Release of Lazarus 2.2.0, development environment for FreePascal

After three years of development, the release of the integrated development environment Lazarus 2.2, based on the FreePascal compiler and performing tasks similar to Delphi, has been published. The environment is designed to work with the release of the FreePascal 3.2.2 compiler. Ready-made installation packages with Lazarus are prepared for Linux, macOS and Windows.

Among the changes in the new release:

  • The Qt5 widgetset has full support for OpenGL.
  • Added buttons for minimizing docked panels. Improved HighDPI support. Added panel modes based on multiline tabs ("Multiline Tabs") and non-overlapping windows ("Floating windows on top").
  • Includes a new Spotter add-on for finding IDE commands.
  • Added DockedFormEditor package with new form editor replacing Sparta_DockedFormEditor.
  • Improved Jedi code formatting and added support for much of the modern Object Pascal syntax.
  • Added support for anonymous functions to Codetools.
  • An optional start page has been implemented, on which you can select the type of project to be created.
  • Improved interfaces for inspecting objects and projects.
  • Shortcuts have been added to the code editor for replacing, duplicating, copying, and moving lines and selections.
  • The extensions for the main shared translation files (templates) have been changed from .po to .pot. For example, the file has been left unchanged, and lazaruside.po has been renamed to lazaruside.pot, which will make it easier for editors to process PO files as a template for starting new translations.
  • The LazDebugger-FP (FpDebug) 1.0 debugger is now enabled by default for new installations on Windows and Linux.
  • Freetype font rendering components moved to a separate package "components/freetype/freetypelaz.lpk"
  • The PasWStr component has been removed due to the presence of code built only in older versions of FreePascal.
  • Optimized registration of internal components and their binding to widgets via TLCLComponent.NewInstance call.
  • Updated libQt5Pas library and improved support for Qt5 based widgets. Added widget QLCLOpenGLWidget providing full OpenGL support.
  • Improved form sizing accuracy on X11, Windows, and macOS systems.
  • Enhanced or changed behavior of TAChart, TSpinEditEx, TFloatSpinEditEx, TLazIntfImage, TValueListEditor, TShellTreeView, TMaskEdit, TGroupBox, TRadioGroup, TCheckGroup, TFrame, TListBox and TShellListView components.
  • Added calls to temporarily change the cursor BeginTempCursor / EndTempCursor, BeginWaitCursor / EndWaitCursor and BeginScreenCursor / EndScreenCursor, which can be used without directly setting the cursor via Screen.Cursor.
  • Added a mechanism to disable processing of mask sets (stop interpreting '[' as the beginning of a set in a mask), activated via the moDisableSets setting. For example, "MatchesMask('[x]','[x]',[moDisableSets])" will return True in the new mode.

Release of Lazarus 2.2.0, development environment for FreePascal
Release of Lazarus 2.2.0, development environment for FreePascal


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