Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conference

In 2009, Patrick "Godfather of DevOps" Debois, along with the word DevOps, launched the DevOpsDays movement, which carries the true spirit of DevOps. Today, DevOpsDays is an international movement that brings together thousands of DevOps professionals around the world. In 2019, there were already 90 (!) DevOpsDays conferences in different countries.

On December 7, DevOpsDays will be held in Moscow. DevOpsDays Moscow is a community conference organized by the DevOps community so that community members can meet in person and discuss their concerns. Therefore, in addition to reports, we will devote a lot of time to chamber formats and activities that encourage acquaintances and conversations.

We have collected six reasons why you should come to our conference.

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conference

The conference is hosted by the DevOps community

Each DevOpsDays organizes a local community that is interested in driving, not in making millions. It was local communities that made 90 DevOpsDays conferences around the world in 2019. And since the first conference in Ghent in 2009, more than 300 conferences have already been held in different cities.

In Russia, DevOpsDays is made by a cool team. You probably know many of these guys personally: Dmitry Zaitsev (flocktory.com), Alexander Titov (Express 42), Artem Kalichkin (Faktura.ru), Azat Khadiev (Mail.ru Cloud Solutions), Timur Batyrshin (Provectus), Valeria Piliya (Deutsche bank), Vitaly Rybnikov (Tinkoff.ru), Denis Ivanov (talenttech.ru), Anton Strukov (Yandex), Sergey Malyutin (Lifestreet media), Mikhail Leonov (Kodix), Alexander Akilin (Aquiva Labs), Vitaly Khabarov ( Express 42), Andrey Levkin (one of the DevOps Moscow organizers).

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conferenceMikhail Leonov, one of the organizers of DevOpsDays Moscow:
I believe that DevOpsDays is not just a conference. It is organized by ordinary people, engineers, for the same people. They come up with a convenient format, focusing on the listener: both convenient organization of reports and convenient formats for parties, which is often lacking at such events. The program committee is also formed from engineers who can adequately assess the relevance and usefulness of the reports. Those. people make this conf for themselves. And this is what makes DevOpsDays useful and convenient.

DevOpsDays Moscow program

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conferenceSergey Puzyrev, Facebook
Who is a Facebook Production Engineer
Production Engineer on Facebook Sergey Puzyrev will tell you how they work in general, how the process of working with the development team works, what tools they use and what kind of automation they create and support.

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conference Alexander Chistyakov, vdsina.ru
How we went to the mountains and fell. How I fell in love with the industry
Evangelist of the company vdsina.ru Alexander Chistyakov will talk about his personal experience, which led him to understand (to some extent) how the human brain works. He will also introduce listeners to techniques that allow him to survive in the frantic pace of the metropolis.

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conference Baruch Sadogursky
Patterns and Antipatterns of Continuous Updates in DevOps Practice
Baruch Sadogursky is a Developer Advocate at JFrog and co-author of Liquid Software. In the report, Baruch will talk about real fails that occur daily and everywhere when updating software, and show how all kinds of DevOps patterns will help to avoid them.

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conference Pavel Selivanov, Southbridge
Kubernetes versus reality

Pavel Selivanov, Southbridge architect and one of the main speakers at Slurm courses, will tell you how you can build DevOps in your company using Kubernetes and why, most likely, nothing will work out.

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conference Roman Boyko
How to build an application without creating any server
Solutions Architect at AWS Roman Boyko will talk about approaches to building serverless applications on AWS: how to locally develop and debug AWS Lambda functions using AWS SAM, deploy them with AWS CDK, monitor on AWS CloudWatch, and automate the entire process using AWS Code.

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conference Mikhail Chinkov, AMBOSS
We are all DevOps

Mikhail is an Infrastructure Engineer at AMBOSS (Berlin), a DevOps culture evangelist and a member of the Hangops_ru community. Misha will give a talk “We are all DevOps”, explaining why it is important to focus not only on the way the newest stack is deployed, but also on the cultural aspect of DevOps.

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conference Rodion Nagornov, Kaspersky Lab
IT knowledge management: what does DevOps and habits have to do with it?
Rodion will tell you why it is important to work with knowledge in a company of any size, why habits are the main enemy of knowledge management, why it is so difficult to start knowledge management “from below” and sometimes “from above”, how knowledge management affects time-to-market and security business. In addition, Rodion will give a number of small tools that you can start implementing right tomorrow in your teams and companies.

