Data compression with the Huffman algorithm


In this article, I will talk about the well-known Huffman algorithm, as well as its application in data compression.

As a result, we will write a simple archiver. This has already been article on Habré, but without practical implementation. The theoretical material of the current post is taken from school computer science lessons and Robert Laforet's book "Data Structures and Algorithms in Java". So, everything is under the cut!

A little thought

In a regular text file, one character is encoded with 8 bits (ASCII encoding) or 16 (Unicode encoding). Next, we will consider the ASCII encoding. For example, take the string s1 = "SUSIE SAYS IT IS EASYn". In total, there are 22 characters in the line, of course, including spaces and the newline character - 'n'. The file containing this line will weigh 22*8 = 176 bits. The question immediately arises: is it rational to use all 8 bits to encode 1 character? We do not use all ASCII characters. Even if they were, it would be more rational to give the most frequent letter - S - the shortest possible code, and for the rarest letter - T (or U, or 'n') - give the code more authentic. This is the essence of the Huffman algorithm: it is necessary to find the best encoding option, in which the file will have a minimum weight. It is quite normal that different characters will have different code lengths - this is the basis of the algorithm.


Why not give the character 'S' a code, for example, 1 bit long: 0 or 1. Let it be 1. Then the second most occurring character - ' ' (space) - we will give 0. Imagine, you started to decode your message - encoded string s1 - and you see that the code starts with 1. So, what to do: is it the character S, or is it some other character, such as A? Therefore, an important rule arises:

No code must be a prefix of another

This rule is the key to the algorithm. Therefore, the creation of the code begins with a frequency table, which indicates the frequency (number of occurrences) of each symbol:

Data compression with the Huffman algorithm The characters with the most occurrences should be encoded with the fewest possible the number of bits. I will give an example of one of the possible code tables:

Data compression with the Huffman algorithm So the encoded message will look like this:

10 01111 10 110 1111 00 10 010 1110 10 00 110 0110 00 110 10 00 1111 010 10 1110 01110

I separated the code of each character with a space. This will not really happen in a compressed file!
The question arises: how did this rookie come up with a code how to create a code table? This will be discussed below.

Building a Huffman Tree

This is where binary search trees come to the rescue. Don't worry, you won't need the search, insert, and delete methods here. Here is the tree structure in java:

public class Node {
    private int frequence;
    private char letter;
    private Node leftChild;
    private Node rightChild;

class BinaryTree {
    private Node root;

    public BinaryTree() {
        root = new Node();
    public BinaryTree(Node root) {
        this.root = root;

This is not the complete code, the full code will be below.

Here is the algorithm for building a tree:

  1. Create a Node object for each character from the message (line s1). In our case, there will be 9 nodes (Node objects). Each node consists of two data fields: symbol and frequency
  2. Create a Tree object (BinaryTree) for each of the Node nodes. The node becomes the root of the tree.
  3. Insert these trees into the priority queue. The lower the frequency, the higher the priority. Thus, when extracting, the tree with the lowest frequency is always selected.

Next, you need to cyclically do the following:

  1. Retrieve two trees from the priority queue and make them children of a new node (a newly created node without a letter). The frequency of the new node is equal to the sum of the frequencies of the two descendant trees.
  2. For this node, create a tree rooted at this node. Insert this tree back into the priority queue. (Since the tree has a new frequency, it will most likely get into a new place in the queue)
  3. Continue steps 1 and 2 until one tree is left in the queue - the Huffman tree

Consider this algorithm on line s1:

Data compression with the Huffman algorithm

Here the symbol "lf" (linefeed) denotes a new line, "sp" (space) is a space.

What's next?

We got the Huffman tree. OK. And what to do with it? They won't take it for free. And then, you need to trace all possible paths from the root to the leaves of the tree. We agree to label an edge 0 if it leads to the left child and 1 if it leads to the right one. Strictly speaking, in these notations, the character code is the path from the root of the tree to the leaf containing this same character.

