AMA with Habr v.8.0. Onboarding, news for everyone, PWA

April is the month of subbotniks. Our team also held a virtual subbotnik and put things in order with some questions on Habré - which means we have a portion of news for you again. Today we are holding another question and answer session (AMA). Users of Habr and the Habr team can chat on business and without. If someone forgot to look at the calendar, today is the last Friday of April, which means it's time: you - ask questions and write proposals, we - just have time to answer them and replenish the endless backlog.

AMA with Habr v.8.0. Onboarding, news for everyone, PWA

You can ask any questions without address, write a “question to the designer” or contact a specific employee:

baragol - Chief Editor
boomburum - Head of the User Relations Department
buxley - Technical Director
daleralaliyorov - manager of "Habr"
illo - Art Director
karaboz - chief for "My circle"
nomad_77 — chief for "Toaster"
to - System Administrator
salenda — main for "Freelance"
soboleva - head of customer service

Traditionally, in AMA posts, we talk about what we have done during the month. This time the changelog looks like this.

List of changes

1. Onboarding

Our survey showed that it can be difficult for beginners to get used to the site - for example, they do not know what type of account they have, what they can do with it, what kind of karma is such as how to set up a feed, etc. It's hard to imagine what it's like for English-speaking users.

AMA with Habr v.8.0. Onboarding, news for everyone, PWA

Therefore, we made a small onboarding, which should help solve this problem. In addition to the compressed educational program part, it allows you to subscribe to collections of hubs - for example, front-end hubs, telecom topics, administration, etc.

AMA with Habr v.8.0. Onboarding, news for everyone, PWA

If you are not a beginner, but also want to go onboarding and subscribe to hub collections, then here you are link (note that the current tape settings will be overwritten).

2. News

News section we Launched a month ago and temporarily this type of publication was available only to editorial staff. From now on, news can be published by all owners of full accounts. Click "Write" in the upper right corner → select the type of publication "News" → write the most important in essence. The form for creating a post is the same as for regular publications, just "News" will be in another section - no one will swear there if the record is short or will be supplemented. The only thing, before publishing, it is desirable to check if the news has already been published on Habré before.

AMA with Habr v.8.0. Onboarding, news for everyone, PWA
We also cleaned up the news block a little, added counters of new comments to it. The very best news will be included in the mail digest with publications (you can subscribe here):

AMA with Habr v.8.0. Onboarding, news for everyone, PWA
Also, every week they began to make a news report - for those who have very little time. Example.

3. Sandbox

The changes are more administrative, to make it more convenient to work with the sandbox. But for beginners, a little comfort has been added. Now the publication sent for moderation (to the sandbox) will be visible in the user profile, and the moderator's comment (if the material needs to be finalized) will be visible on the publication page (previously it was displayed on the edit page).

What it looks likeAMA with Habr v.8.0. Onboarding, news for everyone, PWA
By the way, are you interested in reading about how the sandbox works?

4. Table scrolling

Large tables have long been a problem in Habré (and beyond). Very few people can solve this problem, few people can do it: either everything will be very small, or everything will disperse, or scrolls appear, or an image is inserted. Each option has its pros and cons. But we thought about it and decided that the best option for us is to make tables with a scroll so that they can be viewed in full size on any of the devices. Therefore, wide tables now scroll. If someone faced such a problem in old publications, then just re-save them.

Table example

Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column
Characterization Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Another one No No No

5. Plans for PWA

This news will appeal to those who still use the Habr mobile application (which we have stopped supporting for a number of reasons). We decided to make PWA, for which we prepared all the necessary infrastructure for the mobile version.

Soon there will be a beta version of the new architecture of the mobile version, after which we will throw all our efforts into creating the best pwa ever.

One more thing ...

We are thinking about one thing here, but so far at the concept level 🙂

AMA with Habr v.8.0. Onboarding, news for everyone, PWA

Have a good weekend!


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