9 years Mojolicious! Holiday release 8.28 with async/await!

Mojolicious is a modern web framework written in Perl. Mojo is a sister project to develop a set of tools for the framework. Modules of the Mojo::* family are widely used in third-party projects.

Example code:

use Mojo::Base -strict, -async;

async sub hello_p {
return 'Hello Mojo!';

hello_p()->then(sub { say @_ })->wait;

More examples in documentation.

Perlfoundation previously highlighted grant for module development Future::AsyncAwait. Some time later, the main developer of Mojolicious (Sebastian Riedel) reportedthat work is underway to implement async/await.

Also added experimental support for the all_settled method for Mojo::Promise.

Source: linux.org.ru

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