RAR 5.80 archiver

The release of the proprietary archiver RAR version 5.80 has taken place. List of changes in the console version:

  1. You can save the last access time of archived files using the -tsp switch on the command line. It is allowed to combine it with other -ts switches, for example: rar a -tsc -tsp archive files
    Multiple modifiers can be combined in the same -ts switch.
    For example, you can use -tscap instead of -tsc -tsa -tsp.
  2. The -agf<default_format> switch on the command line sets the standard format string for the -ag switch. It has practical meaning only when placed in the rar.ini configuration file or in the RAR environment variable.
    For example, if you set the RAR environment variable to -agfYYYY-MMM-DD, then specifying the -ag switch without a parameter will imply the YYYY-MMM-DD format string.
  3. The -ed and -e+d switches can be used in archive processing commands for any combination of RAR and operating systems on which the archive was created.
    Previous versions of RAR for Windows could not use them for RAR archives created on UNIX, and RAR for UNIX for RAR archives created on Windows.
  4. Similar to RAR5 volumes, RAR4 recovery volumes use the same volume number field width as their corresponding RAR volumes. If earlier, when using the RAR4 format, arc.part01.rar and arc.part1.rev volumes were created, now the part of the name with the number will be “part01” for volumes of both types.
  5. The "Find Files" command and its equivalent on the command line is "i":
    • if the “Use all tables” option is selected or the “i” command has the “t” modifier, then in addition to the already supported ANSI, OEM and UTF-16 encodings, the archiver will search for the specified string in files with UTF-8 encoding;
    • increased speed, especially when searching without regard to case of letters;
    • the output of a hex search includes both text and hex representations of what was found.
  6. Bugs fixed:
    • the previous version of RAR could not unpack folder entries from archives created with RAR 1.50.

Also updated unpacker open source UnRAR up to version 5.8.5.

Source: linux.org.ru

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