Installing Debian on Netgear Stora

The other day I got this miracle in my hands: netgear ms 2000-stora. I decided to immediately abandon the use of the embedded OS and install debian on the hard drive.

The information on the net is a little scattered, the links have long since died, so I decided to update the debian installation process on stora. Who cares, welcome under cat.

This was the main source article.

First, we need images to install the system: took here. Download both files. We write these files to the root of the flash drive, which is formatted in fat32.
You will also need a USB to UART PL2303TA converter.

I had this one
Installing Debian on Netgear Stora

You will also need software for connecting to a piece of hardware, such as hyperterminal or putty (it didn’t work out for me with putty: all the time bugs climbed into the terminal, so I used hyperterminal.

To connect a piece of iron with a cable, you must first disassemble it. The process is simple, so I will not describe it. Well, you must not forget to insert a hard disk into the first slot of the store, on which the actual installation will take place.

After parsing the piece of iron, we connect the adapter. Attention, do not connect the red wire, i.e. you only need to connect 3 wires (from the battery: black, green, white).
So, the wire is connected, the drivers are hooked up. In the com port driver, set the parameters: speed 115200, number of bits 8, stop bits 1, no parity. After that, turn on the piece of iron and connect to it in the terminal. When you see the inscription Press any key ... press any key to enter the u-boot bootloader.

A small digression.

The list of commands that we will operate with and which will be useful:
usb reset, ide reset - initialization of usb, ide devices
fatls, ext2ls - view a directory on a fat or ext2 file system.
setenv - set environment variables
saveenv - writing variables to internal memory
reset - reboot the device
printenv - print all variables
printenv NAME - output variable NAME
help - output of all commands

After entering the bootloader, we will set the network parameters, initialize the usb device, check that the flash drive has the necessary files, save these parameters to the device’s memory and reboot:


usb reset
fatls usb 0
setenv mainlineLinux yes
setenv arcNumber 2743
setenv ipaddr your_IP
setenv gatewayip your_GW_IP
setenv dnsip your_DNS_IP

After rebooting, enter the commands to start installing debian:

usb reset
fatload usb 0 0x200000 uImage
fatload usb 0 0x800000 uInitrd
setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200n8 base-installer/initramfs-tools/driver-policy=most
bootm 0x200000 0x800000

After that, the standard debian installation will go in text mode. We install the system, reboot after installation, enter uboot and enter commands to boot the device from the hard drive:

setenv bootcmd_ide 'ide reset; ext2load ide 0 0x200000 /uImage; ext2load ide 0 0x800000 /uInitrd'
setenv bootcmd 'setenv bootargs $(console) root=/dev/sda2; run bootcmd_ide; bootm 0x200000 0x800000'

After the reboot, it boots from the debian hard drive, which is what was originally sought.

PS Restoring the original bootloader:

setenv mainlineLinux=no
setenv arcNumber
setenv bootcmd_ide
setenv bootcmd 'nand read.e 0x800000 0x100000 0x300000; setenv bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_root); bootm 0x800000'


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