Amazon Publishes Finch Linux Container Toolkit

Amazon has introduced Finch, an open source toolkit for building, publishing, and running Linux containers. The toolkit features a very simple installation process and the use of standard out-of-the-box components for working with containers in the OCI (Open Container Initiative) format. The Finch code is written in Go and distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.

The project is still at an early stage of development and includes only basic functionality - Amazon decided not to complete the development behind closed doors and, in order not to keep waiting for the final product to be ready, published the initial version code, believing that this could attract interested participants and allow the development process to take into account what was said representatives of the community opinions and ideas. The main goal of the project is to simplify the work with Linux containers on non-Linux host systems. The first release only supports running Linux containers in a macOS environment, but there are plans to provide variants of Finch for Linux and Windows in the future.

To build the command line interface in Finch, nerdctl is used, which provides a Docker-compatible set of commands for building, running, publishing and loading containers (build, run, push, pull, etc.), as well as additional optional features such as mode work without root, encryption of images, distribution of images in P2P mode using IPFS and certification of images with a digital signature. Containerd is used as a runtime for managing containers. The BuildKit toolkit is used to build images in the OCI format, and Lima is used to run Linux virtual machines, configure file sharing and network port forwarding.

Finch bundles nerdctl, containerd, BuildKit and Lima into one and allows you to get started right away, without having to understand and configure all these components separately (if there are no problems with running containers on Linux systems, then creating an environment for running Linux containers on Windows and macOS is not a trivial task). To work, we offer our own finch utility, which hides behind a unified interface the details of working with each component included in the composition. To get started, just install the provided package, which includes everything you need, after which you can immediately create and run containers.


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