Why buy a VDS server or a trend for cheap VDS server hosting, which is more expensive to miss

Buy VDS server or virtual hosting will still go? Or you can go straight to
dedicated? They think about buying and maintaining their own servers
only very large companies. The rest rent servers, this "real estate"
the Internet.


There are three rental options - virtual hosting rental, VDS server rental and
lease of a dedicated server. Depending on the scale and type of Internet resource or
purposes for personal use, preference should be given to buying a VDS server
or another option.

Hosting VDS servers (VPS) for the user has almost all the benefits
dedicated server. For example, independence. Choosing virtual hosting, speed
the operation of the site and other technical parameters will depend on the activity of other
users who also bought virtual hosting.

VDS server rental also guarantees the owner stable performance, on
which is not affected in any way by neighboring VDS servers. This means that you
you can be confident in the hardware of your resource and predict
work and development of the project. And that means more and more stable earnings on their

Why it is worth buying a VDS server or 5 advantages of VDS over a virtual one

  • Unlimited number of databases, sites, e-mail users, domain zones and
  • Owner VDS server hosting has features similar to using
    dedicated server: installing applications, changing the operating system,
    work with files;
  • Having a personal IP address;
  • Ability to use DDoS protection technologies;
  • "Neighboring" servers located on the hardware do not affect each other's work.

For objectivity, it is worth adding that VDS server rental costs several
more expensive than regular hosting. However, it is insignificant, especially when compared with
renting a dedicated server. Also, additional opportunities and freedoms require
more responsible attitude and attention from the one who bought VDS server.

Cheap VDS servers is a great alternative to dedicated servers when your project
has already outgrown conventional hosting and requires large resources, has become more demanding on
security. But renting a dedicated server would be a clear overkill. Also often
buy VDS server is the best option for closed corporate projects,
which are very sensitive to data privacy.

Additionally, VDS server rental fast and efficient way to test benefits
from a dedicated server. Check how much you really win if you switch to
dedicated server. After all VDS server hostingin many ways comparable to rent
Dedicadet-server, as we found out.

Outgrown shared hosting and do not want to lose customers, money due to
limitations of regular hosting? Explore our offer lease VDS server, for sure, no one has offered you such an offer yet.

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