Data compression with the Huffman algorithm

Thus, the table of codes turned out. Note that if we consider this table, we can conclude about the "weight" of each character - this is the length of its code. Then, in compressed form, the source file will weigh: 2 * 3 + 2 * 4 + 3 * 3 + 6 * 2 + 1 * 4 + 1 * 5 + 2 * 4 + 4 * 2 + 1 * 5 = 65 bits. At first it weighed 176 bits. Therefore, we reduced it by as much as 176/65 = 2.7 times! But this is a utopia. Such a ratio is unlikely to be obtained. Why? This will be discussed a little later.


Well, perhaps the simplest thing left is decoding. I think many of you have guessed that it is impossible to simply create a compressed file without any hints about how it was encoded - we will not be able to decode it! Yes, yes, it was hard for me to realize this, but I have to create a text file table.txt with a compression table:


Table entry in the form 'character'"character code". Why is 01110 without a symbol? In fact, it is with a symbol, just the java tools that I use when outputting to a file, the newline character - 'n' - is converted to a newline (no matter how stupid it sounds). Therefore, the empty line above is the character for code 01110. For code 00, the character is a space at the beginning of the line. I must say right away that this method of storing the table can claim to be the most irrational for our khan coefficient. But it is easy to understand and implement. I will be happy to hear your recommendations in the comments about optimization.

With this table, it is very easy to decode. Let's remember what rule we were guided by when creating the encoding:

No code must be a prefix of another

This is where it plays a facilitating role. We read bit by bit sequentially, and as soon as the resulting string d, consisting of the read bits, matches the encoding corresponding to the character character, we immediately know that the character character (and only it!) was encoded. Next, we write character to the decode string (the string containing the decoded message), reset the d string, and read the encoded file further.


It's time to humiliate my code by writing an archiver. Let's call it Compressor.

Start over. First of all, we write the Node class:

public class Node {
    private int frequence;//частота
    private char letter;//буква
    private Node leftChild;//левый потомок
    private Node rightChild;//правый потомок


    public Node(char letter, int frequence) { //собственно, конструктор
        this.letter = letter;
        this.frequence = frequence;

    public Node() {}//перегрузка конструтора для безымянных узлов(см. выше в разделе о построении дерева Хаффмана)
    public void addChild(Node newNode) {//добавить потомка
        if (leftChild == null)//если левый пустой=> правый тоже=> добавляем в левый
            leftChild = newNode;
        else {
            if (leftChild.getFrequence() <= newNode.getFrequence()) //в общем, левым потомком
                rightChild = newNode;//станет тот, у кого меньше частота
            else {
                rightChild = leftChild;
                leftChild = newNode;

        frequence += newNode.getFrequence();//итоговая частота

    public Node getLeftChild() {
        return leftChild;

    public Node getRightChild() {
        return rightChild;

    public int getFrequence() {
        return frequence;

    public char getLetter() {
        return letter;

    public boolean isLeaf() {//проверка на лист
        return leftChild == null && rightChild == null;

Now the tree:

class BinaryTree {
    private Node root;

    public BinaryTree() {
        root = new Node();

    public BinaryTree(Node root) {
        this.root = root;

    public int getFrequence() {
        return root.getFrequence();

    public Node getRoot() {
        return root;

Priority queue:

import java.util.ArrayList;//да-да, очередь будет на базе списка

class PriorityQueue {
    private ArrayList<BinaryTree> data;//список очереди
    private int nElems;//кол-во элементов в очереди

    public PriorityQueue() {
        data = new ArrayList<BinaryTree>();
        nElems = 0;

    public void insert(BinaryTree newTree) {//вставка
        if (nElems == 0)
        else {
            for (int i = 0; i < nElems; i++) {
                if (data.get(i).getFrequence() > newTree.getFrequence()) {//если частота вставляемого дерева меньше 
                    data.add(i, newTree);//чем част. текущего, то cдвигаем все деревья на позициях справа на 1 ячейку                   
                    break;//затем ставим новое дерево на позицию текущего
                if (i == nElems - 1) 
        nElems++;//увеличиваем кол-во элементов на 1

    public BinaryTree remove() {//удаление из очереди
        BinaryTree tmp = data.get(0);//копируем удаляемый элемент
        data.remove(0);//собственно, удаляем
        nElems--;//уменьшаем кол-во элементов на 1
        return tmp;//возвращаем удаленный элемент(элемент с наименьшей частотой)