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conference Andrey Shorin, DevOps and organizational structure consultant
Will DevOps survive in the digital age?
Things began to change right in the hands. Smartphones first. Now electric cars. Andrey Shorin will look into the future and reflect on where DevOps will come in the era of digitalization. How do I know if my profession has a future? Is there a future in your current job? Maybe DevOps can help here too.

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conferenceIgor Tsupko, Flant
Workshop “Technological onboarding: immersing an engineer in our wonderful world”

No matter how hard we try to make the infrastructure so that everything is transparent and understandable, each newcomer has to explain a whole bunch of technologies and practices. Plus, technology and practices are constantly evolving. Igor will tell how they deal with this, how they teach new engineers how to do things in a team, and how, ultimately, to reduce the time of technological onboarding.

Focus on communication

DevOpsDays is a meeting place for members of the DevOps community. Communication and networking is the main reason why we are doing this conference. We want community members to get to know each other, communicate, discuss their problems and projects, because this is how new ideas and solutions appear.

In addition to reports and a workshop, we will have open spaces, reports in the Lightning Talks format, a quiz and an afterparty.

Open spaces are a special format of communication where participants come together and discuss topics of interest to them. Everyone will be able to announce the topic from the stage, and members of the program committee will participate in the discussions.

Reports in the Lightning Talks format are small reports for 10-15 minutes, starting points for further discussion of these topics.

At DevOpsDays Moscow there will be several such reports:

・Digital product, Vitaly Khabarov (Express 42)
・State of DevOps 2019, Igor Kurochkin (Express 42)
・Database Lab by Anatoly Stansler (Postgres.ai)
・Stop using crond, Dmitry Nagovitsin (Yandex)
・Using Helm to the fullest, Kirill Kuznetsov (EvilMartians)

After the presentation, in the same place, in Technopolis, there will be an after-party with tables and beer. Be sure to stay to chat informally with speakers and colleagues.

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conference Valeria Piliya, one of the organizers of DevOpsDays Moscow:
It seems to me that DevOpsDays is very human. Ideally, this is a meeting of like-minded people who need to speak out or be with those who understand their nuances. Somewhere it is about raising the general local professional level, somewhere about the community. Therefore, we have reports with a specific look and message, and open spaces take half a day.

International regulations

DevOpsDays is an international non-profit conference with an international org. committee and common rules for all conferences.

According to these rules, DevOpsDays has no ads, no hunting, and we don't give out participants' mail to anyone. This conference is not for advertisers, but for people and the solution of their requests.

Ticket price

According to the same rules, the price of a ticket should be such that any member of the community can afford to buy it, regardless of whether the employing company pays for it or not. Therefore, the ticket price for DevOpsDays Moscow is only 7000 rubles. And she won't go up.

Why go to DevOpsDays? And why this isn't another DevOps conference Anton Strukov, Member of the DevOpsDays Moscow Program Committee:
DevOpsDays is cool in that you come here not for hard skills, but more for soft skills. Everyone has different stacks, different tools, but here you can find something that suits you. Here you come to communicate without badges by position, “ask me anything” with any person. How to make practices for yourself, and how others do, and why we took X technology, but it didn’t really help, how to find your way in the field of “all software is broken” and deliver features on time without burning out. That's what DevOpsDays is for me.

Freedom to choose topics

We want people to develop, not just the functions they perform. Therefore, we do not have reports on how to configure Jenkins for some task at work. But we will have presentations about understanding what we do, how what we do affects the business, and what DevOps is.

This conference is needed, first of all, to discuss your pains and problems, and not the tools and wishes of employers. Therefore, the conference will discuss any topics that are of interest to you now: whether it is professional tools and practices or earnings growth and self-development.

The conference will be held on Saturday, December 7, at Technopolis (metro station Tekstilshchiki).
Program and registration conference website.

This is the last big meeting of the DevOps community this year. Come meet, communicate, listen to smart people and discuss what is happening in the DevOps world. We are waiting for you at DevOpsDays Moscow!

Thanks to our sponsors who make this conference possible: Mail.ru Cloud Solutions, Rosbank, X5 Retail Group, Deutsche Bank Group, DataLine, Avito Tech, Express 42.

Source: habr.com

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