The first update of Windows Package Manager Preview has been released (v0.1.41821)

Introducing the first update for Windows Package Manager. If you are a member of the program Windows Insider or Package Manager Insider, you should already have the latest updates installed. If you are an insider and you do not have them, then launch the store and check for updates. If you'd rather just download the client, go to the releases page at GitHub. And if you want to receive automatic updates from the store, you can join the program Package Manager Insider.

The first update of Windows Package Manager Preview has been released (v0.1.41821)

What's new

This version of the client lets you create and save your favorite settings, and includes new packages and bug fixes.


The client now has a settings.json file. To open a JSON file in the default editor, just run winget settings. At this point in the file, you can tweak a couple of things to your liking. For example, I have a "rainbow" style for a progress bar. Options such as accent (default) and retro are also available.

The first update of Windows Package Manager Preview has been released (v0.1.41821)

Another setting you might be interested in is "autoUpdateIntervalInMinutes". It allows you to change how often the client checks the list of available packages. This can be especially useful if you have a slow internet connection. The default interval is five minutes.

Note: this does not run in the background, but only happens when commands are executed. You can optionally disable this by setting the value to "0". In this case, you will need to manually check for updates by issuing the source update command.

winget source update

Error correction

We've started fixing issues with "non-us-ASCII characters" and case sensitivity issues. There was also an issue where support for interactive installation was denied, but this has now been resolved.

winget install <foo> -i

Community Heroes

The response to the project has been incredible. A huge number of people have contributed to the discussion and list of available packages, and over 800 packages have been added to the community repository. Special thanks to @philipcraig, @edjroot, @bnt0, @danielchalmers, @superusercode, @doppelc, @sachinjoseph, @ivan-kulikov-dev, @chausner, @jsoref, @DurableMicron, @olifant1990, @MarcusP-P, @himejisyana ΠΈ @dyl10s.

What will happen next

Feature Toggle

We needed a way to release experimental features without causing problems for you. Working with parameters was the first step, allowing you to test in practice that the behavior of the client will be within the expected range, but at the same time you will be able to test new features.

Microsoft Store

Our initial support will likely be limited to free apps rated "E" (for everyone). This will be the first feature toggle release so you can get a feel for what it's like to test experimental features. We'll start with the basics and add more over time.

Key Functions

One of the ways in which we determine what should be implemented next is by filtering the proposals we know on GitHub by β€œ+1” (the icon with the image of a raised thumb). Because of this, we see high demand for topics such as Update, Uninstall, and List of Available Applications, as well as support for installing .zip files, store apps, and standalone apps (like adding an .exe to your path) . Built-in PowerShell support is also high on this list.

Microsoft Community Package Repository

Our bot is hard at work trying to approve more packages. He's not as smart as we'd like, but he's learning. We just taught it to provide more correct error messages for different situations. It will now report you a hash mismatch or an error related to the ability to access the installer file. We will continue to develop our bot as our goal is to make it easy to add your packages.

Be sure to check out the customer offers at GitHub and put a "+1" on any features you really want to see.


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