Sway 1.7 custom environment release using Wayland

The release of the Sway 1.7 composite manager has been published, built using the Wayland protocol and fully compatible with the i3 tiled window manager and the i3bar panel. The project code is written in C and distributed under the MIT license. The project is intended for use on Linux and FreeBSD.

Compatibility with i3 is provided at the level of commands, configuration files and IPC, which allows Sway to be used as a transparent replacement for i3, using Wayland instead of X11. Sway allows you to place windows on the screen not spatially, but logically. Windows are laid out in a grid that makes optimal use of screen space and allows you to quickly manipulate windows using only the keyboard.

To set up a complete user environment, related components are offered: swayidle (background process with the implementation of the KDE idle protocol), swaylock (screen saver), mako (notification manager), grim (creating screenshots), slurp (selecting an area on the screen), wf-recorder ( video capture), waybar (application bar), virtboard (on-screen keyboard), wl-clipboard (clipboard management), wallutils (desktop wallpaper management).

Sway is developed as a modular project built on top of the wlroots library, which contains all the basic primitives for organizing the work of the composite manager. Wlroots includes backends for abstracting screen access, input devices, rendering without directly accessing OpenGL, interfacing with KMS/DRM, libinput, Wayland, and X11 (a layer is provided to run X11 applications based on Xwayland). In addition to Sway, the wlroots library is actively used in other projects, including Librem5 and Cage. In addition to C/C++, bindings have been developed for Scheme, Common Lisp, Go, Haskell, OCaml, Python, and Rust.

In the new release:

  • Provided the ability to move tabs with the mouse.
  • Added support for output to virtual reality helmets.
  • Added "output render_bit_depth" command to enable high color depth compositing mode for output.
  • Improved reliability and performance of full-screen window output (using dmabuf provides direct output without additional buffering).
  • The xdg-activation-v1 protocol is enabled, which allows you to transfer focus between different surfaces of the first level (for example, using xdg-activation, one application can switch focus to another).
  • Added client.focused_tab_title option to set active tab color.
  • Added "output modeline" command to set custom DRM (Direct Rendering Manager) mode.
  • Added "output dpms toggle" command to simplify screen blanking from scripts. Also added commands "gaps toggle ”, β€œsmart_gaps inverse_outer” and β€œsplit none”.
  • Removed "--my-next-gpu-wont-be-nvidia" option, instead use "--unsupported-gpu" mode. NVIDIA proprietary drivers are still not supported.
  • The terminal emulator defined in the default settings has been replaced with foot.
  • Provided the ability to disable the swaybar and swaynag dialogs during build.
  • It is forbidden to dynamically change the height of the window title depending on the characters in the title text, the title now always has a fixed height.

Sway 1.7 custom environment release using Wayland

Source: opennet.ru

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