Moscow authorities also found themselves without official websites

Moscow authorities also found themselves without official websites

So we got our hands on the websites of regional authorities, otherwise all the federals and the federals - Russia is not rich in Moscow alone! Who is too lazy to read my verbiage further, they can immediately download the report "Websites of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Central Federal District - 2020", but for now I’ll talk about the discovered “sweets”.

To be honest, there are few sweets: everything is not as bad as it seemed, on average, the situation in the Central Federal District hospital is about the same as in the federal authorities: half of the sites do not support HTTPS, the vast majority loads a bunch of counters, "analytics systems" code, widgets, informers and other garbage.

Personally, my favorite part of monitoring is - checking sites for compliance with the concept of "official site of a state body". I remind you that only a site whose domain name is administered by a state body or local government can be considered official. Not subordinate to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise, not the governor as an individual, not a friendly web studio, but only a state body or local government. This is not my opinion, but the requirement of the law and the position of the Prosecutor General's Office, which gives kicks to government agencies that have an alternative view of the problem (although it still does not reach everyone).

So, about delicious: there is such "Official website of the Mayor of Moscow", which contains everything Moscow government, from the websites of Moscow executive authorities to "Moscow public services". And this site - tadam! - not official for a second, because administered by GKU Mosgortelecom.

Yes, a state institution, yes, a public institution, yes, it was established by the Moscow Government, but it is not a state body or even a local government body, and therefore the website is not “the official website of a state body”, period. Consequently, all Moscow executive authorities with sites on also ended up without official sites. Greetings to the popularly beloved DIT and its reports on the billions spent on informatization - the rake turned out to be where they did not expect.

Against this background, it is somehow inconvenient even to write that the governments of the Tver and Tula regions, as well as the Moscow City and Yaroslavl Regional Dumas, also still do not have official websites. However, in Moscow the situation is the most fun - here two branches of power at once - the executive and the legislative - found themselves without official websites.

There is a separate discussion about the judiciary - it wisely collected the websites of regional courts on a single portal GAS "Justice", so there is no need to explore the sites of the court of each subject of the federation separately: they are all unofficial, since the portal is administered by the Federal State Budgetary Institution “IAC for Support of the GAS “Pravosudie” (it is also full of holes like a sieve). Although Moscow went its own way here too - Moscow City Court own website and he - tadam! – official, without fools.

These are the conclusions on the Central Federal District, the results of which were sent to the heroes of the monitoring, and if they do not respond within a reasonable time, we will send them to the prosecutor's office with a request to conduct an explanatory conversation. Ahead of us (and you) are waiting for monitoring sites of the highest authorities of other subjects, and as a result - a summary report across the country.


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