Uptime day: April 12, normal flight

Uptime day: April 12, normal flight

“But what can we expect from conferences? All dancers, wine, parties,” the hero of the film “The Day After Tomorrow” joked.
Probably, this doesn’t happen at some conferences (share stories in the comments), but at it-gatherings, usually, instead of wine, beer (at the end), and instead of dancers, “dances” with codes and information systems. 2 years ago, we also fit into this choreography by organizing the Uptime day conference. This April, on Cosmonautics Day, we are holding it for the fourth time - traditionally free of charge and traditionally to the accompaniment of the questions “why do you need this?”
At the spring Uptime day, we will talk about organizing the backup of web projects with a complex distributed architecture - ways to switch from a production environment to a backup one, as well as analyzing various rollback scenarios and switching to a backup site in case of an unsuccessful deployment.
Why do we need this? .. About this under the cut. And about how the Uptime day conference will be useful for you.

ITSumma has participated in 10+ IT-related conferences over the 100+ years of existence. And these are certainly good opportunities for gaining knowledge (search for clients is more about exhibitions). In fact, the meaning of the work of the organizers is to provide a platform where you can get this new knowledge and establish new contacts.

What is the fundamental difference Uptime day from other conferences? — We are not focused on the “speaker-listener” format, but on the dialogue format. With us, all speakers not only answer questions after the report, but are always ready for one-to-one communication on the sidelines at the end of the speech. In fact, you get a kind of personal consultation with experts. And the speakers, as they say, carry their experience, their bumps stuffed in the practical process, to the masses - in general and individually. Receiving feedback and information about the same stuffed cones from the participants. Knowledge exchange. In free mode: there is no entry for money. The main currency is knowledge. And the desire to buy them.

Uptime day: April 12, normal flight

Altruism? (maybe) But that's not the point. My belief is that there should be a platform where any IT specialist can be a full participant in the process, regardless of the current corporate status. And one more of my convictions is that the IT community cannot function productively in a situation of scarce access to real practices.

So what are we talking about? - About the conference, where people come for knowledge, for cases, for an honest dialogue about how we are changing the world. Does it change according to our ideas? - Let's talk about it Uptime day 4.

We devoted the first conference to monitoring high-load sites: as they say, prevention is easier (and cheaper) than cure.
The subject of the second is fatal incidents in infrastructure: who doesn’t love honest stories about fakes?
At the third, they talked about the practice of working with complex infrastructures: they do not live on files alone.
And the fourth topic is reservation. Well, simply because gaps in this area are too costly in 2019: if something falls on you, it's not about which recovery path to choose; on this thought, you have already lost - and lost N thousand rubles and X hundreds (well, if hundreds) of customers. It's about how to make the recovery process as quick, hassle-free, flexible and efficient as possible.

Uptime day: April 12, normal flight

They will tell about their experience:
Mail.ru cloud solutions — topic of the report “How the fault-tolerant web architecture is implemented in Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions”;
Badoo — topic of the report “Nginx + Keepalived: how to reliably send 200k photos per second”;
Qrator — the topic of the report is “Construction and operation of a fault-tolerant
anycast networks";
Bitrix.24 - the topic of the report is “Quickly raised is not considered to be fallen”;
AdminDivision — the topic of the report is “Failover: perfectionism and laziness are ruining us”;
ITSumma - the topic of the report is "Reservation in K8s".

And yes - I take this opportunity to invite you to become participants of the conference Uptime day 4. As one infamous social network says, "it's free and always will be free." But the knowledge of Uptime community members is priceless.

Uptime day: April 12, normal flight

Source: habr.com

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