Windows Terminal Preview 1.2 released

Introducing the next update of Windows Terminal Preview, which will appear in Windows Terminal in August. You can download Windows Terminal Preview and Windows Terminal from Microsoft Store or from the releases page on GitHub.

Check it out below for the latest updates!

Windows Terminal Preview 1.2 released

Focus mode

The presented function hides the tabs and the title bar. In this mode, only the contents of the terminal are displayed. To enable focus mode, you can add a key binding for toggleFocusMode in settings.json.

{  "command": "toggleFocusMode", "keys": "shift+f11" }

Windows Terminal Preview 1.2 released

Always on top of all windows

In addition to focus mode, you can make Windows Terminal Preview always appear on top of all windows. This can be done using the global parameter alwaysOnTop or by setting the key binding with the command toggleAlwaysOnTop.

// Global setting
"alwaysOnTop": true

// Key binding
{ "command": "toggleAlwaysOnTop", "keys": "alt+shift+tab" }

New commands

New keybinding commands have been added to improve the interaction with the Terminal.

Set tab color

Now you can set the color of the active tab with the command setTabColor. This command uses the property color, which accepts a color value in hexadecimal, i.e. #rgb or #rrggbb.

{ "command": { "action": "setTabColor", "color": "#ffffff" }, "keys": "ctrl+a" }

Change tab color

Team added openTabColorPicker, which allows you to open the tab color selection menu. If you're more used to using the mouse, you can right-click on the tab as before to access the Color Picker.

{ "command": "openTabColorPicker", "keys": "ctrl+b" }

Renaming a tab

You can rename the active tab with the command renameTab (thank ggadget6!). Again, if you're more used to using the mouse, you can right-click it or double-click a tab to rename it.

{ "command": "renameTab", "keys": "ctrl+c" }

Switch to retro effect

You can now switch to and from the retro effect of the Terminal using keybindings and the command toggleRetroEffect.

{ "command": "toggleRetroEffect", "keys": "ctrl+d" }

Cascadia Code font weight

Cascadia code now supports various styles. You can enable them in Windows Terminal Preview using the option fontWeight. Special thanks to our font designer Aaron Bell (Aaron Bell) for that!

"fontWeight": "light"

Windows Terminal Preview 1.2 released

Command palette update

The command palette is almost complete! We are currently fixing some bugs, but if you are impatient, you can add the command commandPalette to your key bindings and invoke the palette from the keyboard. If you find any errors, please report them to us at GitHub!

{ "command": "commandPalette", "keys": "ctrl+shift+p" }

Windows Terminal Preview 1.2 released

Settings User Interface

Now we are actively working on the interface for Settings. The design can be found below, and the specification here.

Windows Terminal Preview 1.2 released

Windows Terminal Preview 1.2 released


Now you can use nt, spand ft as command line arguments to create a new tab, split a pane, and highlight a specific tab, respectively.

Now, when pasting a large amount of text and/or text on multiple lines, an appropriate warning is displayed. More information about disabling these warnings can be found on the documentation page for global settings (thank greg904!).

In conclusion

For complete information on all the features of Windows Terminal, you can visit our website with documentation. In addition, if you have any questions or want to share your opinion, then feel free to write to Kayla (Kayla, @cinnamon_msft) on Twitter. Also, if you want to make a suggestion to improve the Terminal or report a bug in it, then please contact the Windows Terminal repository for this. GitHub.


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