Hundreds of thousands of citizens' payments to the traffic police and the FSSP were in the public domain

Medical Data - were, data on loans - were, this time it was the turn of data on payments for traffic police fines and debts on enforcement proceedings of the bailiff service.

Hundreds of thousands of citizens' payments to the traffic police and the FSSP were in the public domain

The good news is that these payments are not linked to the official website of the State Services. The bad news is that there is a lot of data, and it is more than “personal”.

Дисклеймер: вся информация ниже публикуется исключительно в образовательных целях. Автор не получал доступа к персональным данным третьих лиц и компаний. Информация взята либо из открытых источников, либо была предоставлена автору анонимными доброжелателями.

On April 12th (night) an Elasticsearch server was discovered that did not require authentication to connect. About that how open Elasticsearch databases are discovered I wrote a blog post.

Hundreds of thousands of citizens' payments to the traffic police and the FSSP were in the public domain

The Elasticsearch indexes contained the logs of some information system (IS). An assumption was made about the connection of this server with sites that accept payments in favor of various government services: payment traffic police.rf,,, и

On the morning of 13.04.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX, I sent an alert to the following email addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]but (as is often the case) received no response. The server was quietly "covered" and disappeared from public access on 13.04.2019/15/20 around 15:45-XNUMX:XNUMX (Moscow time).

At the moment before the server shutdown, the Elasticsearch indexes looked like this:

Hundreds of thousands of citizens' payments to the traffic police and the FSSP were in the public domain

Now let's move on to the most interesting - directly to personal data. As I wrote above, the indexes contained some logs of some kind of IP. And as often happens, the logs turned out to be very detailed, even too much.

The logs were stored starting from February 28.02.2019, 17.03.2019, and not for the entire time of the IS operation. In some indices, the data was from XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX.

For example, according to the logs from the index gosoplata you could get something like this (total 248365 excluding error logging):

        "_index": "gosoplata",
        "_type": "log",
        "@timestamp": "2019-03-02T20:55:02+03:00",
          "message": "Начисление найдено в ГИС",
          "extra": "[n    'gis_info' => unserialize('O:34:"appmodelspaymentapiPenaltyInfo":10:{s:10:"billNumber";s:20:"ХХХХХ021170025955001";s:8:"billDate";s:10:"2017-04-03";s:10:"validUntil";s:10:"2017-06-03";s:6:"amount";s:9:"146030.26";s:7:"addInfo";s:1424:"Оплата долга по ИП № ХХХХХ/17/ ХХХХХ -ИП от 03.04.2017 в отношении МИХХХ Х. Х., Задолженность по кредитным платежам (кроме ипотеки)///УИН32253021170025955001_ИП0;Подразделение: УФК ПО НОВГОРОДСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ (ОСП НОВГОРОДСКОГО, БАТЕЦКОГО И КРЕСТЕЦКОГО РАЙОНОВ УФССП РОССИИ ПО НОВГОРОДСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ Л/С 05501845860);Получатель: УФК ПО НОВГОРОДСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ (ОСП НОВГОРОДСКОГО, БАТЕЦКОГО И КРЕСТЕЦКОГО РАЙОНОВ УФССП РОССИИ ПО НОВГОРОДСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ Л/С 05501845860);Банк Получателя: ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ НОВГОРОД;Номер счёта Получателя: 40302810400001000005;ИНН: 5321100670;КПП: 532132002;БИК Банка Получателя: 044959001;ОКАТО: 49625000;КБК: 0;idDebtsum:146540.26;ipPaymentAmount:0.00;ipOperationAmount:0.00;dataUnloadDate:2018-12-04T11:26:19.000;dataIdDate:2017-01-27;dataIdNumber:2-53/2017;dataIpRiseDate:2017-04-03;dataIpNumber: ХХХХХ/17/ХХХХХ-ИП;dataIdDbtrFio:МИХХХ ХХХ ХХХ;dataIdDbtrBorn:ХХХ-09-03;dataIdDebtText:Задолженность по кредитным платежам (кроме ипотеки);";s:7:"docName";s:3:"inn";s:9:"docNumber";s:12:" ХХХХХ0819584";s:9:"payStatus";s:1:"0";s:9:"quittance";s:1:"3";s:11:"amountToPay";s:9:"146030.26";}'),n]",
          "context": "[n    '_GET' => [],n    '_POST' => [],n]"

I've padded all sensitive data with an "X". In reality, everything was kept in the open.

