xtables-addons: filter packages by country

xtables-addons: filter packages by country
The task of blocking traffic from certain countries seems simple, but first impressions are deceiving. Today we will show you how this can be done.


The results of a Google search on this topic are disappointing: most of the solutions have long been “rotten” and sometimes it seems that this topic has been shelved and forgotten about forever. We have gone through a lot of old records and are ready to share the modern version of the instructions.

We recommend that you read the entire article before executing these commands.

Operating system preparation

Filtering will be configured using the utility iptables, which requires an extension to work with GeoIP data. This extension can be found in xtables-addons. xtables-addons installs iptables extensions as standalone kernel modules, so you don't need to recompile the OS kernel.

At the time of this writing, the current version of xtables-addons is 3.9. However, only 20.04 can be found in the default Ubuntu 3.8 LTS repositories, while 18.04 can be found in the Ubuntu 3.0 repositories. You can install the extension from the package manager with the following command:

apt install xtables-addons-common libtext-csv-xs-perl

Note that there are small but important differences between version 3.9 and the current state of the project, which we will discuss later. To build from source, install all the necessary packages:

apt install git build-essential autoconf make libtool iptables-dev libxtables-dev pkg-config libnet-cidr-lite-perl libtext-csv-xs-perl

Clone the repository:

git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/xtables-addons/xtables-addons xtables-addons-xtables-addons

cd xtables-addons-xtables-addons

xtables-addons contains many extensions, but we are only interested in xt_geoip. If you do not want to drag unnecessary extensions into the system, you can exclude them from the assembly. To do this, you need to edit the file mconfig. For all desired modules put y, and mark all unnecessary n. We collect:




And install with superuser rights:

make install

During the installation of kernel modules, an error similar to the following may occur:

INSTALL /root/xtables-addons-xtables-addons/extensions/xt_geoip.ko
At main.c:160:
- SSL error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory: ../crypto/bio/bss_file.c:72
- SSL error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file: ../crypto/bio/bss_file.c:79
sign-file: certs/signing_key.pem: No such file or directory

This situation arises due to the impossibility of signing kernel modules, because nothing to sign. You can solve this problem with a couple of commands:

cd /lib/modules/(uname -r)/build/certs

cat <<EOF > x509.genkey

[ req ]
default_bits = 4096
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
prompt = no
string_mask = utf8only
x509_extensions = myexts

[ req_distinguished_name ]
CN = Modules

[ myexts ]

openssl req -new -nodes -utf8 -sha512 -days 36500 -batch -x509 -config x509.genkey -outform DER -out signing_key.x509 -keyout signing_key.pem

A compiled kernel module is installed, but the system does not detect it. Let's ask the system to create a dependency map given the new module, and then load it:

depmod -a

modprobe xt_geoip

Make sure xt_geoip is loaded into the system:

# lsmod | grep xt_geoip
xt_geoip               16384  0
x_tables               40960  2 xt_geoip,ip_tables

Additionally, make sure that the extension is loaded into iptables:

# cat /proc/net/ip_tables_matches 

Everything suits us and it remains only to add the name of the module to / etc / modulesto make the module work after rebooting the OS. From now on, iptables understands geoip commands, but it doesn't have enough data to work with. Let's start loading the geoip database.

Getting the GeoIP database

Create a directory that will store information understandable to the iptables extension:

mkdir /usr/share/xt_geoip

At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that there are differences between the source code version and the package manager version. The most notable difference is the change in database provider and script xt_geoip_dl, which downloads the actual data.

Package manager version

The script is located along the /usr/lib/xtables-addons path, however, when you try to run it, you can see a not very informative error:

# ./xt_geoip_dl 
unzip:  cannot find or open GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip, GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip.zip or GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip.ZIP.

Previously used as a database product GeoLite, now known as GeoLite Legacy, distributed under license Creative Commons ASA 4.0 company MaxMind. With this product, two events happened at once that “broke” compatibility with the iptables extension.

First, in January 2018 announced the on the termination of product support, and on January 2019, 2, all links to download the old version of the database were removed from the official website. New users are encouraged to use the GeoLite2 product or its paid GeoIPXNUMX version.

Secondly, from December 2019 MaxMind said about a significant change in access to their databases. In order to comply with the California Consumer Protection Law, MaxMind has decided to "cover" the distribution of GeoLite2 with registration.

Since we want to use their product, we will register on this page.

xtables-addons: filter packages by country
You will then receive an email asking you to set a password. Now that we have an account, we need to create a license key. In the personal account we find the item My License Keysand then click on the button Generate new License Key.