The class that creates the Huffman tree:

public class HuffmanTree {
    private final byte ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE = 127;//длина кодировочной таблицы
    private String myString;//сообщение
    private BinaryTree huffmanTree;//дерево Хаффмана
    private int[] freqArray;//частотная таблица
    private String[] encodingArray;//кодировочная таблица

    public HuffmanTree(String newString) {
        myString = newString;

        freqArray = new int[ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE];

        huffmanTree = getHuffmanTree();

        encodingArray = new String[ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE];
        fillEncodingArray(huffmanTree.getRoot(), "", "");

    //--------------------frequence array------------------------
    private void fillFrequenceArray() {
        for (int i = 0; i < myString.length(); i++) {

    public int[] getFrequenceArray() {
        return freqArray;

    //------------------------huffman tree creation------------------
    private BinaryTree getHuffmanTree() {
        PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue();
        //алгоритм описан выше
        for (int i = 0; i < ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
            if (freqArray[i] != 0) {//если символ существует в строке
                Node newNode = new Node((char) i, freqArray[i]);//то создать для него Node
                BinaryTree newTree = new BinaryTree(newNode);//а для Node создать BinaryTree
                pq.insert(newTree);//вставить в очередь

        while (true) {
            BinaryTree tree1 = pq.remove();//извлечь из очереди первое дерево.

            try {
                BinaryTree tree2 = pq.remove();//извлечь из очереди второе дерево

                Node newNode = new Node();//создать новый Node
                newNode.addChild(tree1.getRoot());//сделать его потомками два извлеченных дерева

                pq.insert(new BinaryTree(newNode);
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {//осталось одно дерево в очереди
                return tree1;

    public BinaryTree getTree() {
        return huffmanTree;

    //-------------------encoding array------------------
    void fillEncodingArray(Node node, String codeBefore, String direction) {//заполнить кодировочную таблицу
        if (node.isLeaf()) {
            encodingArray[(int)node.getLetter()] = codeBefore + direction;
        } else {
            fillEncodingArray(node.getLeftChild(), codeBefore + direction, "0");
            fillEncodingArray(node.getRightChild(), codeBefore + direction, "1");

    String[] getEncodingArray() {
        return encodingArray;

    public void displayEncodingArray() {//для отладки
        fillEncodingArray(huffmanTree.getRoot(), "", "");

        System.out.println("======================Encoding table====================");
        for (int i = 0; i < ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
            if (freqArray[i] != 0) {
                System.out.print((char)i + " ");
    String getOriginalString() {
        return myString;

The class containing which encodes/decodes:

public class HuffmanOperator {
    private final byte ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE = 127;//длина таблицы
    private HuffmanTree mainHuffmanTree;//дерево Хаффмана (используется только для сжатия)
    private String myString;//исходное сообщение
    private int[] freqArray;//частотаная таблица
    private String[] encodingArray;//кодировочная таблица
    private double ratio;//коэффициент сжатия 

    public HuffmanOperator(HuffmanTree MainHuffmanTree) {//for compress
        this.mainHuffmanTree = MainHuffmanTree;

        myString = mainHuffmanTree.getOriginalString();

        encodingArray = mainHuffmanTree.getEncodingArray();

        freqArray = mainHuffmanTree.getFrequenceArray();

    public HuffmanOperator() {}//for extract;

