Building an Action Plan with AWS Cloud Adoption Framework

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Building an Action Plan with AWS Cloud Adoption Framework

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Building an Action Plan with AWS Cloud Adoption Framework

AWS CAF Action Plans help you prepare for your transition to the cloud technology stack. The journey begins with your leadership team looking at the six aspects of CAF. Each aspect is used to create workflows that find gaps in existing skills and processes, and these are already recorded as input. These inputs are the basis for creating an AWS CAF action plan that will drive change as your organization transitions to the cloud technology stack.

AWS Cloud Adoption Framework - Action Plan Overview

The Action Plan is a key part of the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWSCAF). The process of developing an action plan helps to identify the challenges and challenges brought about by the adoption of cloud technologies. Once created, an action plan will provide your organization with proactive solutions and help you avoid mistakes as you transition to the cloud.

AWS Cloud Adoption Framework and Aspects

Successful transitions to the cloud determine which organizational skills need to be brushed up and which ones to learn. AWS CAF supports and guides your organization by creating an effective cloud adoption plan to close the gaps. It provides guidance on six key areas common to organizations: business, people, governance, platform, security, and operations. Each aspect is organized around specific audiences and roles:

Common Business Aspect Roles: business managers, financial managers, budget managers, strategic stakeholders.

General roles of the personnel aspect: Personnel management, service personnel managers, HR managers.

General Roles of the Control Aspect: Managing director, Heads of directions, Project managers, System architects, business analysts, investment managers.

Common Platform Aspect Roles: Chief Technical Officer, IT managers, Solutions architects.

General Security Aspect Roles: Information security director, information security managers, information security analysts.

General roles of the operational aspect: executive IT managers, IT support managers.

For example, the business dimension helps business managers, finance managers, budgeters, and strategic stakeholders understand how certain aspects of their roles in the organization will change as a result of cloud adoption.

The action plan you create is based on six aspects.

Each aspect of AWS CAF contains capabilities that are owned by one or more functionally involved stakeholders. As each aspect is considered, you begin to determine how stakeholders will improve skills and processes to successfully implement cloud infrastructure. This happens in four steps:

  • Determine who in your organization is critical to the adoption of cloud technologies;
  • Identify issues and problems that may slow down or make it difficult for stakeholders to implement cloud technologies;
  • Identify the skills or processes that need to be improved to address these issues and challenges;
  • Create an action plan to address identified skill or process gaps.

Here is an example of a completed action plan:

Building an Action Plan with AWS Cloud Adoption Framework


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