AMD: Twisted telemetry does not threaten the durability of Ryzen processors

Some time ago, enthusiasts were detectedthat some brands of motherboards deliberately underestimate the power consumption of AMD Ryzen processors in order to achieve more aggressive frequency and performance boosts. This discovery sparked a discussion about the possible negative impact of such distortions on the durability of processors. AMD believes there is nothing to be afraid of.

AMD: Twisted telemetry does not threaten the durability of Ryzen processors

Site representatives Tom's Hardware managed to get the first comments from AMD employees on this issue. First of all, the company is familiar with a series of publications on this topic, now it is actively studying all the nuances and checking the information for accuracy. Secondly, she feels the need to remind customers that modern Ryzen processors are equipped with a sufficient number of protective mechanisms that work independently of data received from external sources - in this case, from motherboards. In normal operating modes, these functions reliably protect the processor from possible damage.

Initial analysis of the situation allows AMD to state that the distortion of telemetry data within the limits specified by third-party sources cannot have a significant negative impact on the durability of Ryzen processors and the safety of their operation. For this reason, owners of motherboards affected by this scandal do not need to worry too much about the "health" of processors when they are used in normal modes. Damage caused by manually overclocking processors is not covered by AMD's warranty.


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