    private String getCompressedString() {
        String compressed = "";
        String intermidiate = "";//промежуточная строка(без добавочных нулей)
        for (int i = 0; i < myString.length(); i++) {
            intermidiate += encodingArray[myString.charAt(i)];
        //Мы не можем писать бит в файл. Поэтому нужно сделать длину сообщения кратной 8=>
        //нужно добавить нули в конец(можно 1, нет разницы)
        byte counter = 0;//количество добавленных в конец нулей (байта в полне хватит: 0<=counter<8<127)
        for (int length = intermidiate.length(), delta = 8 - length % 8; 
        		counter < delta ; counter++) {//delta - количество добавленных нулей
            intermidiate += "0";
        //склеить кол-во добавочных нулей в бинарном предаствлении и промежуточную строку 
        compressed = String.format("%8s", Integer.toBinaryString(counter & 0xff)).replace(" ", "0") + intermidiate;
        //идеализированный коэффициент
        return compressed;
    private void setCompressionRatio() {//посчитать идеализированный коэффициент 
        double sumA = 0, sumB = 0;//A-the original sum
        for (int i = 0; i < ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
            if (freqArray[i] != 0) {
                sumA += 8 * freqArray[i];
                sumB += encodingArray[i].length() * freqArray[i];
        ratio = sumA / sumB;

    public byte[] getBytedMsg() {//final compression
        StringBuilder compressedString = new StringBuilder(getCompressedString());
        byte[] compressedBytes = new byte[compressedString.length() / 8];
        for (int i = 0; i < compressedBytes.length; i++) {
                compressedBytes[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(compressedString.substring(i * 8, (i + 1) * 8), 2);
        return compressedBytes;
    //---------------------------------------end of compression----------------------------------------------------------------
    public String extract(String compressed, String[] newEncodingArray) {
        String decompressed = "";
        String current = "";
        String delta = "";
        encodingArray = newEncodingArray;
        //получить кол-во вставленных нулей
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) 
        	delta += compressed.charAt(i);
        int ADDED_ZEROES = Integer.parseInt(delta, 2);
        for (int i = 8, l = compressed.length() - ADDED_ZEROES; i < l; i++) {
            //i = 8, т.к. первым байтом у нас идет кол-во вставленных нулей
            current += compressed.charAt(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE; j++) {
                if (current.equals(encodingArray[j])) {//если совпало
                    decompressed += (char)j;//то добавляем элемент
                    current = "";//и обнуляем текущую строку

        return decompressed;

    public String getEncodingTable() {
        String enc = "";
    	for (int i = 0; i < encodingArray.length; i++) {
        	if (freqArray[i] != 0) 
        		enc += (char)i + encodingArray[i] + 'n';
    	return enc;

    public double getCompressionRatio() {
        return ratio;

    public void displayEncodingArray() {//для отладки
        System.out.println("======================Encoding table====================");
        for (int i = 0; i < ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
            //if (freqArray[i] != 0) {
                System.out.print((char)i + " ");

A class that facilitates writing to a file:


public class FileOutputHelper implements Closeable {
    private File outputFile;
    private FileOutputStream fileOutputStream;

    public FileOutputHelper(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
        outputFile = file;
        fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);

    public void writeByte(byte msg) throws IOException {

    public void writeBytes(byte[] msg) throws IOException {

    public void writeString(String msg) {
    	try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(outputFile)) {
    	} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    		System.out.println("Неверный путь, или такого файла не существует!");

    public void close() throws IOException {

    public void finalize() throws IOException {

A class that facilitates reading from a file:


public class FileInputHelper implements Closeable {
	private FileInputStream fileInputStream;
	private BufferedReader fileBufferedReader;
	public FileInputHelper(File file) throws IOException {
		fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
		fileBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fileInputStream));
    public byte readByte() throws IOException {
    	int cur =;
    	if (cur == -1)//если закончился файл
    		throw new EOFException();
    	return (byte)cur;
    public String readLine() throws IOException {
    	return fileBufferedReader.readLine();
    public void close() throws IOException{