When creating a key, we will be asked only one question: will we use this key in the GeoIP Update program? We answer in the negative and press the button Confirm. The key will be displayed in a pop-up window. Save this key in a safe place, because after closing the pop-up window, you will no longer be able to see the full key.

xtables-addons: filter packages by country
We have the ability to download GeoLite2 bases manually, but their format is not compatible with the format expected by the xt_geoip_build script. This is where GeoLite2xtables scripts come to the rescue. For the scripts to work, install the NetAddr::IP perl module:

wget https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/M/MI/MIKER/NetAddr-IP-4.079.tar.gz

tar xvf NetAddr-IP-4.079.tar.gz

cd NetAddr-IP-4.079

perl Makefile.PL


make install

Next, we clone the repository with scripts and write the previously obtained license key to the file:

git clone https://github.com/mschmitt/GeoLite2xtables.git

cd GeoLite2xtables

echo YOUR_LICENSE_KEY=’123ertyui123' > geolite2.license

Let's run the scripts:

# Скачиваем данные GeoLite2
# Скачиваем информацию о странах (для соответствия коду)
# Конвертируем GeoLite2 базу в формат GeoLite Legacy 
cat /tmp/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv{4,6}.csv |
./20_convert_geolite2 /tmp/CountryInfo.txt > /usr/share/xt_geoip/dbip-country-lite.csv

MaxMind imposes a limit of 2000 downloads per day and, with a large number of servers, offers to cache the update on a proxy server.

Note that the output file must be named dbip-country-lite.csv. Unfortunately, 20_convert_geolite2 produces not an ideal file. Script xt_geoip_build expects three columns:

  • the beginning of the address range;
  • end of address range;
  • country code in iso-3166-alpha2.

And the output file contains six columns:

  • start of address range (string representation);
  • end of address range (string representation);
  • beginning of the address range (numeric representation);
  • end of address range (numeric representation);
  • country code;
  • the name of the country.

This discrepancy is critical and can be corrected in one of two ways:

  1. reign 20_convert_geolite2;
  2. reign xt_geoip_build.

In the first case, we reduce printf to the desired format, and in the second - change the assignment of the variable $ cc on $row->[4]. After that, you can build:

/usr/lib/xtables-addons/xt_geoip_build -S /usr/share/xt_geoip/ -D /usr/share/xt_geoip

. . .
 2239 IPv4 ranges for ZA
  348 IPv6 ranges for ZA
   56 IPv4 ranges for ZM
   12 IPv6 ranges for ZM
   56 IPv4 ranges for ZW
   15 IPv6 ranges for ZW

Note that the author GeoLite2xtables does not consider his scripts ready for production and offers follow behind the development of original xt_geoip_* scripts. Therefore, let's move on to the build from source, in which these scripts have already been updated.

Source version

When installing from source codes, scripts xt_geoip_* located in the directory /usr/local/libexec/xtables-addons. This version of the script uses a database IP to Country Lite. The license is the Creative Commons Attribution License, and from the available data, the very necessary three columns. Downloading and building the database:

cd /usr/share/xt_geoip/



After these steps, iptables is ready to go.

Using geoip in iptables

Module xt_geoip adds just two keys:

geoip match options:
[!] --src-cc, --source-country country[,country...]
	Match packet coming from (one of) the specified country(ies)
[!] --dst-cc, --destination-country country[,country...]
	Match packet going to (one of) the specified country(ies)

NOTE: The country is inputed by its ISO3166 code.

The way rules are generated for iptables is generally the same. To use keys from additional modules, you must explicitly specify the name of the module with the -m switch. For example, a rule to block incoming TCP connections on non-US port 443 on all interfaces:

iptables -I INPUT ! -i lo -p tcp --dport 443 -m geoip ! --src-cc US -j DROP

Files created by xt_geoip_build are used only when creating rules, but are not taken into account when filtering. Thus, to correctly update the geoip database, you must first update the iv* files, and then recreate all the rules that use geoip in iptables.


Packet filtering based on country affiliation is a somewhat forgotten strategy. Despite this, software tools for such filtering are being developed and, perhaps, a new version of xt_geoip with a new geoip data provider will soon appear in package managers, which will greatly simplify the life of system administrators.

xtables-addons: filter packages by country

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Have you ever used country filtering?

  • 59,1%Yes13

  • 40,9%No9

22 users voted. 3 users abstained.

Source: habr.com

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