1000 frames / s, a reserve for the future and scalability: id Software praised the DOOM Eternal engine

DOOM Eternal engine lead programmer Billy Kahn spoke in an interview with IGN about how id Software adapted the technology at the heart of the hotly anticipated shooter to modern and future hardware.

1000 frames / s, a reserve for the future and scalability: id Software praised the DOOM Eternal engine

According to Kahn, with the proper computer power DOOM (id Tech 6) of the 2016 model it was possible to overclock “only” up to 250 fps, while the DOOM Eternal engine (id Tech 7) allows you to achieve 1000 fps.

“There’s really no upper limit [to id Tech 7]. On our configuration, assembled solely for testing, some scenes ran at 400 fps,” shared Kahn.

Among other things, in id Tech 7 the developers have improved the particle system (Kahn promises “bigger explosions”) and CPU optimization. The game will adapt to the existing hardware - “from very old to the newest and not even released yet.”

This scalability makes it easier for id Software to adapt DOOM Eternal to different platforms. For example, for Nintendo Switch: version for hybrid console already “stunning”.

“On the next generation of consoles, id Tech 7 will work extremely well. We have plans that will very, very please and impress the players, but I won’t reveal our cards ahead of time, so stay tuned for the news,” Kahn urged.

DOOM Eternal will be released on March 20 on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Google Stadia cloud service, and will appear on Nintendo Switch later. Earlier about improvements to the game engine already told its executive producer is Marty Stratton.

In addition, at the PAX East 2020 festival, Bethesda held another Bethesda Game Days event, during which it showed about an hour of gameplay from the Battlemode mode from DOOM Eternal.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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