What is hosting and domain name? Benefits of hosting with Prohoster

Do you want to create your own website? And not just an information store, but an online store, but you don’t even know where to start? Basic is not only the choice of platform and other issues with the creation of the site, but also with its placement.
Many beginners have not heard of such a thing as hosting and a domain name. So what is it?

Domain name and hosting - the main concepts

Domain name and hosting are related concepts. Hosting is the place where the site is physically located.
The domain name, in turn, is the address of the site that will be entered by the user during the call. At the same time, the domain address includes at least 2 parts - the 1st and 2nd level domain.
Of course, someone will think that the resource can be placed on your computer, but will it be easy? After all, you need to know a lot, and moreover, the speed of work and the level of protection will be very poor.
And then a lot of people ask themselves, where to find hosting on the best terms? To have not only an adequate cost, but also the highest quality of service?
It is advisable to order html site hosting with real experts in their field - a professional company Prohoster.

Why is it beneficial for the site owner?

  • First, it is a permanent technical support. If something goes wrong, there will be problems accessing the site - you can always contact a specialist who will help you find an effective solution.
  • Secondly, site maintenance by company specialists. They will update, solve various problems related to hosting.
  • Thirdly, the adequate cost of website hosting. You do not want to spend a lot of money by deciding to open a small Internet resource with little traffic? Prohoster offers an excellent solution to this problem - free website hosting. If your needs increase, for example, you may want to maintain a large resource with a high number of visitors - then we provide you with a more profitable paid hosting.
  • Fourth, ease of operation. Even for those who have never dealt with hosting in their lives, it will be very clear. This is possible thanks to the use of ISP Panel - its convenient graphical and understandable interface for any user.
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  • Fifth, a high level of protection. Many beginners are not even aware that hackers can β€œattack” a site, destabilize its operation, or even seriously disrupt it. Having ordered hosting from a professional company Prohoster, you will no longer worry about the security problem, as we use our own protection. Moreover, no viruses - trojans, shells and others - will be terrible for the site.

In any case, the specialized company Prohoster offers website owners best accommodation solution!

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