Well, and the main class:

import java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
	private static final byte ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE = 127;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        try {//указываем инструкцию с помощью аргументов командной строки
            if (args[0].equals("--compress") || args[0].equals("-c"))
            else if ((args[0].equals("--extract") || args[0].equals("-x"))
            		&& (args[2].equals("--table") || args[2].equals("-t"))) {
            	extract(args[1], args[3]);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
            System.out.println("Неверный формат ввода аргументов ");
            System.out.println("Читайте Readme.txt");

	public static void compress(String stringPath) throws IOException {
        List<String> stringList;
        File inputFile = new File(stringPath);
        String s = "";
        File compressedFile, table;
        try {
            stringList = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(inputFile.getAbsolutePath()));
        } catch (NoSuchFileException e) {
            System.out.println("Неверный путь, или такого файла не существует!");
        } catch (MalformedInputException e) {
        	System.out.println("Текущая кодировка файла не поддерживается");

        for (String item : stringList) {
            s += item;
            s += 'n';

        HuffmanOperator operator = new HuffmanOperator(new HuffmanTree(s));

        compressedFile = new File(inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".cpr");
        try (FileOutputHelper fo = new FileOutputHelper(compressedFile)) {
        //create file with encoding table:
        table = new File(inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".table.txt");
        try (FileOutputHelper fo = new FileOutputHelper(table)) {
        System.out.println("Путь к сжатому файлу: " + compressedFile.getAbsolutePath());
        System.out.println("Путь к кодировочной таблице " + table.getAbsolutePath());
        System.out.println("Без таблицы файл будет невозможно извлечь!");
        double idealRatio = Math.round(operator.getCompressionRatio() * 100) / (double) 100;//идеализированный коэффициент
        double realRatio = Math.round((double) inputFile.length() 
        		/ ((double) compressedFile.length() + (double) table.length()) * 100) / (double)100;//настоящий коэффициент
        System.out.println("Идеализированный коэффициент сжатия равен " + idealRatio);
        System.out.println("Коэффициент сжатия с учетом кодировочной таблицы " + realRatio);

    public static void extract(String filePath, String tablePath) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        HuffmanOperator operator = new HuffmanOperator();
        File compressedFile = new File(filePath),
        	 tableFile = new File(tablePath),
        	 extractedFile = new File(filePath + ".xtr");
        String compressed = "";
        String[] encodingArray = new String[ENCODING_TABLE_SIZE];
        //read compressed file
        //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!check here:
        try (FileInputHelper fi = new FileInputHelper(compressedFile)) {
        	byte b;
        	while (true) {
        		b = fi.readByte();//method returns EOFException
        		compressed += String.format("%8s", Integer.toBinaryString(b & 0xff)).replace(" ", "0");
        } catch (EOFException e) {
        //read encoding table:
        try (FileInputHelper fi = new FileInputHelper(tableFile)) {
        	fi.readLine();//skip first empty string
        	encodingArray[(byte)'n'] = fi.readLine();//read code for 'n'
        	while (true) {
        		String s = fi.readLine();
        		if (s == null)
        			throw new EOFException();
        		encodingArray[(byte)s.charAt(0)] = s.substring(1, s.length());        		
        } catch (EOFException ignore) {}
		try (FileOutputHelper fo = new FileOutputHelper(extractedFile)) {
			fo.writeString(operator.extract(compressed, encodingArray));
		System.out.println("Путь к распакованному файлу " + extractedFile.getAbsolutePath());

You will have to write the file with readme.txt instructions yourself 🙂


I guess that's all I wanted to say. If you have something to say about my incompetence of improvements in the code, algorithm, in general, any optimization, then feel free to write. If I have not explained something, please also write. I'd love to hear from you in the comments!


Yes, yes, I'm still here, because I did not forget about the coefficient. For the string s1, the encoding table weighs 48 bytes - much more than the original file, and they didn’t forget about the extra zeros (the number of added zeros is 7) => the compression ratio will be less than one: 176/(65 + 48*8 + 7) = 0.38. If you also noticed this, then just not in the face you are done. Yes, this implementation will be extremely inefficient for small files. But what happens to large files? The file sizes are much larger than the encoding table size. This is where the algorithm works as it should! For example, for Faust's monologue the archiver gives a real (not idealized) coefficient equal to 1.46 - almost one and a half times! And yes, the file was supposed to be in English.


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