AMA with Habr, #14: minus reform and closing of TMFeed

Well, friends, are you already eating tangerines and getting a little annoyed with the New Year's surroundings everywhere? We, too. This means that the very end of November has come - the time for the next virtual meeting of users and Habr employees. This time, just like outside the window, the whole thing is in the red.

AMA with Habr, #14: minus reform and closing of TMFeed

A lot of work has been done under the hood this month, but something has changed on the outside. In short:

1. Minus

We rarely make changes to the mechanisms of karma and minus - usually everything was limited by coefficients and thresholds. At the same time, they recognized that these mechanisms were not ideal and therefore were always open to suggestions for their improvement. 

First, the ability to vote for a post from the feed has disappeared. We studied the voting from the feed and came to the conclusion that it is often used for other purposes: either to downvote (for example, competitors) or to upvote friendly posts. 

Fans of conspiracy theories will think that in this way we decided to increase the number of views (it is), but we still were guided by a different logic (but this is inaccurate): in order to rate an article, you must first open and read it. After all, no one judges a book by its cover, right? So here too. 

Secondly, we “complicated” the downvote by adding the need to indicate the reason for the downvote (anonymously). This is what you yourself have suggested to us more than once, this is what we have been thinking about doing for a long time, but somehow our hands did not reach. Voted on the reasons for the downvote (on Habré и on VK), excluded from the results those who cannot vote for posts (for more accurate statistics) and formulated a dozen reasons - all of them appear when you click on the “↓” arrow next to the post. According to our plan, this should a) reduce the number of minuses and b) add an "educational effect" for the authors of the publication - so that he understands why he is given minuses.

AMA with Habr, #14: minus reform and closing of TMFeed
Clicking on the rating (by the author of the post) will show information about the minuses and help to take into account errors in the future:

AMA with Habr, #14: minus reform and closing of TMFeed
Just let's not downvote anyone for the sake of testing a feature! Testing on sales is dangerous for conscience 🙂

2. Become an author

The historical "Sandbox" has not changed its essence, but it has changed its name - now the link in the site header is called "Become an Author". This section is needed only for beginners (who want to register) and ordinary users, judging by the analytics, almost never looked into it - so we had complete freedom of action there. Now there is a text about what and how to write, as well as information that we are always ready to help new authors.

Take a look.  

3. Closing TMFeed

Within a month, we began to receive complaints that TMFeed was working “somehow wrong” - sometimes “skeletons” appeared instead of records. We studied the problem and decided that it was easier to close the service than to fix it - after all, it was, in fact, a laying service for aggregating all posts from Habr and Giktimes. And after the merging of projects, the need for it disappeared and the new mobile version completely replaces it. 

AMA with Habr, #14: minus reform and closing of TMFeed

Eh, no worries.

4. Guests and Polls

Previously, poll results were not shown to guests, but now they are. And at the same time there was an offer to log in. And all this in a desktop and mobile version, in Russian and English.

5. Better comments

We redesigned the back and front comments in the mobile version so that they work faster - loading new ones, minimizing, moderation.  

6. Dialogues in the mobile version

In the last release, we announced dialogs in the mobile version of Habr, and by today we have fixed all the bugs found in them (including the display of short dialogs).

7. Customization for Windows XP Users

And we already have 1.43% of them. Corrected the work of Habr in Chrome 49 - the latest version that works on XP. 

8. Bumburum got a cat 🙂

AMA with Habr, #14: minus reform and closing of TMFeed

Call to action: 


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