Ardor 6.4

Ardor 6.4

New version released Ardor - a free digital recording station.

The main innovation was the support for the VST3 plug-in API in all operating systems where the program runs. Additionally supported extensions from PreSonus. They allow you to pass information to the plugin about UI scaling on high-density screens, embed a miniature version of the plugin's UI into the host, and so on.

Also among the changes:

  • accelerated rendering of all available MIDI automation channels at once;
  • accelerated export - both general and per file per track (stem);
  • export of session meta tags to WAV and AIFF;
  • many other improvements and fixes.

At the same time, large-scale work in the nutempo2 branch is nearing completion. In this git branch, the code is rewritten based on the superclock concept. Refactoring will avoid errors when working with MIDI and audio data associated with rounding numbers. Before 7.0 is released with these changes, there may be one or two more versions in the 6.x series.
