Alpine Linux 3.11 with KDE and Gnome support

Alpine Linux is a unique distribution focused on lightweight and security. It uses musl instead of glibc and busybox instead of coreutils and a number of other packages. Programs in Alpine are built using Stack Smashing Protection.


  • initial integration of KDE and Gnome desktop environments;
  • support for Raspberry Pi 4 (aarch64 and armv7);
  • switching to linux-lts (version 5.4) instead of linux-vanilla (when upgrading, you will need to replace the package);
  • support for Vulkan, MinGW-w64 and DXVK;
  • Rust is available on all architectures except s390x,
  • Python 2 has been deprecated and all packages will be removed in the next release.
  • packages now use the path /var/mail instead of /var/spool/mail;
  • package clamav-libunrar moved out of clamav hard dependencies;
  • package versions updated.


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