Short Scholarship Programs for Programming Students (GSoC, SOCIS, Outreachy)

Starts a new round of programs aimed at involving students in open-source development. Here are some of them: β€” a program from Google that gives students the opportunity to participate in the development of open-source projects under the guidance of mentors (3 months, a scholarship of 3000 USD for students from the CIS). The money is paid out to Payoneer.
An interesting feature of the program is that students themselves can propose projects to organizations.
This year, Russian organizations, for example, embox, are also participating in the Google Summer Of Code. - a program similar to the previous one, but the emphasis is on the space direction. Students work 3 months on projects related to space and receive 4000 EUR. - a program for women and other minorities in IT, allowing them to join the open-source developer community. They pay 5500 USD for about three months of work on the project. There are also projects in the field of design; allow not only students, but also the unemployed to work. Money is paid on paypal.


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