Heading: Site builder

Create a landing page for free - myth or reality?

To create any web page, people are used to using the services of professionals, paying huge amounts of money for the work of programmers and designers, and then increasing their monthly expenses for maintenance and improvement of the landing page itself. This not only reduces profits due to increased costs, but also forces you to resort to the services of unnecessary agencies or hire additional specialists on the staff. […]

ProHoster is the best free online website builder

Interested in - which free website builders are the best? The best free website builder in Russian - ProHoster If an Internet user wants to make an Internet project for himself, then he is always looking for where it can be done for free. This is exactly the opportunity that the best free designer in Russian - ProHoster - gives. Our online website builder has a friendly interface in Russian, which […]

How to create a one-page website with your own hands?

In order to create a one-page site today - to use the services of programmers and designers, to pay them a lot of money for this - it is not at all necessary. Free one-page website builder is a service for quick creation and comfortable administration of one-page websites. No special programming or design skills are required - everything is ready to start working for you! […]

What do you need to create a landing page?

Creating a landing page today is a matter of 3 minutes, for which you do not need to attract additional resources and use the services of web designers and programmers. In addition, there is no need to increase your monthly expenses to maintain and protect your landing page. Free Landing Page Builder is a modern service for quick creation and easy administration, which can be done from any […]

Do you want to create a website on the constructor and get a domain for free?

A unique offer from the free website builder ProHoster - your own website in 5 minutes with free hosting and domain Many people are now thinking about creating their own project. Your web page will undoubtedly be useful to everyone who is engaged in entrepreneurship or simply who wants to make themselves known to the world. Many famous people and businessmen have their own websites. For the successful development of […]

Website builder - what is it and what does it “eat” with?

Free website builder is a service for simple and convenient website creation and easy administration. It does not require programming or design skills. You can manage your site through a regular Internet browser from absolutely any device: tablet, smartphone, PC, regardless of the operating system. This means that you will be able to control and change [...]

Landing page builder - how does it work?

Landing is a modern one-pager that shows all the benefits of a product or service placed on its open spaces. This is a page aimed specifically at selling, so its content is very important, the conversion directly depends on it (the ratio of the number of targeted actions to the number of page visits * by 100%). Therefore, the better the landing page is made, the higher the conversion rate. It is very important that each element […]

Create a website for a group, business, class in Prohoster

What person doesn't want to create a website for free? Yes, believe me, there are enough of them, because they consider themselves smarter than everyone else, they believe that by giving money, they will be able to make a super-mega-cool site that will fully meet their requirements. But no, because now the Internet offers just a huge number of companies that develop sites that work in bad faith. And you know […]

Create any site yourself in Prohoster!

Imagine that we have lived to see a time when a teacher has his own website, where he indicates his features, advantages and price for services! A teacher is a person who gives knowledge to other people, children. But let's not talk about it, because now we are interested in another question - how to "advance" it? At the same time, many schools require the development of […]

Free site for educator

Kindergarten is a well-known and beloved by many place, which was visited by you a huge number of times. Someone in this place met their love for the first time, someone received their first injuries, someone met and is still friends. But that's not the point. Every kindergarten has a teacher. This employee is responsible for taking care of the children, taking care of them […]

How to create the best website on the Internet yourself?

Why do Russian people associate "free" in many ways with low quality? If something is offered for free, without additional payment, then it is almost always, in our opinion, not of high quality? We will not answer this question, we will just say that for many, "free" means to try, test, learn something or on something. And so many beginners […]

Is it possible to create a website in 5 minutes? Yes!

Do you consider the following development of the event to be serious - you create a website in just 5 minutes? What do you think? Of course, yes, because the modern world has a huge amount of modern tools that allow you to do this at the highest level. And at the same time, you can create a website for free yourself in 5 minutes. But how? If we drop the words “on our own” and “free of charge”, […]