From index oplata-fssp (total 283958 excluding errors):

        "_index": "oplata-fssp",
        "_type": "log",
          "@timestamp": "2019-02-28T22:17:24+03:00",
          "extra": "[n    'request_data' => [n        'MNT_ID' => 'ХХХХХ3280',n        'MNT_TRANSACTION_ID' => ''ХХХХХ0795c78337a5a308',n        'MNT_OPERATION_ID' => ''ХХХХХ 3232',n        'MNT_AMOUNT' => '544.00',n        'MNT_CURRENCY_CODE' => 'RUB',n        'MNT_TEST_MODE' => '0',n        'MNT_SIGNATURE' => '6435224ccХХХХХХХ10bbc970f6479787',n        'paymentSystem_unitId' => '1686945',n        'MNT_CORRACCOUNT' => '303',n        'MNT_PAY_SYSTEM' => 'payanyway',n        'MNT_IS_REGULAR' => '',n        'MNT_FORM_METHOD' => 'POST',n        'cardnumber' => '639002********7417',n    ],n    'model_attributes' => [n        'id' => 482137,n        'parent_id' => null,n        'name' => 'ПОХХХ ГАЛИНА ГХХХ',n        'ur' => 0,n        'birthdate' => 'ХХХХ-06-06',n        'doc_type' => null,n        'doc_value' => null,n        'hash' => ''ХХХХХ795c78337a5a308',n        'created_at' => '2019-02-28 22:16:10',n        'form_url' => ' 'ХХХХХ&MNT_CURRENCY_CODE=RUB&MNT_AMOUNT=544.00&MNT_DESCRIPTION=Оплата задолженности ФССП. Заказ N482137 УИН: 32223088190136500007 Делопроизводство: ХХХХХХ/19/ХХХХХ-ИП&MNT_TEST_MODE=0&'ХХХХХ &MNT_SUCCESS_URL=',n        'email' => ''ХХХХХ',n        'payment_system_id' => 'moneta',n        'transaction_id' => '338533232',n        'updated_at' => '2019-02-28 22:16:16',n        'a3_order_hash' => null,n        'receipt_send' => null,n        'receipt_status_id' => null,n        'payment_status_id' => 'callback_received',n        'lead_source' => 'fssp',n    ],n]",
          "context": "[n    '_GET' => [],n    '_POST' => [n        'MNT_ID' => ''ХХХХХ280',n        'MNT_TRANSACTION_ID' => ''ХХХХХ795c78337a5a308',n        'MNT_OPERATION_ID' => ''ХХХХХ3232',n        'MNT_AMOUNT' => '544.00',n        'MNT_CURRENCY_CODE' => 'RUB',n        'MNT_TEST_MODE' => '0',n        'MNT_SIGNATURE' => '6435224cc'ХХХХХ10bbc970f6479787',n        'paymentSystem_unitId' => ''ХХХХХ45',n        'MNT_CORRACCOUNT' => '303',n        'MNT_PAY_SYSTEM' => 'payanyway',n        'MNT_IS_REGULAR' => '',n        'MNT_FORM_METHOD' => 'POST',n        'cardnumber' => '639002********7417',n    ],n]"

Here you can see (meaning cardnumber) that only the fact that the payment gateway (in this case did not give this IC the number in clear text (only the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card number).

