programmer: "It works - do not touch it!" In fact, that's how I spent the night, getting nowhere.

In the morning, as an experienced programmer, I decided to go in from the other side and tried to go through the anusTor Browser. And, miraculously, I did it. Next, I started comparing the logs through my connection and through tor. Finally, I found this:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403()The story of how hCaptcha broke

After a short search, I found out that the problem was in the DNS and again got into digging into the settings of the router and computer. I even called the provider, by the way, cheerful monkeys seem to be working in the Moscow bee, and I judge this by the rich experience of interacting with them, and not by the last appeal.

Forgive me monkeysThe story of how hCaptcha broke

So, I'm back where I started. Namely, to the 403 error, which says that, in theory, I cannot access the js script. Well, I think, let's see what kind of scripts these are, what you can't get. Follow the link to the script:

The story of how hCaptcha broke

And I see. Pum-pum-paaaam. Check page for a robot, and now there is a newfangled hCaptcha:

Check pageThe story of how hCaptcha broke

As a result, I passed the test, returned to Avito and reloaded the page. And I see that everything is back to normal.

Main page avito.ruThe story of how hCaptcha broke

In conclusion, we have that the problem was not in the router or provider. And in the new captcha, which, frankly, I already hated. I decided to share my story, maybe it will help someone.

Thank you for watching.

Best regards,
Alrott SlimRG


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