Slurm: the caterpillar turned into a butterfly

Slurm: the caterpillar turned into a butterfly

  1. Slurm really allows you to enter the topic of Kubernetes or improve your knowledge.
  2. The participants are happy. Those who did not learn anything new or did not solve their problems, a few. The unconditional moneyback of the first day (“If you feel that Slurm does not suit you, we will refund the full price of the ticket”) was used by only one person, justifying that he overestimated his strength.
  3. The next Slurm will take place in early September in St. Petersburg. Selectel, our permanent sponsor, provides not only a cloud for stands, but also its own conference room.
  4. We are revisiting the base Slurm (9-11 September) and introducing a new program: DevOps Slurm (4-6 September).

What is Slurm and how has it changed?

A year ago, we came up with the idea to conduct courses on Kubernetes. In August'18, Slurm-1 took place: difficult, with continuous presintation (when the presentation is finished on the stage), with a lot of everyday problems. Tests unite: the participants of the first Slurm, like the Fellowship of the Ring, still communicate with each other.

Slurm: the caterpillar turned into a butterfly
This is what Slurm-1 looked like

At the first Slurm, the idea to hold a MegaSlurm was born. We asked people what topics they were interested in, and in October we held an advanced course "At the request of participants." It turned out to be an interesting, but one-time event. By May'19 we have prepared a real advanced course, with its own logic and internal history.

Over the year, Slurm has changed organizationally:
- Docker and Anisble were removed from the main program and made separate online courses.
- Organized technical support, which helps students troubleshoot educational clusters.
— Speakers received methodological support.

Slurm: the caterpillar turned into a butterfly
The team that made Slurm-4

Feedback from participants

Another record was taken: 170 participants on the basic Slurm, 75 on the MegaSlurm.

Slurm: the caterpillar turned into a butterfly

The feedback form was completed by 101 people out of 170.

Has Kubernetes become clear?
41 - I don't understand k8s yet, but I see where to dig.
36 - Previously, k8s did not know, now I figured it out.
23 - I knew k8s before, now I know better.
1 - Didn't learn anything new.
0 - I did not understand anything about k8s.

How do you like the intensity of Slurm?

16 people think that Slurm is too easy and slow, and 14 - that it is too difficult and fast. The rest just right.

Did you solve the problem with which you went to Slurm?

90 - Yes.
11 - No.


40 people filled out the feedback form. 2 people said it was too easy and slow. 1 person did not solve the problem with which he went to Mega. The rest are all OK.

Review of Slurm on

Speaker reviews

Slurm: the caterpillar turned into a butterfly

If in St. Petersburg Slurm in February there were mostly beginners, then in Moscow Slurm people in the mass have already tried Kubernetes. There were a lot of advanced questions that made you think.

If in St. Petersburg they asked when we would publish our fork of kubespray, then in Moscow they already asked why we propose to use our fork, and not take the original kubespray. This is the critical thinking of middle seniors.

The practice was difficult, people made a lot of mistakes, and that's great: you need to fill bumps while studying, not in battle.

We regularly encountered limits on obtaining certificates, limits on downloading from Github, etc. This is life - we simultaneously deployed about 200 clusters in the Selectel cloud. No one prepares their resources and limits for this.

Announcement of Slurm in Selectel

Registration for Slurm-5
Price: 25 000 ₽


Topic #1: Introducing Kubernetes, Core Components
— Introduction to k8s technology. Description, application, concepts
- Pod, ReplicaSet, Deployment, Service, Ingress, PV, PVC, ConfigMap, Secret

Topic #2: Cluster design, main components, fault tolerance, k8s network
- Cluster device, main components, fault tolerance
- k8s network

Topic #3: Kubespray, Tuning and Tuning a Kubernetes Cluster
— Kubespray, configuring and tuning a Kubernetes cluster

Topic #4: Advanced Kubernetes Abstractions
- DaemonSet, StatefulSet, RBAC, Job, CronJob, Pod Scheduling, InitContainer

Topic #5: Publishing Services and Applications
— Overview of service publishing methods: NodePort vs LoadBalancer vs Ingress
- Ingress controller (Nginx): balancing incoming traffic
- Сert-manager: automatically obtain SSL / TLS certificates

Topic #6: Introduction to Helm

Topic #7: Installing cert-manager

Topic #8: Ceph: do-it-yourself installation

Topic #9: Logging and Monitoring
— Cluster monitoring, Prometheus
- Cluster logging, Fluentd/Elastic/Kibana

Topic #10: Cluster upgrade

Topic #11: Practical work, application dockerization and launch in a cluster

Docker and Ansible courses on are included in the price.

Register for Slurm DevOps
Price: 45 000 ₽


Topic #1: Introduction to Git
- Basic commands git init, commit, add, diff, log, status, pull, push
- Setting up the local environment: practical recommendations
— Git flow, branches and tags, merge strategies
- Working with multiple remote repos

Topic #2: Teamwork with Git
— GitHub flow
Fork, remove, pull request
- Conflicts, releases, once again about Gitflow and other flows in relation to teams

Topic #3: CI/CD Introduction to Automation
— Automation in the git (bots, introduction to CI, hooks)
- Tools (bash, make, gradle)
— Factory conveyor assembly lines and their application in IT

Topic #4: CI/CD: Working with Gitlab
- Build, test, deploy
— Stages, variables, execution control (only, when, include)

Topic #5: Working with the application from a development point of view
- We write a microservice in Python (including tests)
— Using docker-compose in development

Topic #6: Infrastructure as Code
- IaC: approach to infrastructure as code
— IaC on the example of Terraform
- IaC on the example of Ansible
— Idempotence, declarativeness
— The practice of creating Ansible playbooks
- Storage of configurations, collaboration, automation of applications

Topic #7: Infrastructure Testing
— Testing and continuous integration with Molecule and Gitlab CI

Topic No. 8: Automation of raising servers
- Collecting images
- PXE and DHCP

Topic #9: Infrastructure Automation
— An example of an infrastructure service for authorization on servers
— ChatOps (integration of messengers with pipelines)

Topic #10: Security Automation
- CI/CD artifact signing
— Vulnerability scanning

Topic #11: Monitoring
— Definition of SLA, SLO, Error Budget and other scary terms from the world of SRE
- SRE: SLI and SLO Monitoring Practice
— SRE: Error Budget Practice
- SRE: Interrupt and operational load management (apigateway, service mesh, circuit brackers)
— Monitoring of pipelines and development metrics


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