It was also clear from the logs that the official website of the FSSP offers citizens to make payments through this IS:ХХХХХХ/18/ХХХХХХ-IP. Which is indirectly confirmed by the text at the very bottom of the site

Hundreds of thousands of citizens' payments to the traffic police and the FSSP were in the public domain

Now let's see what's going on with traffic fines. Obviously, indexes are responsible for this. shatrafov-net (4528 entries excluding errors) and paygibdd (140666 entries excluding errors):

        "_index": "shtrafov-net",
        "_type": "log",
          "@timestamp": "2019-03-17T17:16:51+03:00",
          "message": "INSERT INTO customer (doc_type, doc_value, licence_plate, vehicle_model) VALUES ('ctc', '99026ХХХХХ', 'УХХХРМХХ', 'ЛЕНД РОВЕР РЕЙНДЖ РОВЕР')",
          "context": "[n    '_GET' => [],n    '_POST' => [n        'postdate' => '10/03/2019',n        'postnum' => '18810018180002ХХХХХХ',n        'postsum' => '1000',n        'divid' => '1194040',n        'uin' => '18810018180002ХХХХХХ',n        'regnum' => 'УХХХРМ',n        'regreg' => '1Х',n        'reg' => 'ХХХХХ34084',n        'discount' => '1',n        'discountdate' => '01/04/2019 23:59:59',n        'allfines' => '[{"Discount":"1","enableDiscount":false,"DateDecis":"2019-03-10 09:05:00","KoAPcode":"12.6","DateDiscount":"01/04/2019 23:59:59","VehicleModel":"ЛЕНД РОВЕР РЕЙНДЖ РОВЕР","KoAPtext":"УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ТРАНСПОРТНЫМ СРЕДСТВОМ ВОДИТЕЛЕМ, НЕ ПРИСТЕГНУТЫМ РЕМНЕМ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ, ПЕРЕВОЗКА ПАССАЖИРОВ, НЕ ПРИСТЕГНУТЫХ РЕМНЯМИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ, ЕСЛИ КОНСТРУКЦИЕЙ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА ПРЕДУСМОТРЕНЫ РЕМНИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ, А РАВНО УПРАВЛЕНИЕ МОТОЦИКЛОМ ЛИБО ПЕРЕВОЗКА НА МОТОЦИКЛЕ ПАССАЖИРОВ БЕЗ МОТОШЛЕМОВ ИЛИ В НЕЗАСТЕГНУТЫХ МОТОШЛЕМАХ","NumPost":"18810018180002ХХХХХХ","kbk":"18811630020016000140","Summa":1000,"Division":1194040,"enablePics":false,"id":"18#FF474785255","SupplierBillID":"18810018180002ХХХХХХ","DatePost":"10/03/2019"},{"Discount":"1","enableDiscount":false,"DateDecis":"2019-03-08 14:55:00","KoAPcode":"12.9ч.2","DateDiscount":"01/04/2019 23:59:59","VehicleModel":"ЛЕНД РОВЕР  РЕЙНДЖ РОВЕР","KoAPtext":"ПРЕВЫШЕНИЕ УСТАНОВЛЕННОЙ СКОРОСТИ ДВИЖЕНИЯ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА НА ВЕЛИЧИНУ БОЛЕЕ 20, НО НЕ БОЛЕЕ 40 КМ/Ч","NumPost":"18810118190312ХХХХХХ","kbk":"18811630020016000140","Summa":500,"Division":1194010,"enablePics":true,"id":"18#18810118190312ХХХХХХ","SupplierBillID":"18810118190312ХХХХХХ","DatePost":"12/03/2019"}]',n    ],n]"

