AMD Expands FidelityFX Suite with Four Image Enhancement Technologies

AMD announced last year that its Contrast Adaptive Sharpening technology will be the first in the FidelityFX open-source technology suite. Today, she announced the addition of four more technologies to this package.

AMD Expands FidelityFX Suite with Four Image Enhancement Technologies

The technology with the name SSSR (Stochastic Screen Space Reflections, speaking for Russian-speaking users) is AMD's implementation of the well-known screen space reflection technique. This effect allows you to create realistic looking reflections based solely on information already present in the rendered image.

The next technology is called CACAO - Combined Adaptive Compute Ambient Occlusion, which translates as combined adaptive computational occlusion of the environment. That is, this technology is responsible for the global illumination of the scene. It is based on the Intel Adaptive Screen Space Ambient Occlusion technology, to which the AMD team has added optimizations and a number of changes. In particular, the developer is free to decide whether to run CACAO on the CPU or GPU. Data transformations when creating this effect have also been simplified. Finally, the ability to increase the sampling rate has been added to improve the quality of lighting on high-performance graphics cards.

AMD Expands FidelityFX Suite with Four Image Enhancement Technologies

LPM (Luminance Preserving Mapper) is a wide gamut or high dynamic range (HDR) tone mapping processing method. This technology makes it quick and easy to add high dynamic range or a wide range of tones to your game.

Finally, SPD (Single Pass Downsampler) is a single pass downsampler that can generate up to 12 MIPmap levels in a single compute shader pass. This prevents the graphics pipeline from stalling when moving the buffer to a lower resolution or generating MIPmap chains.

More information about the FidelityFX family of technologies is available on a dedicated website. AMD GPU Open.


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