        "_index": "paygibdd",
        "_type": "log",
        "@timestamp": "2019-02-28T17:30:57+03:00",
        "message": "Входящий запрос на оплату",
          "extra": "[n    'request_data' => [n        'postdate' => '02.10.2017',n        'postnum' => '188101161710029ХХХХХ',n        'postsum' => '500',n        'divid' => '1192201',n        'uin' => '188101161710029ХХХХХ',n        'regnum' => 'XХХХCB',n        'regreg' => '1ХХ',n        'reg' => '16462ХХХХХ',n        'discount' => '1',n        'discountdate' => '2017-10-23 23:59:59',n        'allfines' => '[{"Discount":"0","DateDecis":"2016-12-17 02:30:00","KoAPcode":"12.26ч.1","KoAPtext":"НЕВЫПОЛНЕНИЕ ВОДИТЕЛЕМ ЗАКОННОГО ТРЕБОВАНИЯ СОТРУДНИКА ПОЛИЦИИ О ПРОХОЖДЕНИИ МЕДИЦИНСКОГО ОСВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАНИЯ НА СОСТОЯНИЕ ОПЬЯНЕНИЯ","NumPost":"188104121603000ХХХХХ","kbk":"18811630020016000140","Summa":"30000","Division":1188030,"enablePics":false,"id":"12#FF176064188","SupplierBillID":"188104121603000ХХХХХ","DatePost":"2017-03-06","DateSSP":null},{"Discount":"1","enableDiscount":false,"DateDecis":"2017-09-18 14:32:00","KoAPcode":"12.9ч.2","DateDiscount":"2017-10-23 23:59:59","KoAPtext":"ПРЕВЫШЕНИЕ УСТАНОВЛЕННОЙ СКОРОСТИ ДВИЖЕНИЯ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА НА ВЕЛИЧИНУ БОЛЕЕ 20, НО НЕ БОЛЕЕ 40 КМ/Ч","NumPost":"188101161710029ХХХХХ","kbk":"18811630020016000140","Summa":"500","Division":1192201,"enablePics":true,"id":"16#43522519023478911ХХХХХ","SupplierBillID":"188101161710029ХХХХХ","DatePost":"2017-10-02","DateSSP":null},{"Discount":"1","enableDiscount":false,"DateDecis":"2017-11-01 04:23:00","KoAPcode":"12.9ч.2","DateDiscount":"2017-11-24 23:59:59","KoAPtext":"ПРЕВЫШЕНИЕ УСТАНОВЛЕННОЙ СКОРОСТИ ДВИЖЕНИЯ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА НА ВЕЛИЧИНУ БОЛЕЕ 20, НО НЕ БОЛЕЕ 40 КМ/Ч","NumPost":"18810116171104ХХХХХ","kbk":"18811630020016000140","Summa":"500","Division":1192201,"enablePics":true,"id":"16#44211639030358281ХХХХХ","SupplierBillID":"1881011617110ХХХХХ","DatePost":"2017-11-04","DateSSP":null},{"Discount":"1","enableDiscount":false,"DateDecis":"2017-10-31 12:08:00","KoAPcode":"12.9ч.2","DateDiscount":"2017-11-27 23:59:59","KoAPtext":"ПРЕВЫШЕНИЕ УСТАНОВЛЕННОЙ СКОРОСТИ ДВИЖЕНИЯ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА НА ВЕЛИЧИНУ БОЛЕЕ 20, НО НЕ БОЛЕЕ 40 КМ/Ч","NumPost":"188101161711056ХХХХХ","kbk":"18811630020016000140","Summa":"500","Division":1192201,"enablePics":true,"id":"16#44236760030609331ХХХХХ","SupplierBillID":"188101161711056ХХХХХ","DatePost":"2017-11-05","DateSSP":null},{"Discount":"1","enableDiscount":false,"DateDecis":"2018-01-27 23:46:00","KoAPcode":"12.37ч.2","DateDiscount":"2018-02-16 23:59:59","KoAPtext":"НЕИСПОЛНЕНИЕ ВЛАДЕЛЬЦЕМ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА УСТАНОВЛЕННОЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫМ ЗАКОНОМ ОБЯЗАННОСТИ ОСАГО, А РАВНО УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ТРАНСПОРТНЫМ СРЕДСТВОМ, ЕСЛИ ТАКОЕ ОСАГО ЗАВЕДОМО ОТСУТСТВУЕТ","NumPost":"188102161820027ХХХХХ","kbk":"18811630020016000140","Summa":"800","Division":1192200,"enablePics":false,"id":"16#4516501003986993ХХХХХ","SupplierBillID":"188102161820027ХХХХХ","DatePost":"2018-01-27","DateSSP":null}]',n    ],n]",

Summarizing what was written above, all the details of payments were freely available: the number of the fine resolution, the state license plate of the car, the number of enforcement proceedings when paying in favor of the bailiff service, the first and last digits of bank cards, through which payment gateway the payment was made, full name and address payer email and more.

For one selected day (12.04) there were (records) in the indices:

shtrafov-net    251
paygibdd        3821
gosoplata       20676
oplata-fssp     15277

The Shodan search engine first discovered this server in the public domain on 24.02.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX.

News about information leaks and insiders can always be found on my Telegram channel "Information leaks».


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